Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Level Up:



They had remove the level limit for some map recently, so I thought it will be a good time to level up some of my alternate at Misty Crayon. I start with Royal Knight and Ex Ranger first, then move on to Specialist and Night Shadow. I later go on with Arch Wizard and Archer, lastly is the Warmaster.

There are a lot of different when I level different toon, The Royal Knight, Ex Ranger and Arch Wizard were very fast using only 1 Superior Platinum Blessed Iris 400% and about 5K to 6K Super Exp Booster 600% as they have Premium Character which boost the Exp by 200% more.

The Specialist, Night Shadow and Archer took longer using about 3 Superior Platinum Blessed Iris and about 15K to 17K Super Exp Booster. The Longest had to be Warmaster which took 7 Superior Platinum Blessed Iris and about 47K Super Exp Booster even when I use Premium Character halfway. I realized that it is mainly because the 200% Exp Event over the weekend had ended, but it is still faster than doing Mushroom Land which might took a few days.

Spend a few Trillions to get the Level 200 PVE Set for all seven toons, each piece cost about 50B to 100B with some rare case as cheap as 30B or as expensive as 150B to 200B. Usually it is the Weapon and Wing that cost more, and seem like Mage part are harder to find as it is more popular. I was lucky enough to get most Night Shadow part already upgrade to +28, after much effort I only left Knight Weapon and Mage Shirt pending.

I also have to max some of the status point to 2.5K or 10K to learn the Level 2 skill, I had the skill book for Mage and Rogue, just need to find the rest over time. As they had temporary disable 2 sub server, most of the map become very crowded. I had stop doing Tairan Daily and stop farming for Animal Heart and Troll Mucus, decided to switch to farming Taming Point at Summer Map as not many player actually know about it.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Extreme Gaming:


Zed claim that the scammer return the gear to him, I am highly doubtful about it. He had been trying to gain back popularity recently by give buffs to other players, I think this situation will not last long as he will soon realized that it is very tedious for him to stop what he is doing and switch toon just to buff some people.

 Price of stuffs start to go up and a lot of players had felt the burden of failing economy on them, because they had to sell their stuffs at higher price in order to afford the stuffs they want. This situation had become karma or retribution where it became a vicious cycle of never ending high cost of living, those who sell their stuffs cheap will end up poor and with nothing in the end so it will be better to keep the stuffs until the economy become better.

I have manage to level Lizard Ruv to 3rd Evolution, actually it can tank most mob at 2nd Evolution but I just want to make sure. I had tried at various mob at different location, Drake Nest, Prokion Temple, Giant Larva and Temple of Forgetfulness.

I had manage to complete the farming of Fox Tail and Hide in just a few hour, but the Zombie Nail and Skin will take few days. As it had become boring, I had decided to make a few new toon and try out extreme gaming of using just normal gear and see how far I can go. It will be like what God Slayer use to do surviving on just +4 Gear and manage to get to Level 100.


Thunder Storm had been leveling slow, he always quit halfway after gaining a few level. Four Realms usually just took about 2 hours or 2 days for most players, but it took almost twice as long for him. I wonder how long it would take for him to get to Level 200 when he suffer the long and dreadful journey at Mushroom Land.

 God Slayer had been very active, he had been asking me for skill book for various class. He claim he had been playing with few of his friends, it is good to see more players joining the server and make it more lively.

Music had reach Level 200 and got his PVP Gears, I give him some good Accessory and Rune which will help. He had been trying to get his Wing by doing Extreme Cube for few days and then disappear completely after that. I also never see him spam the other server, so he might have gone to try the new Aphelion Classic. I also did consider trying it, but after seeing that it is hard like Official and even didn't allow the use of pets I drop the idea.

Give a Scorpion to Cringee since he had been wanting it after he heard me talk about it, since Pet AOE still glitch for Titan and I had the Santa as future back up. Discover that the Summer Map still exist, I can access it when I select Egeha through Floriam Cave Teleporter. I use to do that to save on the 800K Entry Fee, but guess now it became a secret Easter Egg in game.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Pet Peeve:


The drop rate is back to normal with recent patch, the bug that doesn't allow us to sell stuff to NPC is also fixed. Been leveling pet for the past one week since the drop rate is bad, and also back track some quest for my Level 185 Royal Knight since I got nothing better to do.

I start with the Back Pack Quest first, then go on to the Veteran Quest. Both Quest are easy without any issue as I had already did it with my Specialist before the migration. I move on to the Entry Quest for Mondshine, Lab and Dark Tomb, Mondshine Entry Quest is quite straight forward with killing some mobs in Ebony Mine, Misty Crayon and Floriam Cave.

Lab Entry Quest is also easy with killing some mobs in Tairan, but the Dark Tomb Entry Quest is a bit tough with killing some Boss in Lab. I had manage to kill all the Boss on the first level, but I had heard a lot about the Boss getting tough at the Basement. I also got a few Quest to kill Elemental Boss, but I will have to get some help with that when I find the time.

Leveling pet at Tairan is fast with Kanuta and Tarvox, but as they are blue they don't drop any stuff. It would be better to make a Level 164 toon for pet leveling where I could farm some stuff while I level pet. But my other option of using my Level 53 Assassin and Level 33 Royal Knight to level pet while farming for stuff and hunting Raid Boss seem to be better for me.


Been giving out a lot of Newbie Package and I am running low on the stuffs. I give 5 Newbie Package to Blue Rum since he is the Guild Leader for Java, as there are too many of them and I doesn't really have much time to level the Buff Pets for them I just give them the collars and let them do it on their own.

Music had decided to join the server, I give him the same Newbie Package which I give everybody else. It will be better for him to stay here than to harass other player on other server and keep spamming the chat. I had help him to kill some Boss in Four Realm for the Leveling Quest, he had manage to get to Level 194 and want to do some damage test.

It doesn't really end well for him as he keep missing due to low hit rate and only hit about 9K to 10K once in a while. I am able to one hit him with 71K damage as his status is not max out and he didn't really bother to improve his gears. As I had more than 300K of HP, it will take him a few minutes to kill me even though my HP reduce to below 50K due to the unequip gear bug when switching channel.

 There is another Italian Guy name Thunder Storm which ask for my help, I give him Newbie Package. He later ask for my help to complete the Quests in Four Realm, but I can't help him with the Collection Quest as the item are not tradable. He kind of just give up and never see him log on much after that.

Legolas also decided to join the server, I guide him on updating the Direct X files as he is having issue with Black Screen when he try to load the game. I also give him the Newbie Package when he finally able to log on when the other server is having maintenance. I told him that if he need any help with Four Realm Quest he can ask me or Sushi, he just level until Level 160 and go back to the other server when the maintenance is over. Not sure if he is planning to just play this server whenever the other server is down for maintenance, but I felt it will be much better for him here as he is a very hardworking farmer.

 Recently saw another player named God Slayer join the server, not sure if he is the same Blood Mage who had not been active for long time on other server. I will try to help him by giving him whatever I had left for Newbie Package, and I will try to farm for more stuffs to replenish all the stock for the Newbie Package.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Yesterday Once More:


Christmas Event had ended, as expected they remove the Santa Hat. Another thing that I had expected is that they Nerf the Drop Rate again, this time is even worst than Halloween. Usually it took me about 30 mins to fill up my inventory, it will took 15 mins during 200% Drop Rate Event. It took 7 to 8 mins with Christmas Tree Buff, but now it took an hour even with Christmas Tree Buff.

 So they didn't just Nerf the Drop Rate by 50%, they even disable the Christmas Tree Buff. This is bad for the Free To Play players, as their livelihood depend a lot on the stuff they farm. If there are not enough Free To Play players to farm for stuff, the Pay To Win players will be sitting around and looking at each other with nothing to offer.

Soon the server will be dead with not much Free To Play or Pay To Win players, as most of them will be just sitting around and waiting for miracle to happen. And players will only become active whenever there is good event, most will just log on for attendance when there are no event.


Penkichan need some Paragon Shard for his Extreme Juno Affinity, and since I got more than 100K of each type I give him about 50K of each type to clear up some space for my inventory. A group of players from Java Guild request for help to kill Boss at Four Realm, they are Blue Rum, Katt, Zep, Sling Blade, Death Dagger and Dagger Dancer.

It is good to see them trying to level up together, kind of remind me of the good old time where I spawn and kill Raid Boss with my Guild Member 12 years ago. We have a lot of fun doing a lot of stuff together, I might get one of my alternate to join them and help them level up their Guild to Level 50 and get all the Guild Skill maxed out.

I still got 100 Bless of Guild Book which I save up, always plan for future. Think another player named Dark Art was also helping them, as I saw him at almost the same level as me and in the same party. Beamer told me he is busy with work, didn't have much time to play. Theo is angry with him because he did 4 Reborn and then stop there for very long without any progress, I told him I got a Reborn Skip which might help a bit.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Immortal Boss:



Christmas Event going to end on Thursday, basically most players are only farming for Snow Flake trying to get as much rewards from the LacaRette. Just like Halloween Event, the farming for Pumpkin had bring about a lot of unhappiness when the popular spot are occupied and hog by some players. Not sure why some of them had a tendency to assume that they own the game and declare that the favorite farming spot belong to them alone. It is just a game and most of the stuffs you get is not really worth anything in real life.

Some players value their stuffs too much, they claim they had put in a lot of effort to get them. That kind of took most of the fun out of the game, it is suppose to be a journey to explore and learn new things. They are treating the game like a job and thought that they livelihood actually depend on it, they get very competitive and trying to win in everything just to fuel their own pride.



Christmas Event going to end on Monday, Djinn didn't know about the Christmas Map and didn't really farm for any Token to exchange for the Pet Collar. As he is Night Shadow, I felt that the Rudolph Pet Buff will be more useful for him I decided to give it to him even though it cost me about 6.5T. Cringee also didn't know about the exchange of Token for Pet Collar too, and since I got extra Rudolph and Santa Pet I decided to give it to him too.

 Cringee had already reach Level 200, he is trying to get the final weapon and I had to guide him on the upgrading process. I give him 100 of each Rune Ore and Rune of Protection and also 7 of each Master Stone, it will be enough for him to complete his Level 200 Set. The rest of the stuffs he will have to figure out on his own, but he should be in good hand as he had already reach max level.

Not sure when Mad Spring and Avatar will be back, but Beamer told me he will be back after the Christmas Event end at Horizon. Hannah also seem to be interested in coming over after she had heard so much good things about this server, I will be able to give her a lot of pets which she like.

Comparing between the two server, I am getting more toward Aphelion due to a lot of reason. One major reason is that I am able to do a lot of farming in AFK mode either using Pet with AOE or Immortal Boss. Another reason is because most of the stuff are easy and I don't really have to worry about any shortage of stuff, they also make a lot of thing convenience and straight forward like getting all the buff you need with Premium Character, Quick Buff Panel and Pet Fairy.

Even the 14 Days Buff, Cube and Ignition can be easily obtain from Item Mall and Laca Ball, the Moonstone, Chaos Ball and Battle Pass also give a lot of useful stuff too. As it is easy to level, I can try out a lot of different things and allow to make mistake. My initial intention of using it to plan my path for other server had change over the months as it had better and more interesting events as compare to other server.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Soap Opera:



Drama going on in Horizon, Zed claim he got scam and he lost some gear and pet. Highly suspicious as he is not the kind of person that would lend out anything to other even if he know them well, what even more suspicious is that the Knight Slayer who claim to lost an Elephant to the same scammer turn out to be the scammer himself. I have a gut feeling that the whole thing is staged as he might have realized that he had been losing popularity recently and trying to get other to pity him and gain some free stuffs from other.

As there are not much going on and I am not playing on the server much after they didn't plan for any good event, I just casually troll him to make him feel better. Give a almost 1K of Affinity Seed to Avatar, think he got banned again recently. Not sure what is the reason behind it but most likely should be some racist remark he make, he should stop drinking and playing. At this rate he might end up like Music in no time, as he didn't really did much wrong it will be a pity if all his effort go to waste.


Cringee had got to Level 195 fast, I had give him 10 Superior Blessed Iris, 10 Insane Exp Spell, 500 Perk Point Scroll, 999 Big Snowman, 10K Curse Removal Scroll and 50K Super Exp Booster to help him with his leveling and farming. He had been farming Stat Point at Strayana recently trying to get 2.5K on all Stat to learn the Triple Slice Skill, he also learn about farming of gold at Xmas Map from me.

I am able to farm about 300B to 500B Gold per day, got about 19K of Token too. Should be able to get another Rudolph Pet soon, not sure what I am going to do with it as it is only good for magic user so far. Able to get a lot of Token Box, Battle Point, Antiquities Box and Online Time Point with Immortal Boss at Juno, manage to get two Gift of Universe Accessory from it due to luck too.

Manage to improve the damage of my two toon for Extreme Juno farming, might consider making the Wizard or Archer to add on to the farming later. Djinn also looking for Rune of Agility too, since I got the stuffs for it I get one for him. 


As the previous Halloween Costume had expired, I decided to try out Tier 2 for Titan and Sorcerer as I had ran out of Tier 3. But I still got a lot of Tier 1 to last me for about 3 to 5 years, I should be able to get more next year and it would be unlimited supply in no time at this rate. The Titan one look like Ghost Rider while the Sorcerer one look like Jack the Ripper.