Sunday, January 28, 2024

Extreme Gaming:


Zed claim that the scammer return the gear to him, I am highly doubtful about it. He had been trying to gain back popularity recently by give buffs to other players, I think this situation will not last long as he will soon realized that it is very tedious for him to stop what he is doing and switch toon just to buff some people.

 Price of stuffs start to go up and a lot of players had felt the burden of failing economy on them, because they had to sell their stuffs at higher price in order to afford the stuffs they want. This situation had become karma or retribution where it became a vicious cycle of never ending high cost of living, those who sell their stuffs cheap will end up poor and with nothing in the end so it will be better to keep the stuffs until the economy become better.

I have manage to level Lizard Ruv to 3rd Evolution, actually it can tank most mob at 2nd Evolution but I just want to make sure. I had tried at various mob at different location, Drake Nest, Prokion Temple, Giant Larva and Temple of Forgetfulness.

I had manage to complete the farming of Fox Tail and Hide in just a few hour, but the Zombie Nail and Skin will take few days. As it had become boring, I had decided to make a few new toon and try out extreme gaming of using just normal gear and see how far I can go. It will be like what God Slayer use to do surviving on just +4 Gear and manage to get to Level 100.


Thunder Storm had been leveling slow, he always quit halfway after gaining a few level. Four Realms usually just took about 2 hours or 2 days for most players, but it took almost twice as long for him. I wonder how long it would take for him to get to Level 200 when he suffer the long and dreadful journey at Mushroom Land.

 God Slayer had been very active, he had been asking me for skill book for various class. He claim he had been playing with few of his friends, it is good to see more players joining the server and make it more lively.

Music had reach Level 200 and got his PVP Gears, I give him some good Accessory and Rune which will help. He had been trying to get his Wing by doing Extreme Cube for few days and then disappear completely after that. I also never see him spam the other server, so he might have gone to try the new Aphelion Classic. I also did consider trying it, but after seeing that it is hard like Official and even didn't allow the use of pets I drop the idea.

Give a Scorpion to Cringee since he had been wanting it after he heard me talk about it, since Pet AOE still glitch for Titan and I had the Santa as future back up. Discover that the Summer Map still exist, I can access it when I select Egeha through Floriam Cave Teleporter. I use to do that to save on the 800K Entry Fee, but guess now it became a secret Easter Egg in game.

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