Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monster Blade

Been Slaying Monster for the Past Few Days.

Android Version

iOS Version

Tutorial (Level 1 to 3)
Just Follow Ocha (Four Ears Rabbit) Instruction for the Battle.
Get a 3 Stars Fire Axe upon Completion.

Death from Above: Emerald Heart (Level 4 to 8) 

The God Beast of Wood: Nhang Agni.

Wood is Weak against Fire, so Equip with the 3 Stars Fire Axe.
Try to Collect Full Set of 3 Stars Wood Armour and Weapon from Bronze Treasure Chest by Repeating defeating The God Beast of Wood: Nhang Agni.
If you are Lucky You may get 5 Stars Hydra Slayer Armour and Axe from Gold Chest.  

Hydra Slayer Armour from  Nhang Agni (God Beast of Wood)

Battle Tactics 
Generally I will start off with Combo Attack Viper Strike: Dodge Right + Dodge Right + Swipe Down or Eagle Craw: Dodge Left + Dodge Left + Swipe Right Up Then I will Repeatably Fast Swipe Right Up and Swipe Left Up to increase the Combo Hits and Charge the Super Attack.
Save the Friend Assist and Super Attack for the Final Stage, Execute Friend Assist first and then follow by Super Attack and Finish it off with Combo Attack.
I personally prefer the following Friend Assist: Strength in Numbers (Water) Increase in Damage, Twin Strike (Fire) Increase Critical Chance and Dynamic Slash (Wood) Massive Damage.
Try to Defeat all the Monsters within the Shortest Time with the Minimum Damage Receive to get Gold Medals.
Get Gold Medals for all Monsters to get an Extra Mystery Chest.  

Special Event: The Undying God Beast 
Water is Weak against Wood, so do this after you have Equip with the Full 3 Stars Wood Armour and Axe from Nhang Agni.
Try to Collect Full Set of 3 Stars Water Armour and Weapon from Bronze Treasure Chest by Repeating defeating The God Beast of Water: Sahapet Djour
If you are Lucky You may get 5 Stars Hydra God Armour and Blade from Gold Chest.
Always Do Special Event as the Three Battle Points will take about 6 Hours to Charge.
Try to Do Special Event first whenever you gain a Level.  

Hydra Armour from Sahapet Djour (God Beast of Water)

Razor Dunes (Level 9 to 12)  

Ice Man: Northern Tower (Level 13 to 16)

 The God Beast of Water: Sahapet Djour

Water is Weak against Wood, so do this after you have Equip with the Full 3 Stars Wood Armour and Axe from Nhang Agni.
Try to Collect Full Set of 3 Stars Water Armour and Weapon from Bronze Treasure Chest by Repeating defeating The God Beast of Water: Sahapet Djour
If you are Lucky You may get 5 Stars Hydra God Armour and Blade from Gold Chest.  

Ripping Tide (Level 17 to 22)  

Howling Fire: Molten Heart (Level 23 to 28) 

 The God Beast of Fire: Aralez Pir

Fire is Weak against Water, so do this after you have Equip with the Full 3 Stars Water Armour and Blade from Sahapet Djour
Try to Collect Full Set of 3 Stars Fire Armour and Weapon from Bronze Treasure Chest by Repeating defeating The God Beast of Fire: Aralez Pir
If you are Lucky You may get 5 Stars Arch Demon Armour and Blade from Gold Chest.  

Arch Demon Armour from Aralez Pir (God Beast of Fire)

Horned Terror (Level 29 to 31) 
Wood is Weak against Fire, so do this after you have Equip with the Full 3 Stars Fire Armour and Blade from Aralez Pir

Ice Cold Stare (Level 32 to 34) 
Water is Weak against Wood, so do this after you have Equip with the Full 3 Stars Wood Armour and Blade from Nhang Agni.

Combo Attacks 
Phoenix Talon: Defend Block + Defend Block + Swipe Up
Eagle Craw: Dodge Left + Dodge Left + Swipe Right Up
Viper Strike: Dodging Right + Dodging Right + Swipe Down  

Friend Assists 

Sun Beam (Wood) Heal Health Point
Strength in Numbers (Water) Increase in Damage
Twin Strike (Fire) Increase Critical Chance
Dynamic Slash (Wood) Massive Damage
Energy Jolt (Water) Stuns

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