Thursday, May 18, 2023

Systematic Approach:



Manage to Level Up from Level 168 to 185 in 5 days, manage to get Peacock Wing which boost Pet XP. Never knew can equip 5 Rune, always thought Rune will take the Accessories Slot. My Combat Power is about 500 with +28 Gear, it increase to about 700 after I did Reforge. Now with 5 Rune equip it went up to about 1000.

Manage to level 6 P2 Pet for sale in just 2 days, spend the remaining time trying to level my P1 Pet from Level 80 to Level 130. It only take a few hours to get it to Level 80, but it take a few days to get it to Level 130. With the Peacock Wing which give 471% Pet XP, it reduce the time require by half. Now I just need to get a Rune which boost Pet XP, also need to get Level 185 Weapon and Armour Set.


Manage to get my Windy Toon to Level 50 and become Merchant, using the 120 Jump Box it became Level 120 instantly. The Level 120 Weapon and Armour Set had very good seals, the only problem is cannot be trade or store. I continue to level the Healer who I plan to use for Holy Bless, will level the Mage I plan to use for Haste after I level the Healer to Level 50 to get Merchant and use the 120 Jump Box.

Not sure if I should use the remaining 2 more 120 Jump Box or sell it for some gold to buy +30 Weapon. If I am going to use it, it will be the two Phoenix Toon of Royal Knight and Assassin. The Royal Knight will level to Level 164 for farming at Tairan, the Assassin will level to Level 128 for farming at Floriam Cave. The Cleric for Holy Bless will be level to Level 150 for Mondshine and Skeleton General, while the Witch for Haste will be level to Level 70 to replace the Kami Killer. one of the Windy Toon will be level to Level 175 for Ramslo and Elemental Boss.

The Kami Killer will be level to Level 87 to farm on Egeha, it will also become the Goldie Hunter. Will be using 3 Night Shadow at Level 98, 108 and 117, Level 98 will be use for farming at Lust Trum and Akan Temple Hard. The Level 108 will be wearing the Cube Explorer Set and farm in Theo Tomb, the Level 117 will wear the Cube Conqueror Set and farm in Streiana and Bloodymir.


Once I got everything completed, I will be able to farm for anything at different level. I had been planning for this few months back before the migration and had been collecting all the necessary stuffs I need before the migration. Now I just slowly fulfilling all the things I had planned until I get bored of the game, I just hope this day will not come so soon.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

All Road Lead To Rome:



Insect Collection Event had come to and end, they will be starting the Element of Iris. Foxy had been pestering me to stay at Aphelion, but I told him I can only do it after the Insect Collection Event end. Manage to get 333 Chaos Smelting Stone, never expect god to be so close with 3 more than me. I had been facing connection issue due to IP Block, had been using VPN to connect for the past one week.


If there are no interesting event like Insect Collection, Fall, Mooncake or Anniversary, I would be more keen on playing at Aphelion as the rewards are better. They are going to start a Summer Event soon, I hope it will be as good as the Easter Event. The Level Cap for P1 Pet had increase from 80 to 130, been trying to level pet for the past 2 days. Foxy manage to max 4 pets in just a day, Krystael show me the Wing and Rune which increase Pet XP.

Never expect the Rune as additional 5 slots for good status boost, as the big slot show Charm I thought it is the Protection Charm from Item Mall. The 4 slots under the pet also very faded and hard to notice, so I thought Rune will be using the Accessory Slot all this time. Manage to get 2 Rune cheap to try out, one boost attack while the other boost status.

Still in progress of getting my other windy toon to get merchant so that some item will be tradable, got to level a lot of pet on Aphelion as Foxy brought most of it and need to restock. Might try to complete all the quest at the four realms, but will try to complete all the weekly and daily quest first. I will start my Phoenix Toon after I get merchant for the other windy toon, at least I already try out the path o Aphelion to confirm some info.