Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dark Age:



Situation had become worst, a lot of players are trying to sell their stuffs cheap but nobody buy. A lot of them thought they are the few who buy Fawkes Gems and thought they could make a good profit off the Loyalty Rewards, but to their surprise there are a lot more players doing the same as them. So it become a price war and a lot of stuffs start to devalue to about 30% of their usual price, the situation will get even worst as the Loyalty Rewards continue.

It is not really a bad thing as those players who play for free actually benefit from the cheap premium stuffs, the publisher also earn a good profit from the Fawkes Gems sales. The only idiots become those who brought Fawkes Gems for the Loyalty Rewards, and there are some who even spend it all in a month instead of spreading it over 3 months to maximize its benefit. They thought the 185 Jump Box would make it easy for them, but they never expect the Level 25 Jewels can only be use for Level 186 or higher gears.

There are a lot of new players joining who can't even survive on their own, they keep asking for help in their leveling while a lot of old players thought it had already become easy with the new patch which give all the stuffs they need. A lot of old players also become less active mainly because of server lag or IP Block, they had also become less helpful toward the new players.

Game had also become boring without good events, it had gone back to the void period with Iris Element Events as filler. There are so many Jewel and Upgrade Event until the whole market are flooded with +30 gears with value below 5B or less, and those who are unable to sell their stuffs to get gold for the events cannot afford to buy or upgrade their gear until now.

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