Sunday, August 9, 2009

Operation Eagle Hunt and Black Hawk Down

Operation Eagle Hunt (A walk in the park)
Killing Last Chaos Merac Level 50 Raid Boss Grand Red Dragon with my First Knight Level 53 Assassin Mercury Venus with Level 53 +15 Dual Sword, Level 50 to 52 +13 Armour Set, 3 Stone Of Shadow, Level 36 Drake with 30 Magical Defense and 5 Physical Attack Passive, Level 37 Knightmare Mount with Level 10 Offensive and Defensive Hauling, Level 12 Physical Attack, Physical Defense and Magical Defense Minerals, Large Attack and Large Defense Potions.

Operation Black Hawk Down (Mission Impossible)
Killing Last Chaos Dratan Level 70 Raid Boss Grand Devilroad Kamira with my First Knight Level 53 Royal Knight Apollo Mars with Level 57 +15 Dual Sword, Level 55 to 57 +15 Armour Set, 3 Stone Of Shadow, Level 45 Drake with 30 Magical Defense and 14 Physical Attack Passive, Level 37 Knightmare Mount with Level 10 Offensive and Defensive Hauling, Level 12 Physical Attack, Physical Defense and Magical Defense Minerals, Large Attack and Large Defense Potions.

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