Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Heterodox Apprentice:


The server was down for very long period of time, a lot of players start to suffer from withdrawal syndrome. They finally got the server up and repeat the 200% Dungeon Time from Day 2 combine with 200% upgrade for Day 3.

Since I manage to find some Heaven Stone Grade 5 at 20M, I thought I might as well finish up the six Level 61 weapon for my alternate. I was short of 142 Heaven Stone Grade 5 and ask if god got any for sales, but I guess he was too focus on doing his Level 70 set so I didn't get any reply from him.

I overheard someone is selling it at slightly higher price of 25M, so I went over to Channel 3 to get the remaining to finish my weapons. Now that I had completed all the task I had set out to do, I don't know what else is left. Guess I will just continue to enjoy whatever events that come and just farm for some stuffs in case some other players need it.


Hans56 still obsessed with farming of Token Box at Tairan Center, I told him that the event had already ended. He ask me when will be the next event, I told him it usually happen for about 3 hours on every weekend.

As he very interested and wanted to try out the AOE pet, I give him the three different summer pets to fuel his obsession. He had already level up from Level 165 to Level 200 but instead of farming for Level 220 gears and level up further he still prefer to try things out at Mushroom Land or Tairan Center.

He show me his pet AI setup and I was shock to find out that he use 5 Co Op target arrow to link with the AOE skill. I told him that it will not work as there are Cool Down time for the skill, but he insisted that I should try it too.

I feel stupid to believe what he say and actually do the same setup to try, as expected it did not work at all as I already knew about the skill cool down issue since the first Easter Event. I remember even telling Foxy Daddy about it as he was not aware of this limitation.

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