Friday, December 1, 2017

A New Beginning

The New Server Baium had been introduced, even though they are giving the same Experience, Gold and Equipment Boost on all Server but there are some stuffs that are only exclusive to New Server. Growth Box is one of the awesome boost, S Grade Red Rare Weapon at Level 1, S Grade Red Rare Armor at Level 10, Level 20, Level 80 and Level 100. With the possibility of getting Full Red Rare Weapon and Armor Set it will be very easy to fight Magical Monsters as the Weapon give 100% Bonus Damage and the Armor give 10% Reduction in Damage each which in total give 40% Reduction in Damage against Magical Monsters.

Although I had Level 150 Characters in Old Server with SR Grade Blue Rare Weapon and Armor Set which are good against other Players, but the New Server give a more attractive factors that all Players are starting from fresh which allow better boost in my Ranking. With the previous experience accumulated from the Old Server, I would be able to Level Up more efficiently and maintain a better Ranking and Status Boost.

Dion the Old Server which I had play on seem very empty after the Server Merge as compared to the other three Old Server. The advantage to remain there would be the lack of competition in Arena Ranking and Farming for Monsters Codex. I am planning to use the Red Diamonds to expand my Inventory Space to 500 first before I start drawing the 10 + 1 Rare Equipment Box as it will allow me to accumulate more stuffs when I farm Monsters Codex during AFK Auto Battle Mode.

I am able to reach Level 31 and do Class Transfer in just two days, and will be planning to do Monsters Codex Farming only after I had reach Level 55 when I had unlocked the last Summoning Stone for Mount Pet. I will be focusing on Bear Mount for Attack Boost this time instead of the Chocobo as Bear Summoning Stone are easier to get. May also consider Horse Mount for Defense Boost if Armor is not strong enough.

I usually prefer to open the Free Equipment Draw Box first, then I will proceed to complete the 15 Weekly Quests and Quest Scrolls before I do Arena Battle and Dungeons. I usually do Quest Scrolls after I had bind them into Grade A, the Dungeons are clear according to my preference of Daily, Tower, Arena, Exp, Equipment, Summoning Stone Extraction and Elite. Elite Dungeon was place last as I can set AFK Auto Battle Mode for the 30 minutes Hot Time, the second single boost skill set also ensure lower Portion consumption and efficient Monster Codex Farming.

Monsters Codex Farming give extra Boost to the Status, it also ensure getting more Achievement and better Items Drop. Levelling too fast will encounter difficulty at high level as Monsters are getting stronger, for Free to Play people like us which can never compare to those Pay to Win Players who can spend money to buy better equipment which provides them very good Status Boost and does not need to worry about stronger monsters at higher level.

I will also try to Combine Level 30 Grade A Equipment and try to complete the Blue Rare Set. The only setback in this game is the lack of Gold for most of the Upgrading especially getting Equipment to +30 as the failure rate are high after +10. Boss Monsters are also very much seek after as they give better drop, but the competition seem to be high on New Server as the population are mostly from all the Old Server.

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