Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
Patient and Determination:
9th Horse almost complete, 10th Horse also going to be Level 53 soon. The constant harassment from Elemental Boss Hunter doesn't seem to affect me much, but I did notice a lot of pet leveler had given up. Caugs was surprised that I had level more horse than him, guess I got more determination than him and my method of higher hit rate work better than his method of weapon penalty.
Manage to find another 3K of Chocolate cheap at 600K, guess Jouzsi and Voyuer doesn't really see the value of it. Even Just Shot also get bored of wrapping his 3K of Chocolate, from his initial offering of 65% and 35% split to his recent offer of 50% and 50% split can easily see that he doesn't really had the patient to do it.
Got about 2.8K of Potion and Scroll, 2.2K of Moon Stone Box and 70 Extreme Stone, from the data collected we can see that there is about 77% Chance of getting Moon Stone Box and 12% Chance of getting Extreme Stone. Those Potions should be able to last me for more than 10 years instead of the original 5 years which I had expected.
Spending about 5.4M for 9 Chocolate and getting 5 x Moon Stone Box (1M), 5 x Effort Scroll (1M), Experience Scroll (5M), 5 x Power and Berserk Potions (50M) and getting stuffs which worth about 100 times more is still worth the effort. Although economy is not really that good right now, but I foresee those stuffs will worth 10 times more when the economy finally recover.
Still enjoy the game play better as it is an improve version of official, the biggest mistake that official had make is to remove Cube Buff and the Elemental System. By doing so they had affect PVE a lot while they try to balance PVP, I didn't really see much issue on private server even though they do not have any Elemental System. The ease of getting Buffs, Golds and other stuffs like Gear and Accessory doesn't really affect the economy much as they monitor the situation closely and make changes accordingly to bring it back on track.
The excess of stuffs also make the server more friendly with players willing to give stuffs away free to help other players, this is completely opposite on official server as most players are more selfish and mostly think about their own gain and loss. The improvement and changes also seem to be very slow and minor on official server and they seem to take longer time to resolve issues, this is something that they are unable to surpass the private server even though they had more resources.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Happy Valentine:
Valentine Event had started, it will run for a week. I had brought 2K of Large Chocolate cheap from Trading Agent during Christmas last year, it will give about 1.1K of Potions. As it take a lot of time to wrap the Chocolate and put it in Box, I decided to do about 400 per day. The drop rate for chocolate is very low, I only get about 3 to 6 of it after an hour of farming.
I finally realize why my potions almost run out before the Christmas Event ended, I was able to save some for my pet leveler. Found out that the Loyalty Costume is not tradable, but at least it is permanent. Now I got to wear skirt, don't think I will be able to wait till the new design to come out. Not sure what I am going to do with the Level 185 Jump Box which I will be getting next month, think they will be giving Speed Mount instead of Experience Pet this time.
I am keeping all the stuffs from Loyalty Rewards till the economy recover, guess a lot of players are going to had a hard time getting the stuffs they need. I think they will have to do a Gold Reset before they are able to fix the economy, but I foresee some smart ass will spend all of it on Golden Magnifying Glass again. I am not sure why they are so obsess with getting good seal fro reform, even jewel seem insignificant improvement to me.
The new patch had remove a lot of useless stuffs, it also improve the stuffs we get. But I still feel the Level 165 direct start is a very bad idea, as it is very easy to achieve it. Notice a lot of new players seem to be lost without the proper quest to guide them on the usual game play, and they seem to lose interest fast and quit. Guess they still got to strike a balance between easy game play and content to keep players interested, the lack of events is still a shortfall which they are still unable to overcome till now.
I still prefer the time before the Level Cap increase to Level 220, I feel that the game is still better before they Nerf the AOE Pet. A lot of changes they make after that seem childish and stupid to me, and I have not really done much of it till now. So far I still like most of the stuffs as compare to official, but I didn't really see much improvement after the Level 220 patch.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Been busy with Chinese New Year for the past weeks, haven't been playing much since then. The server seem death with not much activity after Peanut keep asking players to shut up and quit, doesn't really bother me much as I got better server to play. He is just digging his own grave as he will suffer more as there are less players to farm for stuffs and the economy will never recover and he will not be able to sell or buy any stuffs.
Guess I had trigger his rage again just by making a witty remarks which is related to the question other player ask, the is nothing wrong with my comment as the question ask for the location of a Missionary Boss for the Vald Entry Quest and position is another name to replace location. I foresee he will either quit or get banned after some time and the server will be better without him around.
As the saying goes Love is a Sensation that is caused by Temptation, when a boy put his Location into girl Destination, to ensure the Population for the next Generation, do you understand the Explanation or you need a Demonstration? Some people just doesn't have a sense of humor and decided to bring his own misery to others.
Other than the normal routine of going around killing Boss in the morning, I pretty much spend the rest of the day AFK at Immortal Boss. I think I will start farming for B8 Gears again and complete my Level 220 Rune, or start farming for Level 200 Gears and Level 190 AOE Skill Books since they are on demand these days. Just waiting for Easter Event as it is boring on both side without any events at the moment, not sure if there will be any changes for the upcoming events.