Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Resolutions for 2010

1. Collect 550 Heaven Stones in Aeria Games Last Chaos USA and hold an Ultimate Event giving out Ten Prizes from 100 Heaven Stone to 10 Heaven Stone on Sarrissa Server.

2. Save up 1,000,000 Gold in Face Book Mouse Hunt and Craft Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery (ACRONYM)

3. Complete all Jobs and Upgrade all Business in Face Book Mafia War Cuba Tier and Earn $1,100,000,000,000 in New York Tier to be Deposited into Bank for the That's with a "T" Achievement.

Life is nothing but a Game to me, so Gaming had become a part of my Life. We live in a world of Unlimited Possibilities so every Dream is possible if we have the Courage to achieve it. There are times to be Serious and there are times to Lay Back, if you can understand the Wisdom behind it you will realize Life is nothing but a Game we Play.

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