Sunday, June 26, 2022

Three is a Charm:

Got a third Pierce of Wind from Grand Balrog at 56th Kill, seem like it is hinting me to start my Rogue Assassin Mercury Venus on this server.


Hello Old Friend (Skippy):

Spawn Level 50 Grand Red Dragon while killing Level 33 Pilferer at Merac, my level is too low to kill it now. But I will be working hard to level up myself to its level, and one day I shall kill it once again.



Chaos Theory:

Thank God for choosing me to receive the Divine Gift of 10 Moonstone, it had been happening every hour at Recommended Server. I can get about 80 to 100 Moonstones per day, that goes to show that I am the only active player in the whole server. Without hunting Grand Balrog, I can also build up a considerable amount of Level 6 Minerals.

I found out that the monsters doesn't drop Grass of Juno when my level is 5 level higher than it, even though they still drop the usual stuffs but they just doesn't drop the Elements of Iris Event items. That kind of confirmed the theory of why Grand Balrog doesn't drop Rare Accessory no matter what item I use to improve the drop rate.

 Constant Drop Rate:

Got a Stone of Shadow from Grand Balrog at 67th Kill, the drop rate had return back to one drop per 11th kills again as expected. The new update had started the Sand of Dratan for Elements of Iris Event, I had been collecting it on Tethys Server for first three days and Eurybia Server for the next four days.

 Get Rich or Die Trying:

Got another Crest of Rainbow from Grand Balrog after 79th Kill, the drop rate remain constant at one drop per 12th kills. Sales of the items in Merchant Mode had also been good, I am 2/3 of the way to my Billionaire Dream.

 Supply and Demand:

There seem to be a very high demand for Magical Attack and Magical Defense Minerals, every time I put them in Merchant Mode no matter high much it will be sold out in seconds. I am not sure why something that doesn't sell well in the past had suddenly became a popular items now.

I guess maybe there are more characters using Magical Attack and more Monsters using Magical Attack at higher level. Even those level 3 Minerals which doesn't really provide much boost also get sold out within few minutes of my shop opening. At these rate I should become a Billionaire in no time.

 Special Accessory:

Got a weird accessory from Wooden Treasure Box, it is call Desire of Sacred Tree. It cannot be trade like the Robust Necklace of Knight I got from Master Knight Quest, if I don't equip it then it will take up an extra slot of my inventory space. Same like Event Weapon, it cannot be store at Storekeeper Bianca too.

I remember last time I am able to convert Event Weapon to other class or transfer to other character, it had make life so much easier as I can increase the damage of a Level 17 toon with a Level 21+15 Weapon. Now there are so much items that cannot be trade or store that take up a lot of my inventory space.

A very good example is the Elements of Iris item, the remaining one will take up 6 slots of my inventory space even after I trade it for accessory. I hope the accessory will not be same like Event Weapon which is unable to be trade or store, now the items also cannot be drop or discard too.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Taking it Easy:

Finally got a Rare Accessory from Grand Balrog on 12th kill on the new server, Pierce of Wind is suitable for Rogue Assassin. Although it is not as good as Stone of Shadow, but it is better than nothing at this moment.

I manage to link up with my friend wife yesterday, still unable to link up with my friend until now. From chatting with her I found out that most player do their Skill Point Farming at Level 15 by killing Level 12 Sasquatch.

I feel that it is not that efficient as they do not have the Level 21+15 Event Weapon yet, at least they should do it at Level 17 for old player and Level 20 for new player. As they will still gain 1 Experience Point per kill with 100% Experience Lock, I guess they do not have much choice if they want to make good use of their limited levels.

As the drop rate is really bad for the new server, the price for most stuff is almost 5 to 10 times higher as compare to the other server. The drop rate is also about 10% to 20% of the other server which kind of make sense on the economy of the server here.

I got a new idea from my past experience, I decided to create a new character for farming Transformation Scroll. It will help to get more drop while having fun, it will also help to boost the economy of the server as resources are more readily available.

Operation Transformer:

Kill about 5500 Dire Wolf from Level 7 to Level 8, got 42 Transformation Scroll. The drop rate use to be 1 scroll per 100 kills, but it became worst after getting about 17 scrolls. So now it came to about 1 scroll per 130 kills.

Got about 800 Skill Point and manage to level up Pet from Level 1 to Level 7. Got 7 Hand of Bravery and Protection, 2 Hand of Guard and 1 Hand of Warrior. 1 Heaven Stone are from drop and 2 Protection Potion are from Wooden Treasure Chest.

Got 60 Moonstone Box, manage to get 32 Poor, 16 Average, 7 Normal and 4 Good Moonstone from it. Poor will mostly give Level 3 Minerals, Average and Normal will get Level 6 while Good will get Level 12.

As you can see the boxes mostly give Poor or Average Moonstone, so the price of it should be same for Poor or Average Moonstone instead of Perfect Moon Stone which most players are selling. As they give different level Minerals, the price of the Minerals should also equal to the relevant Moonstone price.

Got 75 Copper Token, it will mostly give Greater Mana Potion. Manage to get 6 Gold Token, 2 Castle Siege Token and 1 Chaos Ball from it by luck. Gold will give Lucky Scroll and Experience Scroll and sometime Effort Scroll if you are lucky. Castle Siege mostly give Level 2 to 3 Jewels and Chao Ball mostly give Level 12 Minerals.

Please take note that this was done at Recommended Server where the drop rate are better. Will proceed to other server to prove that the drop rate are really bad in near future. Make a mistake by completing some Quest at Level 8, it contribute 63.69% of Experience.

Surprise Outcome:

Got 38 Transformation Scroll, not much different from Recommended Server. About 1 scroll per 144 kills, drop rate also use to be better at about 1 scroll per kill from the start. It become worst after getting about 21 scrolls.

Got about 500 Skill Point, guess it is because the lack of blessing which give 50% more. Manage to level pet to Level 8, mainly because the lack of blessing which increase attack too.

Got 8 Hand of Bravery, 6 Protection, 2 Guard and 2 Warrior. 1 Heaven Stone are from Wooden Treasure Chest which surprise me, usually only got potions from it.

Got 53 Moonstone Box, manage to get 29 Poor, 17 Average, 5 Normal and 2 Good from it. Got 70 Copper Token, manage to get 7 Gold and 3 Castle Siege from it.

The conclusion from this experiment proof that the drop rate are almost the same for both server. The only different is that Recommended Server will allow low level players to progress faster with all the blessing which boost Experience, Skill Point, Attack, Defense, Healing and Drop Rate.

I was surprise that the drop rate is not 10% to 20% as I have expected, it is not even close to 50% which I have anticipated too. Instead the blessing which increase drop rate by 10 times actually doesn't serve much purpose to get more drop.

I guess the main reason that this server pricing are more expensive is mainly because there are more high level players which are rich and can afford to pay more for the same stuffs. This is actually very beneficial to new low level players as they are able to earn more gold from selling stuffs.

As there are also less players at the Recommended Server, it is also harder for new players to find Guardian. So base on the outcome of the experiment, I feel that I can do more good by playing at the Recommended Server as I can help more new players to enjoy the game even more. 

Top Gun:

The game had migrate to Glyph Platform during the recent update, it is able to open multi windows and log into multi account now on the same PC. Last time we would require two different computers to log into different accounts for transfer of stuffs between different characters. Now we can log in to two different accounts to form Party, left one selling stuffs in Merchant Mode and use the other one to kill monsters.

Encounter some issue with the XignCode3 Anti Cheat System yesterday, didn't get the game to work even after trying to do a repair patches. End up had to uninstall and reinstall the Client for it to work again. Did try installing the UK version and found the same issue too, but had also setup accounts for it for future expansion.

Been trying to get Grand Balrog to spawn after I am able to login to the game again, found that the Elements of Iris Event had change to Grass of Juno which give good accessory for Titan and Knight if I manage to collect 999 of it. The next event will be Sand of Dratan which will give good accessory for Rogue.

Been killing so many Elder Drake until I was given the Title Maverick, think need to kill about 32000 of it on PVP server for that. Able to get Stone of Life Rare Accessory from Grand Balrog on 24th kill, so the drop rate for Rare Accessory is still about one in every 12 kills for this server. It is not as good as the one in every 4 to 5 kills on the recommended server.

Hard Work Get Rewarded:

Got a Rare Accessory at 29th kill, that show that the drop rate start to improve to about one drop per 5 kills. It is a much better accessory compare to the two which I got before, but it is more suitable for Archer.

There seem to be some fierce competition from some high level players, saw a few of them mass killing low level monsters at Newbie Area just to spawn Grand Balrog.

Their level also about 20 to 30 levels higher than the Raid Boss, so I don't think they are going to get any Rare Accessory drop even if they manage to spawn and kill it.

They should focus on Level 50 Grand Red Dragon at Merac or Level 70 Grand Devilroad Kamira at Dratan. I remember I use to kill hunt Grand Red Dragon with Level 53 Rogue Assassin Mercury Venus and Grand Devilroad Kamira with Level 53 Royal Knight Apollo Mars.

The reason Apollo Mars is able to kill Level 70 Grand Devilroad Kamira at Level 53 is because I manage to get Level 55+15 to Level 57+15 Armour Set which give an additional 250 Magical Defense against it's Magical Attack.

Of course I also use a lot of Attack and Defense Buff from Level 12 Minerals and Large Potions to speed up the killing so that I can reduce the damage receive from it.

Don't think I will be able to achieve that glory from the past days as there are so much less players now. I use to be able to spend the whole morning shopping between different channel as the town area are full of players in Merchant Mode selling various stuffs.

Now most of the shop are only concentrated at one server and most of the stuffs are what I don't really need due to my low level. I use to buy stuffs at lower price from those noob players and then resell them at higher price to those higher level players.

It is like playing with stock market if you know the price and value of the stuffs very well. Now it is very hard to do the same due to the limitation of resources and assert. I had to slowly get it back on track by killing more monsters and getting more drops.

Ridiculous Pricing:
Saw a player selling Heaven Stone, Skill Point Booster and Large Attack Potion at a Ridiculous Pricing of 300 millions. So far the average price I seen are about 10 millions for Heaven Stone and Skill Point Booster and about 1 millions for Large Attack Potion. Don't think any players will be dumb enough to buy it even though they really want to help.
Price Guide:
Mineral (3): 100K to 200K
Mineral (6): 250K to 500K
Mineral (12): 500K to 1M
Perfect Moon Stone: 1M to 5M
Good Moon Stone: 500K to 1M
Normal Moon Stone: 250K to 500K
Average Moon Stone: 100K to 200K
Poor Moon Stone: 50K to 100K
Moon Stone Box: 100K to 200K
Candy: 1M
Physical Attack Potion: 100K to 150K
Physical Defense Potion: 100K to 150K
Tool Aid: 500K
Large Attack Potion: 1M to 1.5M
Large Defense Potion: 1M to 1.5M
Holy Water of Strength 1M to 1.5M
Item Drop Booster (30% DR): 10M to 15M
Experience Point Booster (400% XP): 10M to 15M
Skill Point Booster (400% SP): 10M to 15M
Chaos Smelting Stone: 180M to 260M
Extreme Stone: 5M to 10M
Lucky Smelting Stone: 50M to 70M
Heaven Stone: 5M to 10M
Drake Egg: 10K to 20K
Pan Flute: 10K to 20K
Level 31 Dragon: 35M to 45M
Level 33 Dragon: 45M to 55M
Level 31 Knightmare: 50M to 60M
Level 33 Knightmare: 60M to 90M
Level 37 Knightmare: 300M
Lucky Scroll (200% DR 10 Min): 1M to 10M
Experience Scroll (150% XP 10 Min): 12M to 15M
Effort Scroll (150% SP 10 Min): 2.5M to 3M
Chaos Ball: 500K to 1M
Tear Of Knight: 50M to 150M
Eye Of Spirit: 50M to 150M
Crest Of Rainbow: 50M to 150M
Stone Of Shadow: 50M to 150M
Rage Of Demon: 50M to 150M
Pierce Of Wind: 5M to 10M
Chain Of Tiger: 5M to 10M
Eye Of Wiseman: 5M to 10M
Stone Of Life: 5M to 10M
Primal Earth 5M to 10M

Deja Vu:

Got another Stone of Life from Grand Balrog at 47th Kill, so the next Rare Accessory I am going to get will be Eyes of Spirit again? Surprised that I manage to get Rare Accessory drop from Grand Balrog so soon, was expecting getting another drop at around 55th to 60th Kill according to the usual drop rate.

Good Luck:

Finally got a Crest of Rainbow from Grand Balrog at 50th Kill, luck is improving and drop rate had been good.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Rare Accessory:

Been hunting Grand Balrog with my Level 35 Royal Knight for the past few days, think I had kill more than 50 of it. The strange thing is that it doesn't drop any Rare Accessory even though I am using Item Drop Booster and Lucky Scroll. After analyzing the situation, I conclude that my Level is too much different from it to get any drop.

Change to my Level 33 Royal Knight for the hunt and it give me a Tear of Knight at first kill. I never believe my luck, it had been the Rare Accessory which I had always wanted other than Crest of Rainbow and Stone of Shadow. I believe that if I continue with this process I will be having all the Rare Accessory I want in no time. 


Another Rare Accessory:

Manage to get another Rare Accessory at 6th Kill, drop rate is still good consider at this rate. What surprise me more is that it is the Crest of Rainbow which I had always wanted too. I can farm Skill Point while level up my Pet into Mount, that is triple benefits with the hunting of Rare Accessory included.

My tactic is to charge up my Ignition Gauge by killing Level 30 Elder Drake, it will take about 10 to 15 minutes and the Raid Boss will spawn by then. If the Raid Boss never appear after I had charge up my Ignition Gauge, I will switch to another server and try for another 10 to 15 minutes.

With 5 server excluding the 4th one which I encounter some issue with Pet activation due to Castle Siege, I am able to increase my efficiency to killing about 10 to 15 Raid Boss per day. I am using Level 6 Minerals I got from Moonstone and Lucky Scroll from Raid Boss drop, manage to get a lot of Tool Aid from the drop too.

I had try a few times without Minerals or Potions but failed, so Minerals and Potion is still require to kill it faster before it can use it attack on me. I think I will be able to open shop and sell some stuffs in a month time after I got all the Rare Accessory I need for my various characters and level up my Pet into Mount.

The only decision I need to make after that is whether to continue level up to Level 50 to complete the Guardian and Apprentice System and hunt Grand Red Dragon at Merac or continue to stay at this level to keep hunting Grand Balrog.

 Changing Server:

As my friend is playing at the other server, I decided to cross over to join him. Manage to get my Royal Knight Apollo Mars to Level 33 in just a day. Now in the progress of leveling up my Templar Knight Alpha Light and getting the First Knight Guild to Level 6 for Experience Lock.

The Templar Knight is currently at Level 25 and the Guild is presently at Level 4. As I encounter some shortage of gold for leveling up my Guild, I decided to open shop in Merchant Mode and sell some stuffs to raise 3 Millions Gold for the leveling of my Guild.


Recommended Server:

Although there is not much player at the Recommended Server, the drop rate are definitely much better. I manage to get 40 over Heaven Stone, 20 over Skill Point Booster from Gods Hands. Also manage to get 400 over Tool Aid and Lucky Scroll from Raid Boss and Level 6 Minerals from Moonstone.

If I manage to sell them off, I might become a billionaire. I did organize event before with total prize value of 5.5 billions. I also organize another event with all the ten type of Rare Accessory, the total value of the prize is about 1.5 billions.

The Billionaire event require the players to hunt for ten each of ten type of rare production material. It would require them to create low level toon in order to do that, it is also able to benefit new players as they got more advantage over high level players.

The Rare Accessory Event also require the players to hunt for ten each of ten type of Transformation Scroll, this is slightly easier and require both low level and mid level toon as some of the scroll are only available in Dratan and Merac instead of just Juno as per the previous event.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Last Chaos Revisit 12 years later:

Never expect Level 30 Grand Balrog to spawn while I was killing Level 1 Deer and Fox. Guess it feel lonely like me and need company as the whole place is very much empty with not much active players.


Old Nemesis:

Was killing Level 26 Clever Desert Fox at Dratan and Level 70 Grand Devilroad Kamira spawn.


Level 33 Royal Knight with Level 33+10 Weapon, Level 30 to 32+10 Armour Set and a Imposing Pony Mount. 


Finally got a Eyes of Wise Man Rare Accessory from Grand Balrog after 5th try, it is a lower version as compare to Rage of Demon. Although it is not a Rare Accessory that I want but it is a good start. This Rare Accessory is better for Magic User like Mage. I would prefer Tears of Knight or Chain of Tiger for my Royal Knight Character, Stone of Shadow or Pierce of Wind for my Assassin Character or Crest of Rainbow for All Type of Character.


Assassin Mercury Venus:

Manage to level up to Level 32 and did a class change from Rogue to Assassin in just a day. It is important to use the Guardian System for additional Experience Boost at Level 10 and 30. The Level 21+15 Event Weapon and Skill Point Boost at Level 20 did help a lot at Procyon Temple. Have been killing Green Monsters which is 3 to 5 Level lower for better Skill Point Farming.