The 4th of July Event had started, Monsters will drop Stars (50 Attack and Defense for 5 Minutes) and Stripes (150% Experience Point and Skill Point for 5 Minutes). I have help Level 55 Temple Knight Haru Yamamoto form Guildless Guild with my Level 53 Royal Knight Apollo Mars to kill Black Hawk (Grand Devilroad Kamira) and got him a Eye Of Spirit.
Psycho and his Reapers Of Destiny Guild had decided to move to Azura Server due to some Guild Drama cause by the Guild Advisor Smoke Nel and his Girl Friend Lady Of Shadow. And John Level 96 War Master and some Royal Blood Guild Member had left to join Reapers Of Destiny Guild due to some Guild Drama in Royal Blood Guild. I am managing Royal Blood Guild for a while before Jon return and was Spawning Eagle for Psycho Level 46 Royal Knight during Peak Hours. Psycho was not lucky enough to get any rare drop, but John was lucky enough to get a Stone Of Shadow with his Level 51 Ranger.
Sirynda account was hacked and her Level 60 Assassin at Sarrissa was deleted, she lost all the good stuffs which I gave her and had to start fresh all over again. I gave her Sarrissa Level 37 Assassin Dark Sirynda 250,000,000 Golds and her Azura Level 17 Healer Archer Alice 25,000,000 Golds as her Birthday Gift to help her with her new beginning.
Psycho had decided to trade his Level 37 Knightmare Mount at Sarrissa for my 70,000,000 Golds at Azura. As I have been doing some buying and selling on all Server with Merchant Mart I was able to have at least 50,000,000 Golds on all Server. I have six Ferrari (Knightmare Mount), two Private Jet (Dragon Mount), six Stone Of Shadow, six Crest Of Rainbow, six Pierce Of Wind, three Eye Of Wiseman and a few Billions Golds at Sarrissa. With that achievements, I think my journey through the Land of Iris had come to an end.
A Level 18 Titan named Ivan The Terrible kick my Level 52 Assassin Mercury Venus out of his Party three times and try to lecture me about having good manner of saying Thank You when other accept you into his Party. I have seen his Knight doing AFK (Away From Keyboard) Pet Leveling often in Merac and decided to disturb his Pet Leveling Routine during my two hourly Pandy and Eagle Hunt to teach him some real manner.
I have started playing Mouse Hunt and Mafia Wars on Face Book due to it rising popularity and had been playing it for the past one month during the two hours break I had from my Pandy and Eagle Hunt. I had reach Master Level in Mouse Hunt and reach Level 66 in Mafia Wars during this time and had enjoy the game a lot.
For Mouse Hunt, I prefer Traps with High Power over Trap with High Attraction and Luck. I felt that the Attraction Factor can be compensate by using better grade of Cheese, and I rather attract less Mouse than to let it get away with my Cheese. I just manage to get the Shredded Furoma Map Piece from Lycan Mouse and will be staying at Mousoleum as the Mouse there are giving more Golds.
* Hunting Since: Jun. 17, 2009
* Hunter’s Title: Master ( 17 % )
* Points: 444,510
* Gold: 40,689
* Horn Calls: 1,197
* Location: Mousoleum
* Region: Burroughs
* Average Hunt Size: 4
* Trap Power: 1,458
* Total Luck: 0
* Weapon: Sinister Portal
* Base: Explosive Base
* Bait: 57 pieces of Radioactive Blue
* Mice Caught: 1177
For Mafia Wars, I had choose Maniac as it recover Energy faster and I like to put most of the status to Energy as it is need for the Jobs to help me level fast. Money can be easily acquire by Investment in Properties, and I prefer to use 14 Rewards Point to exchange for 4 additional Status Point. The trick to the game is to recruit as many Members into your Family as it allow you to purchase more Mike Properties to get more Gold, more Limited Edition Items to improve your Attack and Defense, more Players to help in your Fight and Protect your Properties.
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