Friday, February 9, 2024

Happy Valentine:


Valentine Event had started, mob drop Small, Medium and Large Chocolate. They had improve the rewards for the event, we are getting Lucky Scroll, Moonstone Box, Power and Berserk Potion instead of Large and Small Attack and Defense Potion. The remaining rewards of Exp and Effort Scroll remain the same and randomly get Extreme Stone once in a while.

It take 9 Large Chocolate to get 80 points, and the process of wrapping it and putting them into box is a tedious process. Hopefully they will make a Laca Ball for left over Chocolate after the event, and most likely the rewards will be much better than the actual event. I will turn in all the Large Chocolate and keep the Small and medium one for Laca Ball just in case.


Give Cringee two Gift of Universe Accessory which I got recently from Immortal Boss, I told him it was because Sushi had give me 100 Booster. Manage to get three Accessory for all my 7 Different Class Toons, only left Rune and Jewel for the Night Shadow and War Master to complete the setup.

They had introduce a new Offline Merchant Mode, we are able to sell stuffs without the game client running. It came at a perfect timing, I can sell a lot of my stuffs without keeping the PC on during the Chinese New year period. It also allow us to gain Cash, Online Time Point and Token, I have been doing Immortal Boss for the past two weeks due to busy preparing for the Chinese New Year.

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