Never really play much these days, reduce gaming time from the initial 4 hours to 1 hour. Server seem dead without any events, but Moza seem to be trying to gain popularity by giving buffs and stuffs away for free. Not really sure what actually happen, but should not be as bad as Zed. Never see NJoy these days too, might have quit after getting much harassment from Peanut.
Manage to get my 10th horse to Level 56, just one more level to mount. Since they are having 500% XP and SP Event, I just focus on leveling my 2 remaining Elephants and 1 Polar Bear. Give the new Lemur XP Pet to Jassy as god had been trying very hard to get Deer during Christmas, give Hannah the Level 25 Jewels as I got no use for it.
Found out that the 185 Jump Box from Loyalty Rewards is not tradable, guess I will use it on my Ex Ranger Pet Leveler after I had done with Pet Leveling. Not sure how long it will be kept inside the storage, as I intend to lock it at Level 164 for farming gears.
Still doing my daily routine as usual, going around killing Bosses for drops. Notice that Night had been pretending to be a Newbie and trying to get more free stuffs from other players, not really sure what the point of that but I just choose to ignore it as it is not worth my time and effort to help such player.