Friday, September 19, 2008

The 4 Millions Members Challenge!

They currently have 3.6 Millions registered members, making them one of the largest free-to-play portals. If they get 4 Millions Members by the end of September we would get 900 Aeria Points!

It's Free to Play! So hurry and get all your friends to join and make it happen!

The Last Chaos Game Client can be downloaded free from the following website:

Details Game Guides can be found at the following website:

The details of the Event are listed in the Forum as follows:

1. Blog about Aeria Games -- 100 Free AP

Write a blog, with at least 6 sentences, about your positive experiences with Aeria Games, and our community. Post the URL to your blog as a reply to this post to get the Free AP. Our URL must be included in your blog to be eligible.

2. Post a Screenshot with Friends -- 100 Free AP

Post a screenshot of yourselves with 4 other friends, on another forum or website, and post the URL as a reply to the post to get the Free AP. The Screenshot must be of you and 4 other friends and be from one of our games.

3. Invite 10 Friends -- 100 Free AP

Send an e-mail to at least 10 friends, with a screenshot of yourselves in the game, and blind carbon copy (BCC) to get the Free AP. We must see the email addresses of at lease 10 friends and, at our discreation, the email addresses must appear legitimate. Remember you must BCC for our verification. [u]If your e-mail has a signature as a banner of Aeria Games with our URL, you will get an additional 100 Free AP.

In order to make awarding AP easier, please tell your friends what your account name is on the website (This is your LOGIN ID, not your characters name)

4. Market Aeria Games -- 100 Free AP

Put a poster or any other visual advertisement up for Aeria Games with our URL and post a picture here to get Free AP. The picture must show that the poster or the visual advertisement is in a public place (stores, schools, malls, etc).

You may do all 4 of these to receive 400 Free AP. But there's more. If we do reach 4 Million Members by September 30th, each of you will get an additional 400 Free AP, yes, 400 additional AP! So you can get a total of 800 Free AP from this promotion (or 900 AP if you have our signature in your email).

So go out there and tell all your friends and family to join us. Now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had an amazing experience with Aeria games and Last Chaos. It is honestly one of the most amazing and helpful communities you will ever be in. And believe it or not the game is free! I found this amazing because it doesn't seem like they slacked on anything to make the game free. Just be warned though--WHEN you download Last Chaos it is very addictive. To find out more information on this amazing game visit