Level 20 to Level 21: Ghoul
Level 22: Mummy
Level 23: Harpy
Level 24 to Level 25: Skeleton Soldier
Level 26 to Level 27: Orc Soldier
Level 28 to Level 29: Orc Fighter
Level 30: Orc Axeman
Level 31: Sand Golem
PS: The process is slow as most of the time she is collecting Quest Items instead of crowding with other people at the Temples. It is good in a way as she can kill monsters with just one or two hits, in the process she get a lot of drops from the monsters. There are so much stuffs to sell which both character cannot cope I had to dump most of the low Level +4 Glowing Weapon and Fairy Armour she got from monsters at Velpist Temple.
Met a Level 42 War Master named Grouchy when my sub char Apollo Mars was in Merchant Mode at Sarrissa 4 Fountain, she is very observant and recognized my Trade Mark Storm Dragon Fountain Shop and ask if I was also Alpha Light. I use to setup shop in front of the Store Keeper because I can easily access my stuffs to stock up my shop whenever they are sold out, guess that would mean I am selling my stuffs at very reasonable prices. But I have to move my shop to the Fountain after I got the Storm Dragon Mount so that I would not be blocking other players from accessing the Store Keeper.
Grouchy was from America, she told me that her husband got a Level 42 Royal Knight named Tucker T and her daughter got a Level 44 Assassin named Socrates. Her daughter room mate is the Guild Master of Blutundherre Guild and have a Level 44 War Master named Mighty Mouth. She had just started two months ago, almost the same time I started this blog and the new character. This would be the fifth family I knew through out my journey through the Land of Iris, I never expected the game to be so popular across such a wide age group.
Finally manage to make a Level 21 +15 Knight Event Weapon Light Of Odin after so many weeks, Heaven Stone price had remain at 900,000 Golds since the last Upgrade Event and I could not get much Heaven Stone for upgrading my Weapon. Most of the Heaven Stone are the one I get from monsters drops and I have to buy a few at a higher price of 750,000 Golds to speed up the process of upgrading.
This time I did not depend on the Upgrade Event, I did a double upgrade instead. I did the alternate upgrade between two Weapons so if I break one I will still have another. I did break one while trying to get it from +13 to +14 and end up with one +14, I did not want to start another alternate Weapon all over again and decided to take the final risk to bring the +14 to +15.
I did a lot of research on upgrading on the forum and follow most of the reasonable suggestion those experience players provided. First and foremost the upgrade should be done at the Guild Hall where there are no other players on your radar so that there will be less lag. The other ways of reducing lag are to go to a less crowded server, remove all your other equipment and zoom in the camera from bird view on your character. I find all that to be reasonable and follow through all the way for my upgrading process, it did help a bit and the Weapon really did not break only until I manage to get it to +13.
Secondly, you should only confirm twelve seconds after you applied the Heaven Stone to the Weapon. The same is done for normal Smelting Stone but the duration is claim to be one minutes according to the ratio of success rate. It did increase the success rate for me a little bit better as compare to my previous experience, but I also found that if I manage to click the confirm button within one second of applying the Smelting Stone or Heaven Stone to the Weapon seem to work better for me too.
Last but not least, you should only apply one Heaven Stone every twenty four hours. I did not really follow this as I do not really have the patience to wait that long. But I find this reasonable too as compare to the other myths of running around town in alternate direction for odd and even upgrade and standing on the position at the edge of town center spawn point to match your upgrade to the number on clock position.
Level 21 + 15 Knight Event Weapon Light Of Odin
Level 30 +4 to Level 32 +4 Healer Japanese Fairy Armour Set
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