Monday, October 14, 2024

Phoenix Rebirth:

Been trolling a lot lately, below are some of the example:

Rogue going around PK

Crussty is looking for her

Spank her

Fifty Shades of Crussty 

NPC for Upgrade 
Same for Self Pleasure, Right Hand
Some call it Ex Sin
Original Sin will be Antonio and Angelina 

Halloween is coming 
I am already celebrating it
My wife wear mask before sleep
Try out the new Phoenix Server today, don't really like it much. It is like a hybrid of Sanctuary and Aphelion, and after complete the Newbie Quest there are nothing much to be done other than Expedition. The stuffs they give also not impressive, and most of the good improvement from Aphelion are not implement.
It is like putting Aphelion Soul into Sanctuary Body, the look and feel is like Sanctuary while some of the concepts are from Aphelion. I get 1.5K of Cash for voting for Aphelion but only get 100 Cash for Phoenix, I get about 25 Cash per hour when I log on to Aphelion but I only get 5 Cash on Phoenix. There are Auto Ignition, Auto Pick Up, Premium Buffs, but there are no Auto Laca, Instant Moonstone, Offline Merchant.

It give +15 Set at different level instead of +20, and it only give Emblem and no Accessory. The only good thing is that there are Raid Boss at the 4 Basic Maps which drop Rare Accessory, so I might consider this as a replacement for Official Server. But I will have to make a few Raid Boss Hunters lock at different level to ensure they drop, it will be a repeated task as I already have the same setup on Official Server.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Semi Retirement:


Server is almost dead after recent update which cause a lot of players to encounter issue with Microsoft Visual C++, those who manage to log in also encounter a lot of lag and disconnection. Initially I can still do some pet leveling in the afternoon, but it became worst and I can't even log in for few minutes to complete my attendance without getting disconnection.

They are going to start Halloween Event next week, not sure if they are going to do a make Mooncake Event after the Halloween or completely skip it this year. From the way they run the events, we can see that they do not put in enough effort to plan it properly. Most of the time they just run events according to what the players wanted, it is not a bad thing but it will surely backfire on long run.


The similar issue of constant disconnection had make me wonder more if this server is secretly related to the official server, even if the official server start to copy some ideas from this server it could not have the same server issues at the exact same period. I had been trying hard to complete my daily and then spend the rest of the day doing Immortal Boss.

Haven't seen Weed log on for more than a week, Speedy and Anaq have also switch to another private server named Sanctuary. I had try it out for a day but don't really like it as it is very similar to Reboot private server, so I will wait for the new Phoenix private server to launch and try it out.

Hopefully the new Phoenix private server will be better, or the Aphelion private server situation will start to improve after the launch of Phoenix private server. Rose Mary had join this server, I let her join my guild and give her the Newbie Package. As expected she is not really serious about this server and only play for a while and decided to go back to official server.

If there are really no improvement on the official and private servers, I might be thinking of quitting both completely and go back to Final Fantasy. There had been a lot of rumors about the Admin going to abandon the server when news leak out about him starting another server, although he had clarify it many times that the rumors are not true but his neglect about the server had seem to prove otherwise.

There are a lot of issues not resolve and a lot of tickets not attend to, a lot of unhappiness among the players and the situation just getting worst days by days. A lot of them had say that it was greed to make more money that had made him decide to run more and more private server, and he already unable to cope with the management of just 1 or 2 servers.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Nightmare Before Christmas:


Fall Event had started, more Boosters. The price of Boosters had drop to 10% of the usual price, a lot of players are crying over the fact that they are unable to sell their stuffs even when they lower the price. They are going to reduce the price of Golden Magnifying Glass from 1M to 500K, guess some smart ass spend all the gold on it just to get good seal as AGR are cheap.

From the look of it, the economy is not going to recover for another few months. To make thing even worst is that some players claimed that there are only about 6 active players, so they will either have to do a gold balance or merge the server to save the economy.


Halloween Event had started, this time they Nerf the event with only 3 quests. To make thing worst, the new phoenix anti cheat system is causing a lot of log in issue for a lot of players. The worst thing that happen with this patch is the Nerf for HP and Damage just to cater for PVP players, now all the PVE players are having a hard time killing mobs.

I had try killing mob on the Halloween Map and found that I can't even do it with full buff, since the rewards for the event are not as good as last year I will just give it a pass. The server had been going down hill since they Nerf the AOE Pets, the amount of players drop from 600 to about 300 during the recent DDOS attack.

The new patch for 220 level cap is a joke which seem to change private server toward official, and the official server seem to go the other way round to become more like private server. Overall official server seem to improve more with better events, if private server is not going to restore back to the glory of the time before they Nerf the AOE Pets they will be dead in no time.

I also realized that all my P2 Pets are gone, not sure if it was due to the recent server crash or new patch. The previous ticket I raise for missing P2 Pets for my pet merchant had not been resolved and was closed for no reason. It just keep adding on to the issues and a lot of players are not very happy about it. I guess it is just Karma, when a lot of players are not happy and start to curse the server it will came true when there are enough curse.

So it is still a wiser choice to make the players happy if they want the server to survive long, they should start giving players the freedom of choice instead of keep adding more and more restriction which make the game harder. If players had to spend so much time trying to level, farm for stuffs or complete quest, they might as well stop playing and do something better.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dark Age:



Situation had become worst, a lot of players are trying to sell their stuffs cheap but nobody buy. A lot of them thought they are the few who buy Fawkes Gems and thought they could make a good profit off the Loyalty Rewards, but to their surprise there are a lot more players doing the same as them. So it become a price war and a lot of stuffs start to devalue to about 30% of their usual price, the situation will get even worst as the Loyalty Rewards continue.

It is not really a bad thing as those players who play for free actually benefit from the cheap premium stuffs, the publisher also earn a good profit from the Fawkes Gems sales. The only idiots become those who brought Fawkes Gems for the Loyalty Rewards, and there are some who even spend it all in a month instead of spreading it over 3 months to maximize its benefit. They thought the 185 Jump Box would make it easy for them, but they never expect the Level 25 Jewels can only be use for Level 186 or higher gears.

There are a lot of new players joining who can't even survive on their own, they keep asking for help in their leveling while a lot of old players thought it had already become easy with the new patch which give all the stuffs they need. A lot of old players also become less active mainly because of server lag or IP Block, they had also become less helpful toward the new players.

Game had also become boring without good events, it had gone back to the void period with Iris Element Events as filler. There are so many Jewel and Upgrade Event until the whole market are flooded with +30 gears with value below 5B or less, and those who are unable to sell their stuffs to get gold for the events cannot afford to buy or upgrade their gear until now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Book of Mountain and Sea


 Recently I am not really impress with the new pets in game, then I happen to came across the video of the creatures in Book of Mountain and Sea. Last time most of the video are using ancient drawing, but now with the new AI technology they have become more impressive. The link for the video are as follows:

There are 3 videos which list the 100 creatures which spread over 5 locations of 15 in South, 36 in West, 20 in North, 15 in East and 14 in Central. It is the most accurate record of the geographic of the ancient wold, it is not just restricted within the China territories as a lot of scholars who had study it in details actually found similar stuffs in other continents.

As it is not just about creatures as it cover the landscape surrounding and a lot of plants which grow around the different region. The main reason I decided to study it is because I found some of the creatures appear in my dream which is related to The Awakening. It is like the Archive which is related to reincarnation of human soul, so my dream could have been a era in ancient time which is already history.

Anyway the are saying of us living in the 5th Era and there are 4 other civilization which had already been destroy with the most recent one cause by flood. So seem like the surrounding are not so much similar to my present time, it could very likely be memory from the Archive.

My dream is about wars between 3 continents, one with Robot and another which control creatures. The one I am in is the one which had advance technology and we are trying to attack the Robot continent before the Creatures came to attack. We manage to escape through an underground tunnel and found ourselves back on the highway bridge which link all the 3 continents.

This blog could serve as an inspiration for game developer to improve their collection of pets or it could also become a completely new concept which is similar to Pokemon for taming of creatures to fight. But in either case I had notice some similar changes on one of the game server and the only game I had found on the phone is using devour to level up and gain new abilities.


Sheng Sheng. A White Monkey which is known for Speed due to Wind Element. It is very similar to Yeti or Big Foot.

Lu Shu. A White Horse with Red Tail which is known to bring Prosperity. It look very similar to Zebra.

 Xuan Gui. A Giant Tortoise with Bird Head and Snake Tail which is known for Healing due to Water Element. It is the original Xuan Wu which guard the north together with the Wind Dragon in the East, Fire Phoenix in the South and Earth Tiger in the West. There are also tales of Metal Kirin in the Central but not very popular in other culture like Korea and Japan, the more popular tales are of the Nine Tail Fox.

 Lu. A Serpent with Ox Head which is known for Skincare. It is similar to Manatee according to the description and it could be the original Qing Tian Niu Mang which is told in a lot of Chinese Mythology.

Lei. A Wild Cat that look like Lnyx which is known for its ability to remove Jealousy. It is known to be Hermaphrodite which means it contain both sex in one body and is able to reproduce by its own.

 Jiu Wei Hu. Nine Tail Fox which is known to be the Grand Master of all Demons. It is known to be able to ward off Evil Spirits because of that and it is common in both Japan and Korea Mythology too. It is known to be one of the 5 Deities which is together with the Weasel, Porcupine, Snake and Rat. They will gain one tail with every 100 years of training and 9 tails is known to have survive 900 years. Some legends say it can turn into human when it gain 6 tails and become immortal when they gain 9 tails, while some legends say it need to eat 100 human hearts over a period of 1000 years before it can turn into human.

Chi Ru. Red Carp Fish that look like Japanese Koi Fish known to be very tasty and able to cure sickness. 

Li Li. A Armadillo looking creatures which is known to appear in area which suffer structure damage. As an Ant Eater it might be confuse for eating Termite.

Chang You. A 4 Ears Monkey known for bring Flood. It is the original 6 Ears Monkey which is known to be the Evil Twin of the Monkey King Wukong. The 6 Ears Monkey is a conspiracy which say it become a replacement for Monkey King Wukong after its death halfway during the Journey to the West or before its birth for another 500 years due to a screw up in Heaven Records.

Gu Diao. A Giant Condor which is similar to Garuda or Griffin which is known as a Man Eater. While Garuda is known to be related to the Thunder Element, this bird is known to be related to the Water Element.

Qu Ru. A Crane like bird with 3 legs.

Hu Jiao. A Serpent like creature with Fish Head and Snake Tail known to be able to cure piles. Look like Eel from the description but it is related to Dragon with Water Element.

Feng Huang. A Phoenix like bird known for its Fire Element and ability to bring Peace. It is known for its Rebirth ability and Feng is the Male version while Huang is the Female version. It is use to represent Empress as Dragon is use to represent Emperor.

Zhuan Yu. A Carp like fish with Pig Head known to bring Drought.

Yong. An Owl like bird with 4 eyes known to bring Drought.


Qian Yang. A Goat or Antelope like creature with horse tail know for Skincare.

Wu Qu. A Chicken like bird with Black Feather and Red Claw known for Skincare.

Fei Yi. A Flying Serpent with 4 wings and 6 legs known to bring Drought. It is similar to Quetzalcoatl in the Mayan Mythology.

Hao Zhi. A White Hamster or Guinea Pig with Black Stripe.

Xiao. A Monkey with Long Arms known for its ability Throw.

 Tuo. An Owl with one legs known for the ability to avoid Lighting.

Xi Bian. Wolf known for its ability to ward off Evil. Look like Ookami of the Japanese Mythology.

Jue Ru. A Deer with White Tail.

Lei. A Magpie looking bird Red and Black Feather with 2 heads and 4 legs known for its ability to avoid Fire.

Luan Niao. A Phoenix like bird known to bring Peace.

Fu Xi. A Chicken like bird known to bring War.

Zhu Yan. A Monkey which look like Yeti or Big Foot with White Fur and Red Feet known to bring War.

Ju Fu. A Monkey with Leopard Tail known for its ability to Throw.

Man Man. A Mandarin Duck with one wing and one eye known to bring Flood. It is the original Bi Yi Niao and Yuan Yang which always in pair.

Wen Yao Yu. Flying Fish with White Scale and Red Lip known to bring Harvest. Walk in West Ocean and Swim in East Ocean and Fly at Night. Sweet and Sour Taste.

Ying Zhao. A Flying Tiger known for its ability to control weather.

Lu Wu. A Tiger with 9 Tails known for its ability to control weather.

Tu Lou. Ram with 4 Horns known to be Man Eater.

Qing Yuan. A Humming Bird known to bring Death.

Chang Cheng. Half Serpent.

Xi Wang Mu. Leopard Girl known to bring Disaster.

 Jiao. A Kirin known to bring Harvest.

Sheng Yu. Red Chicken known to bring Flood.

Zheng. Leopard with a Horn and 5 Tails.

 Bi Fang. A Peacock known to have the ability to breath Fire.

Tian Guo. A Lynx or Dog which cause Eclipse.

 Di Jiang. Brama with 6 Limps and 4 Wings which is known for Creation.


Lu Shou. Tiger Warrior with Twin Dragon.

Huan. Lynx with one Eye and 3 Tails known to cure Jaundice.

Qi Tu. Crow with 3 Heads and 6 Tails known to ward off Evil.

Dang Hu. Chicken known to cure Blinking.

Ran Yi Yu. A Fish with Snake Head and 6 Legs known to cure Bad Dream. From the description should be Lobster.

Bo. Unicorn with White Body and Black Tail known for its ability to Protect.

 Qiong Qi. Flying Tiger known to be Man Eater.

Ying Yu. Flying Fish known to bring Flood.

Shu Hu. Pegasus.



He Lou Yu. Octopus with 10 Tentacles known to cure Swollen.

Meng Huai. Coyote known to ward off Evil.

Xi Xi Yu. A Fish with 10 Wings which look like Lion Fish known for its ability to avoid Fire Element and cure Jaundice.

Yu Niao. Flying Fox known for its ability to Protect.

Meng Ji. White Leopard known for its Stealth.

You Yan. A Laughing Monkey.

Zhu Zhi. Baboon.

Zhu Jian. Leopard with one Eye and Horn.

Bai Ye. White Bird with Yellow Claw known to cure Sore Throat.

Ya Yu. Red Bison known to be Man Eater.

Zhu Huai. Bison with 4 Horns known to be Man Eater.

Yi Yu. Dog Fish known to cure Rabies.

Pao Xiao or Tao Tie. Ram known to be Man Eater.

Xiao. Owl with one Eye known to cure Stomach Aches.

Ren Yu. Axolotl known to cure Dementia.

Jue Ju. Bald Eagle known to cure Dementia.

Ling Hu. Bison known to cure Rabies.

Suan Yu. Flying Serpent with 6 Eyes and 4 Wings known to cause Fear.

Jing Wei. Colorful Bird known for trying to fill East Ocean with Twig and Stone. It is the Daughter of Yan Di name Nu Wa which drown in East Ocean.


Peng She. Red Head White Body Serpent known to cause Drought.



Zheng Yu. Long Nose Gar or Marlin.

Tong Tong. Wild Boar which drop Pearls.

Ling Ling. Tiger with Horn or Bison known to bring Flood.

Zhu Bie Yu. Oyster like Fish which give Pearls.

Qiu Yu. Armadillo known to appear in area with Structure Problems.


Zhu Nuo. Fox with Fish Fins known to cause Fear.

Li Hu. Pelican.

Bi Bi. Flying Fox known to bring Drought.

Long Zhi, Fox with 9 Tails known to be Man Eater.

You You. Goat with 4 Horns and Ox Tail known to attract Cunning Politician.

Jie Guo. Bird with Rat Tail known to bring Pandemic.

Yuan Hu. Moose.

Dang Kang. Wild Boar known to bring Harvest.

He Yu. Wild Boar with Yellow Skin and Red Tail known to bring Flood.

Fei. Bison with one Eye and Snake Tail known to bring Death.




Fei Fei, Lynx with White Tail known to cure Depression.

Ming She. Flying Serpent with 4 Wings known to bring Drought.

Hua She. Flying Serpent known to bring Flood.

Ma Hu. Tiger with Horse Body or Horse with Tiger Stripe known to be Man Eater. Description look like Zebra.

Fu Zhu. White Deer with 4 Horns known to bring Flood.

Wu Lou. Leopard Girl.

Tai Feng. Tiger known to be able to control Weather.

Jiao Chong. Two Head and 6 or 8 Arms known to be able to control Insect.

Ji Meng. Dragon known to be able to control Rain.

Qi Zhong. An Owl like Bird with Tail known to bring Pandemic.

Yong He. Monkey know to bring Fear.

Ling. Tiger with Scale known to cure Stroke.

Wen Ling. Yellow Wild Boar with White Head and Tail known to bring Typhoon because of its relatio to Wind Element.

Shen Yu Er. Half Serpent known for Light.