Monday, February 23, 2009

Mission Impossible Part Two

Took me more than a month to complete this Mission, to get my Royal Knight Apollo Mars from Level 33 to Level 53. It might not take so long if I had not make Guest Appearance at the New Azura EU Server to help LCName6652 setup a new Guild named Royal Blood. He do the Logistic of Buying and Selling Stuffs for Money and Skill Points for getting the Guild to Level 6 while I setup the Guild Website and get the Guild Points needed for the Guild Notice and Guild Expansion with my Level 29 Knight. We got 35 Guild Members in just two days of hard work and I leave him to do the Guild Management and the rest of the Guild Expansion. He became very busy at Azura Server and later give all his Stuffs on Sarrissa Server to Psycho Night as he would not be playing Sarrissa Server so often.

Psycho Night decided to join Grey Ghost Reapers Of Destiny Guild as Grey Ghost had manage it very well and made it into a Level 10 Guild with more than 90 Members. He started to like the Royal Knight Skills and made it his Main Character instead of his High Lander. He later start another new Sorcerer Character named Psycho Sorcerer and intended to make it an Elementalist instead of the more popular Specialist.

I also get to know Reapers Of Destiny Guild Advisor named Smoke Nel better through some interaction in Randol Town while we were both in Merchant Mode. I also get to know another Character from Young Ones Guild which have multiple Character named Tiny One and Stumpee. I later found out that a Level 59 War Master named stikin I use to know before were actually an Level 84 Archer named Royal Doom which I knew later.

Psycho Night and me did a duel at the Arena while he was Level 57 with Level 57 +15 Weapon and Level 55 +6 to Level 57 +6 Armour Set. Apollo Mars was at Level 52 with Level 53 +15 Weapon and Level 55 +15 to Level 57 +15 Armour Set. I mange to defeat him with loosing only twenty five percent of my Hit Points. But I was unable to defeat Level 62 stikin after that dealing only fifty percent of his Hit Points, but I did manage to defeat Level 90 Royal Doom with loosing only fifty percent of my Hit Points when she duel me without any Weapon and Armour.

Apollo Mars can do Operation Eagle Hunt with Level 57 +15 Weapon and Level 55 +15 to Level 57 +15 Armour Set. The rare Level 55 +15 to Level 57 +15 Armour Set had cost me 600,000,000 Golds and I had to sell 250 Heaven Stones at 2,400,000 Golds each to raise the money for that set. Now I just had to do more Operation Eagle Hunt to get three Tears Of Knight Rare Accessory from the Eagle for both my Temple and Royal Knight and two more Eyes Of Spirit Rare Accessory for my Wife Archer.

Got a Eyes Of Spirit Rare Accessory from the Eagle, it was a good Valentine Gift for my Wife Archer, got Rage Of Demon, Stone Of Shadow and Chain Of Tiger from the Eagle too and sold them at 60,000,000 Golds, 40,000,000 Golds and 30,000,000 Golds.

The Guild Master of Guildless Guild named maiden man like to join my First Knight Solo Party because of Aeron The Healer, we got to know each other when we were at Mid Level and try to kill Death Knight Of Iris at Margadum Jail in Merac together. Although we got killed three times because of our weak Magical Defense, we kind of have fun and laugh about it. Aeron The Healer left Dragon Knight Guild and join Guildless Guild after she get to know maiden man and his Guild Advisor named root beer better.

Aeron The Healer and maiden man later decided to make another new Character after they realize they Level too fast and find it difficult to get Skill Points for their Skills. Aeron The Healer make another Cleric named Saving Grace while maiden man switch from War Master to Temple Knight named Maiden Man, they complete their Skill Point Farming at Level 23 at Prokion Temple in Dratan. I lend all my Shields to Maiden Man later to help him with his Leveling as Shields are very hard to find. Guildless Guild became my new Guild Alliance in place of Dragon Knight because of Saving Grace and Maiden Man.

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