Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Tomorrow Never Dies:

 Receive news about Fawkes taking over the games fro Gamigo, it will happen around Feb 2023. Fawkes promise that everything will remain the same and they will fix the issues and improve the game, from Aeria to Gamigo to Fawkes it had been 15 long years for a game to survive. I  had known players who play the game as a family and even teach their younger generation to appreciate the game.

Not sure why but I feel that a lot of players in game seem to have medical or life issues, some are drug addict while others are alcohol abuse. Once in a while there are some young players and turn out arrogant and think they own the game just because they have some Iris Cash. They had forgotten how others had help them when they first started and did not show any respect for those who grind their way to high level.

Had confirm that JustMe is JustShot who had message me on Discord to ask about the Game Master Shuffle Event, he could have won the Heaven Stone Grade 8 if he had ask me earlier. But he still benefit a lot from our friendship as he manage to get a lot of my stuffs at a cheaper price, I sold him Wooden Key at 200K and Effort Scroll at 700K. I could sell the Wooden Key at 500K and Effort Scroll at 2M, but since he had taught me a lot of stuffs I might as well maintain the relationship.

Angel Heart had return after missing for a few months, she had some problem with her computer and also having some heart problem too. Found out that Colombo mimi is 20 years older than me, she had been giving me a lot of stuffs which I don't even know the usage for it. I give all those stuffs to Gonads during Xmas and I think he would know how to deal with them better.

Diesel had gone missing during the holiday season, guess he is either busy with work or spending quality time with his family. Zedan also away for few month due to some other commitment in life, but he will be back as he is very addicted to the Player Vs Player Castle Siege. He can even stay up late or wake up early just to participate in it.

Long Shot seem to lose interest on the other server, I met him quite often back in the old server. He mostly hang out at Ch 5 Arena or Ch 2 Store Keeper, think he like to chat with mimi about all the stuffs happening at the old server. Mange to found out that Jassy is from Malaysia, she became very close to me after she found out I am from Singapore. Guess there are not much players from Asia, so far only know Strongest, Athena and Angel Heart are from Thailand.


Rita also became very friendly with me after she found out that I am always joining the same windy buff party with her either from Elvis or Mother Nature. I keep getting stuffs from people who I didn't know and I think they are alternate of either Jassy or Rita as I had ask mimi and she told me those are not her toons.

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