Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Story of First Knight

Alpha Light is a Knight with a vision, the Land of Iris where players help each other and live in perfect harmony. But his Evil Twin a Titan named Omega Darkness does not share the same vision with him. While Alpha Light from the First Knight Guild to help people, Omega Darkness form the Unity Guild to fight against him. Sorcerer Earth Sea Fire Wind form the Specialists Guild, he is a neutral party in this struggle but he might sway from good and evil from time to time depending on whether the Knight or Demon Evocation in him is overpowering.

Alpha Light met a Healer named Luna Venus along his journey through the Land of Iris, they have been a couple ever since and she became his greatest support for his Quest for better world. Luna Venus had a younger brother named Apollo Mars who is also a Knight, she get him to train under Alpha Light so that he could assist in the Quest for better world too. Apollo Mars later met a Rogue named Mercury Venus and they have been a couple ever since. Alpha Light made the new couple his Guild Advisor so that they can help to recruit people to help him with his Quest.

Alpha Light and Luna Venus later got a son named Hydro Dynamic, he became a Knight and train under the guidance of Alpha Light. Apollo Mars and Mercury Venus is also having a son soon, they are going to named him Hydro Static. With two more Knight in the First Knight Guild, they believe they would be able to defeat Omega Darkness and the Unity Guild.

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