Monday, June 24, 2024

Another Half Time:



They had reduce the Skill Cool Down by half, so it had allow us to spam skill faster. Previously we can only spam skill when we use Cool Down Reduction, now we only need MP Steal or a lot of Mana Potion to ensure we got enough MP to spam the skill. I only notice the changes for Knight initially, but after a day later I notice the same had been done for Rogue too.


There had been a lot of changes since the new patch, they had increase the target for Pet AOE from 5 to 25. But after trying it out with Tairan Daily, it is still weak as compare to previous time. They had also remove Laca Ball for Maze Token, Extreme Juno Token, Castle Siege Token, Royal Aphelion Token and Wooden Key, it is a bad decision as we are unable to choose the stuffs we want and get everything randomly.

Some players might like it as we can clear the token faster like the Moon Stone, but I personally still prefer the freedom of choice for the old version. We also have to spend gold buying the box from Merchant Geres NPC which kind of will reduce the amount of gold in game greatly in long run. 

Have seen a lot of new players quit after they reach Level 165, they do not understand why they are only given an option of doing Four Realm Quest instead of given a freedom of choice to level by different way they wish. A lot of players also decide to remain at Level 185 or 200 as leveling become hard and slow after that, they just AFK most of the time as they can already do most of the stuffs they need at that level.

It feel like the private server is slowly transforming into official server while the official server is slowly transforming into private server. With a trend like this a lot of players might decided to quit private server and go back to official server.

Light Angel had been trying to buy all kind of token at about 3M to 5M, that is lower than half the market price. There are a lot of players who are doing the same and a few of them actually sell their stuff cheap like Moza Lito on official server too. Only a few behave like Zed on official server where they buy stuffs at cheaper price and try to resell them at higher price.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Marie Kondo:



Decided to tidy up my toon and stuff, delete all the failed farming toon and create new one. The new toon will replace the Pacific Rim Jaeger, they are named after movie base on the Transformation Scroll as follows:

Level 5 Healer New Moon (Dire Wolf)

Level 13 Sorcerer White Light (Jaguar) Actually wanted to name Black Panther but the name already taken, come to think of it I could have use Wankada Forever.

Level 17 Titan King Kong ( Sasquatch)

Level 21 Ex Rogue Hawk Eye (Harpy)

Level 25 Mage Medusa Gorgo (Dark Goddess)

Level 29 Knight Dragon Heart (Drake)

Their class and level to lock mostly depend on their skill and gear, like Healer have Quick Bow Fixing at Level 5 and can equip Level 9 Weapon. Sorcerer Spirit can be Empowered at Level 10 and can equip Level 17 Weapon, Titan have Battle Roar at Level 15 and can equip Level 21 Weapon. Rogue have Snare at Level 20 and can equip Level 25 Weapon, Mage have Scud at Level 25 and can equip Level 29 Weapon. And finally Knight have Devotion at Level 20 and can equip Level 33 Weapon.

Actually Mage and Knight can be swap as they already got the require skill at Level 20 and 25, but I thought Mage suit Medusa better with Dark Goddess Transformation Scroll. Knight also have higher defense which allow him to survive better when getting mob, and I had always prefer Knight and Rogue over Mage and Titan.

Manage to be the first one to find Game Master Cherubim at Burbank Farm while trying do wolf quest and spawning Balrog, got a Event Box which give Legendary Iris, Legendary Skill Pill, 10 Middle Grade Reformer, 20 Medium Medicine, 20 Experience Booster, 20 Skill Point Booster, 20 Gold Booster. It is consider just a small rewards as when we create a new toon we get 5 Legendary Iris, 5 Legendary Skill Pill, 1K Experience Booster, 1K Skill Point Booster, 5 Cool Down Reduction, 2 HP Steal, 2 MP Steal, 50 Recall Scroll and 50 Memory Scroll which is so much more, but consider the stuffs are not character bound and is tradable after getting Merchant Profession it is still not bad at all.


Manage to find Booster Boss in Extreme Egeha at 1334 1054 while trying to find Care Package which doesn't exist at all, it will be so much easier if the NPC Scroll for Egeha work after they change it to Extreme Egeha for higher level. I can only use Memory Scroll to save the Location for easy access for my daily routine. It took longer to kill as compare to other Boss but it allow me to complete the Achievement for other mob, it will also help in Guild Quest and Affinity too.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Swiming with the Fishes:


World Cup Event had started, but the drop rate for Festival Box is very low. They had 300% Pet EXP and 500% EXP Event during the weekend, so I just focus on leveling my Horse and leveling my Trolling Toon. Manage to get the remaining 3 to complete their Apprenticeship and get Merchant Profession, now I have try out the skills for all class except Night Shadow.

Moza Lito had become another Zed, she had been trying to buy Moon Stone Box at 1.5M while the Market Price is 3M. At least she is also selling her stuffs cheap and not trying to make profit by reselling stuff like Zed. Zed had become less active these days, not sure if he had decided to play other server.


CanniBuz and Speedy seem to be having a good time, guess they are staying here for good as I seldom see them log on on Horizon much. Manage to found the other 2 Immortal Boss in Juno while looking for CanniBuz to give him some stuffs, one of it is near Hunter Drenoir which I manage to complete the Horn Beast Achievement while the other is near Border Guard Tamon which is good for leveling pet as there are no mob nearby.

There are still a lot of self entitled players who keep trying to buy stuffs at half the market price, usually most players will just ignore them and they will have to buy it at the normal market price or higher if they really need it. Guess it is the same issue on most server, and you can easily identify them by their nationality.

Took part in the Treasure Hunt Event, never really bother much until I saw the Game Sage is near to the Immortal Boss when Ankou and his Alternate claim the Token at Farmer Jack. Since I am nearby I might as well take a few step to go over and claim the 3rd position, I actually thought I would just stop there and go back to Immortal Boss as I am trying to level my last Trolling Toon on other server. But the location in Juno Map is too obvious and I just got to move my butt to participate.

The Dratan location is challenging, Ankou was not happy when I manage to reach the first location before him and his Alternate. I decided to let him claim first and second place before I go just to make him happy. The other two location I also mistook it for the one near NPC but I still manage to find it after some effort due to my exploration of the map when I am bored.

The third map is Merac, the first two location is easy but the last one kind of encounter some giltch. All of us actually reach the exact location but could not find the Game Sage after searching high and low for her. Later we found out that she got disconnected and we just wait for her to log on back. Actually I am not sure if I reach later than the other players but it doesn't really matter much as I just join for fun, end up I got 37 Token and Ankou got 75 while his Alternate got 59.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Star Trek The Final Frontier:


Manage to get about 40 Platinum Blessed Iris, 8.5K XP Booster and 740 Socket Reset Card with Wooden Key, and we are not surprise that they turn back on their word again and decided to end the Wooden Key Laca on Monday instead of permanent as they had promised, The price of Wooden Key had increase from 1M to 5M, and it will still worth about 4M after the Laca end because now we only need 250 of it to trade for Gold Key.

We believe they would also end the Curse Heart Laca too as it will also affect the economy, it will be fair to both low and high level players as both Laca cater to different group. Some high level players even prefer to farm Wooden Key with their Noob Alternate as they find the rewards for Wooden Key Laca are more appealing and useful to them.

Make a few changes to adapt to the new situation, first is to use my Buff Toons for Merchant as got too may stuffs to sell. They can be in Party and do Buffs without closing the Merchant Mode Window, only the one that need to Mount Knightmare will need to close the Merchant Mode. Due to the new changes I will need to speed up the leveling of another Horse and Dragon, the Dragon is just to fulfill the dream of having Twin Dragon Shop which I have during Aeria time.

Been trying out using my Raid Boss Hunter for Pet Leveling, the Level 33 Royal Knight is not that suitable due to low hit rate but the Level 53 Assassin and Level 75 Royal Knight can do it at both Dratan ad Merac and kill Boss when it spawn. With the new setup it would increase the efficiency for selling stuff and pet leveling, it will also help in Farming or Leveling of other toon as they can receive buffs anytime.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Toy Story:



Guess they finally realized that they are losing a lot of players, they decide to make a lot of changes according to players suggestion. Most of it doesn't really interest me much as it is more for high level players, like the increase in drop rate for Dark Tomb and the Curse Heart Laca which give those rewards like Level 19 and 22 Jewel, Theos and Darkness Chest, Key, Medicine and Jewel Fusion Scroll.

They had allow the use of Pet and Ignition on Channel 4 which is for Castle Siege, remove the Penalty for Red Name, let Night Shadow ride Mount which I think are stupid as it will backlash and cause more issues later as that was not what the game is design for. Now we can fully convince that they don't really know the game at all and are just making changes to make most players happy.

What really interesting is the Wooden Key Laca which give Pet Exp Potion, Jewel Removal Scroll, Lucky Scroll, Pet Exp Booster, Platinum Quick Mana Potion. It also give Platinum Super Skill Pill, Sublime Scroll, SP Spell Box, Skill Point Booster, Green Herb Leaf or Platinum Blessed Iris, Socket Reset Card, Exp Scroll, Exp Booster, Quality Stone.

They also reduce the amount of Wooden Key need for Golden Key from 1K to 250, Treasure Chest also give better stuffs now as it give Heaven Stone 5 instead of Heaven Stone 1 and also better Potion and Jewel. The Golden Chest also give better reward which is Heaven Stone 8, Legendary Scroll, Medicine, Socket Reset Card, Perfect Moonstone and Red Diesel Pet.

The Skill Point for Curse Weaver and Curse Lich in Egeha, Sorcerer Spirit in Travia Valley and Ramslo Lab had been increase to help with Skill Point Farming at higher level, but not sure why the Skill Point for Spider in Temple of Forgetfulness did not get increase back as it is also a very essential location for pet leveling.

They also increase the amount of gold for selling to NPC by 20% and hold 200% Upgrade, Drop Rate and Gold Event to balance all the resources on the server. If they had been closely monitoring all these data, it would not had reach the point where it become a disaster. I don't think it will really make much different as the amount of active players had greatly reduce and the remaining players cannot do much to save the economy with limited resources.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Mission Impossible:



After trying out with Beta Tester and get an idea of the perfect leveling path, I decided to make a few alternate to try out for different class. The list of alternate are as follows:

Brocco Lee (War Master) Brother of Bruised Lee

John Wig (Specialist) Highest Body Count in Movie History

Bread Pick (Royal Knight) Breakfast at Tiffany

Bruised Willy (Royal Knight) Die Hard with a Vanity

Tailor Swift (Archer) Fast Fashion Statement

Cereal Killer (Assassin) Killing you slowly with a Spoon

Mad Donna (Witch) Crazy Pop Queen

Morning Wood (Royal Knight) Hard On

Fat Man (War Master) Brother of Bat Man

Hairy Porter (Specialist) Sassy Carrier

Brag Pit (Royal Knight) Boost Hole

Dick Tracy (Royal Knight) Straight into your Pants

Catty Purry (Archer) Pussy Cat Doll

Fast N Curious (Assassin) Speedy Gonzalas

Bettle Juice (Witch) Insect Terminator

Sum Ting Wong (Royal Knight) Daze and Confuse

Their main purpose to to get Certificate of Guardianship and Troll a few players while we wait for another new patch which hopefully will improve the situation for PVE Player. It will also provide Level 1 +15 Armor for few of my Farmer Toon, and maybe Level 30 +15 Armor too.


Another new player named Light Angel from Brazil asking for help with killing Newbie Hunter Boss, as I am doing some morning logistic with my toon I decided to send my Level 22 Rogue Striker Eureka to help. He was skeptical at first as his Mage is 4 level higher than my Rogue, but I had done it with Level 16 Toon with Level 5 Ignition so this toon should be able to do it with Gilese Rune and Legendary Pet.

As expected it was an easy task and I got it done within a few seconds, he couldn't believe it and ask if I could kill Level 220 Balrog too. Actually I am also not very sure about it and decided to give it a try, fair enough the fate of Balrog also end up the same as Newbie Hunter. It was easy as I just need to keep the Boss Snare and just let the Pet do all the Damage, it might not be possible when we are not allow to use pet in Juno.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Beta Test:


Noticed that one of my toon got Level 30 to 33 +15 gears at Level 31 instead of +10, decided to make a new toon to try out after god told me that he get Level 1 +15 gears with some useful items. Since I had already try a few Ex Rogue, I decided to give Arch Mage a try too. Their Level 1 armor had the defense of Level 50, with the new update they will have no issue to reach Level 50.

True enough I am getting all the stuffs as god had told me, other than the Level 1 +15 gears I am also getting the followings:

5 Legendary Iris

5 Legendary Skill Pill

2 HP Steal

2 MP Steal

5 Cool Down

1000 XP Booster

1000 SP Booster

50 Recall Scroll

50 Memory Scroll

It starting to give the private server vibe with the newbie package, not sure if they send Game Sage to try out private server and copy the idea.

The SP stuffs can be use at Level 12 Sassy if got XP Lock from Level 6 Guild, or it can also be use at Prokion Temple from Level 23 to Level 35. The XP stuffs can be use at Merac Jail or Temple of Forgetfulness to level fast, or can save it for Tomb or Vald Quest if you plan for higher level.

At the moment my plan is just to get it to Level 50 to complete the Guardian System, might continue to get it further to Level 70 for pet leveling later. Although all the item are Character Bond, it is still a good way to get Certificate of Guardianship which is in demand for Merchant Profession and learning Soul Skill.

There are more update on the next coming patch, we are not sure what surprise it will give but we can only hope for the better. For now we just had to play and enjoy the game while we still can and not to worry about what the future had planed for us. I just had a bad feeling that they might decide to merge all server and finally shut it down if a lot of players just decide to remain AFK and not going to play until they fix the current issues which come with the new patch.


They had increase the level require for Shiva to learn AOE from Level 1 to Level 100, it is not really an issue for old players as we can do it in about 30 mins or less. It will still be a difficult task for newbie without the gears, accessory or rune to boost pet experience and pet experience pill or pet experience booster. But at least the base status for the pet is high and doesn't die easy like the buff pet, it is still easy to level it as you kill mob to level your toon.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Avatar The Last Airbender:


Recent Patch had remove the Elemental System,  a lot of players are not happy about that. Mob are harder to kill now as the Base Attack and Defense is no longer 2 times due to the previous Elemental Advantage. They did a few emergency reboot and patch to fix some of the issues that occur due to the recent patch, it goes to show that they never really test it before they launch the patch.

One of the patch is to increase the PVE Damage by 50% to compensate for the remove of the Elemental System, but taking away 100% and give back 50% kind of remind me of the story of giving chicken wing and take back the whole chicken. A lot of players are going to quit and I foresee mass migration to private server.

Had manage to Level Up my Lizard Ruv to Evolution 3 to become Godzilla and Polar Bear to Iorek Byrnison, decided to level a second one and slowly build an army of Godzilla and Iorek Byrnison. god had also been leveling his pet, he had finish with Jaguar and now doing Panda and Polar Bear.


They had decided to restore the Pet AOE, but it is Nerf to 5 Target instead of 25 or 50 Target, the Cool Down also increase from 6 Second to 60 Second. This still doesn't make much different as it just make the Pet AOE as useless as the Battle Pet on Official Server, if the Nerf is 50% instead of 90% it might still be better.

As the Pet AOE is still not good enough for farming, I still spend most of my time on Immortal Boss after I finish with my daily routine. CanniBuz and his wife Violent Gypsy had got married, I also notice all of them had manage to get to Level 200 as they do not need my help with Four Realm Quest any more.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Strawberry Generation:


They are stupid enough to start Element of Iris Event before they end the Easter Event, this had make the shortage of Inventory Space even worst. And the schedule maintenance also didn't happen, and they had decided to extend the Easter Event for another week. The Element of Iris Event also repeat the same Element we had last time, this go to show that they don't really care or put much effort on the planning of the events.

A few incident had happened during the past week, I would say it had cause a bit of drama for the almost dead server. Moza Lito had been crying for Windy Buff and doesn't seem to get any due to a lot of Buffer had been going on vacation or busy with other stuffs in their life. I also had not been active much other than doing some farming to make use of the Bunny while the event last.

She claim that Sly will PK all the Buffer if nobody buff her, and end up she got PK by Sly and blame me for it. She never understand the real reason that had led to her getting PK, it was her big mouth which offended most of the players and she push the blame to someone who doesn't even had a clue or even in anyway related to the whole incident.

It is very common that a lot of newbie start to get over their head after they had reach certain level, I remember hearing that god PK a player name Trill due to his arrogant. This is also what happen to Diesel Boy before when he thought he owned the whole server just because he became very rich by selling Iris Cash.

A lot of newbie keep asking for stuffs which they cannot afford, like +30 Weapon or Premium Stuffs from Item Mall. They keep saying they just start playing and don't have much gold, but why they still desire expensive stuffs when they could not afford it? I remember we use to make the best of what is available to us and live with +10 or +15 Weapon and using those item which drop commonly from normal mob.

We had been through a lot of hardship to achieve what we had today and all these newbie just come and demand all the best item and complain about how difficult it is for them to play without those stuffs or buffs. All these newbie will not last long and will quit easily when they encounter bottleneck and start giving up when nobody is willing to help them anymore.


Never really play much since they remove the AOE Pet, been mostly helping Speedy and CanniBuz on their leveling at Four Realm Quest. Was surprise that Lady Wolf also decided to try out this server, but notice that Zekkan only play for a while and decided to go back to Horizon. The worst is that they had reduce the Experience for Floriam Cave and remove the Monster Combo to prevent players from using an alternative method for leveling, now it had become a linear path which is set by them with no freedom of choice.

Met a new player named Try Hard, he had remind me of Cleri and Blood Mage. He kept trying to level fast and would not rest until he reach maximum level, I told him to take it easy as he do not have all the stuffs he need and it will take a lot of time to get those stuffs. I try to support him in anyway I can as I don't really use much of the stuffs I had, he was very grateful for all the help I had offer.

Speedy ask me on how to get the Wedding Ring, I told him that he can try to get the Fragment from Good Moonstone or Laca Ball using Royal Aphelion Token. He found out that he could also get the Wedding Ring from Laca Ball using the Expedition Token too, but I told him it is much harder to get as it will take a lot of luck. Since he is going to play here for long, he should be able to get at least 4 per month from the Cash he get from Voting and staying online.

As he and Anaqsunamun had a lot of Alternate, it will still take about six months to a year for all their Alternate to get married. I had see a lot of familiar name pop up on the Guardian System, it is an indication of mass migration from Horizon to here. The Website also indicate an increase in number of active players over the week, I guess it is a good sign that the community is growing.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Speedy Gonzales:




Been using two of my Raid Boss Hunter for Easter Quest to try out the Bunny Pet, never really play much as Speedy Toes and Anaqsunamun from Too High Gaming Guild had decided to join the other server. I was busy helping them with a lot of stuffs over there, but still hope they doesn't quit like what Ghost did. I still think it is better to remain and enjoy the best of both side.


I was surprise to see Anaqsunamun asking about Skill Point on World Chat, she is the only other player I know from my country. I teleport back town and found Speedy Toes at Skill Master Area, pass him two Summer Pet to help them with their leveling while I try to finish up my farming of Troll Mucus at Four Realms.

They had join a day before the New Patch, but still get to enjoy the Easter Event for a while. Since they are going to build their Too High Gaming Guild here, I decided to pass them most of my stuffs. Speedy Toes had been very helpful to Newbie back on Horizon Server, I trust that he will help a lot of Newbie here. I was surprised that CanniBuz also decided to join the server, he told me his wife Kanna Gypsy is busy with her study now and will join later. 

Very disappointed with the New Patch as they decided to remove Pet AOE, I think I will be less active here as it is too much effort to farm for stuff now. Don't think I will be leveling to Level 220, as at Level 185 is able to perform most of the function I need. I hope they will bring back Pet AOE in the near future as it really help Newbie a lot, for now we just have to rely on Legendary Pet as they got high attack.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Rabbit Foot:


They have a new patch, other than putting Bunny Leash in the Item Mall for 500 Fawkes Gems they also improve the rewards for Easter Egg. The change in rewards are as follows:

10K Gold to 1M Gold

100K Gold to 5M Gold

Potion of Haste to Super Haste Potion

Large Defense Potion to Lucky Dodge Potion

Large Attack Potion to Lucky Hit Rate Potion

Heaven Stone Grade 1 to Heaven Stone Grade 3

Candy to Chocolate

Item Drop, Skill Point and Experience Booster increase from 1 to 10

Large Experience Potion to Experience Box

The Power Potion, Medium Medicine and HP and MP Steal Potion seem to remain the same, not sure about Golden Magnifying Glass and Chaos Ball as I have never got any of it yet until now.

The Bunny need Level 20 to learn Level 1 Buff, Level 50 to learn Level 2 Buff, Level 100 to learn Level 3 Buff and Level 165 to learn Level 4 Buff. According to herowe it increase the drop rate by about 4 times. There seem to be a mixed reaction towards the Bunny Pet, some think it is not worth it as it only use once a year but some think it is still worth it as the rewards for the Easter Egg had improved.


Manage to level another 30 Horse to Level 130, it is easy while doing Immortal Boss in Juno. Last time I am worry about its starvation which will affect the leveling, but seem like it doesn't really get hungry that fast. Pet business seem to be bad since they introduce the Pet Package in Item Mall, I had switch to another better business by selling Skill Book.

The Offline Merchant Mode also prove to be very useful, I am using alternate character which I use for Immortal Boss in Dratan instead of my usual Main. I am able to leave it for long period of time and do my usual stuffs, only check on it once in a while or if it get disconnect when server crash. It really save me a lot of time when I do not have to keep setting up shop every night when I go to sleep, and other players will always know where to buy the stuffs they need after seeing the same shop selling the same stuff after some period of time.

P.S.: Chaos Ball seem to remain the same, but Golden Magnifying Glass had been change to Advance Grade Reformer.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Egg Hunt:


Anniversary Event had ended, Easter Event had start. From the Quest Reward everything seem to be the same but only increase the quantity, didn't really see any special Laca Ball for the Bunny Pet. As the 300% Exp Event is going on for another 4 more days, might as well level up the remaining Mage to Level 25 and Knight to Level 29 as backup.

Found a weird thing, a new player named Zekkan had setup Merchant Mode exactly like Zed. Although he is not in Onwards Guild but in Too High Gaming Guild instead, but the similar setup seem suspicious to me. He might have make a bad reputation over the months and decided to change a new identity, a very obvious sign is all his old Merchant Toons cannot be found.

He had told me he ran out of Stone of Wise for Buff, think he is expecting me to give him another stack of stone. But as I did not really sell much stuffs since Christmas, I don't really have the amount of gold to sponsor him. He should be able to buy it himself with so many stuffs he had manage to farm during the Halloween and Christmas Event, and I didn't really see him buff other players much as compare to Avatar, Mother Nature and Elvis.

The amount of stuffs he farm during the event exceed the maximum amount which is possible for god, the only other players which I see able to farm that much are Rick and Blessed. They might be using a lot of stuffs to boost their speed and drop rate, or they might be using hack or multiple device. Fawkes is still unable to prevent hack until now and it had cause serious lag on the server, usually most player will reduce the Graphic Setting to the lowest and remove the BG FX to reduce lag they encounter in certain map like Ebony Mine.

But with the discovery I found last week where the old map texture are still hiding under the new map texture, it kind of contribute to the issue too. Not sure when they are going to improve or fix that, but we do encounter a lot of disconnection recently whenever we AFK for long period of time. It had affected a lot of players trying to sell their stuff in Merchant Mode, and it will further affect the economy of the game greatly.


Training Game Sage Mine Lyric had start a new type of Hide and Seek where it let the players choose the hiding spot and win rewards if no player is able to find within 15 mins. It is quiet an innovation, and I had never see such improvement since Til Death Item Bingo although it is kind of complicated. Other Game Sage also did try another type of Race Event where there are different Game Sage or Game Master station at different location to disclose the next location to the players when they reach them.

New patch will be schedule around 10th to 15th of May, other than the Level 220 Level Limit and new Weapon and Armor Set with new map as expected there seem to be more. From the sneak peak posted by Goofy, there seem to be new pet. There are also a post about him able to split into multiple character, not sure if it is a new skill available for all players or just a function only available to the Management Staffs.

I think I am able to farm more than 500K of Token, it had far exceeded the 30K which I farm during the last patch. I hope it will be able to trade for better stuffs as compare to last year, if not I will just give them away if there are nothing interesting for me. I also don't think I will be leveling my toons to Level 220 as I feel that Level 185 is already sufficient for more stuffs. Might make using of the chance to get Level 200 Set if it is available as Starter Quest like the Level 185 Set during the last patch.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Glitch in The Matrix:


Seem like the new map texture is overlay over the old map texture, I was able to see some structure wall under the Drake Nest when my game client start giving problem. Last time we also use to drop below the floor of Merac Jail when we enter, but I am not sure if we would travel back in time if we drop from new map to old map.

They had extended the Anniversary Event for another week, more cake farming for all players. I was surprised that a lot of players didn't know that we are able to save the location of Lust Trum Level 8 on Memory Scroll, I also discover it by chance when I was exploring with my Specialist Fire Wind before the migration.

Now most of the players just follow a linear path in game and keep repeating the same stuff over and over again, they lack the curiosity to explore and discover new stuffs. It is not like the old days where one player bring up a doubt in the forum and the remaining of the players communities will start to try out different type of game play and then provide the communities with vast amount of details information which will benefit all.


Everything seem to go on as usual, notice a new Training Game Sage named Mine Lyric just join the team. I manage to met him at Four Realms when he accept the Boss Recall when I spawn the Realm Champion, a lot of players, Game Sage and Game Master had done so over the weeks.

He start telling me that I am not allow to use pet to kill mob, I start to raise doubt about it. I explain to him that I am not doing it AFK, I still have to open Easter Egg to prevent my inventory from getting full. I also have to activate my buffs every few minutes, I even have to response to Boss Spawn every once in a while.

Last time we have to answer math question, and most Game Sage and Game Master will initiate a Chat, a Party Request or a Trade Request to see if the player is AFK. The Game is design this way with Pet AI and Boss Spawn, so if it is not allow they should have completely remove it long time back. This show that he does not really understand the game design at all, so I ask him to consult other Game Sage or Game Master before jumping into conclusion.

He seem like he is unable to reason with me, so he decided to spawn a lot of Realm Champion on me. It is not really an issue for me as the Stun is able to be remove by Curse Removal Scroll and I got a lot of it. It will really be an issue for most players if it was Decendor of the Devil or Poseidon as they got Stone which cannot be remove by Curse Removal Scroll.

After watching me manage to kill all the Boss he spawn, he decided to leave me alone.  There are also Care Package at Juno and Merac so I just teleport back to town to get it, a player named Last game also need help locating the Orge Supervisor in Four Realms so I check my note and give him the Co Ordinate.

I kind of lose the mood for farming and decided to switch toon for Immortal Boss, not sure what is the final outcome of his discussion with other Game Sage and Game Master. But I hope they would be fair enough to accept my explanation about the game design and the function of the game mechanics, it is the only thing that make this game unique and enjoyable as compare to other game.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Karma Kama:


A series of unfortunate incidents, suddenly everybody lost their costume. It create a lot of unhappiness even though it only last for a short period of time, it had cause the lost of trust among players and seem like a lot of them decided to stop buying Fawkes Crystal. Monkey had been trying to buy stuffs from Item Mall for few days without luck, he had raise price from 50M to 60M and still not getting any response.

The launcher also stop working for Windows 7 and 8, they are going to lose a lot of players because of it. I was remove from their Discord Channel again, it had been so for the past 5 months. I decided not to join back as it is just a trick to fake that a lot of new players are joining them but it is in fact all the old players. Since I am still able to get the information on events from Light Bringer Guild Discord Channel, and there are nothing interesting to discuss with other player on their channel. 

They had make some changes on the recent patch, one of the interesting one is the Horse Buff is change from Attack and Defense to Hit Rate and Evasion. That goes to show how much they don't understand about the game, P1 Pet is suppose to be for low level newbie and there is P2 Pet for the Hit Rate and Evasion Buff. Level 10 Buff is still the same duration, but Level 11 Buff is increase to 30 mins and Level 12 Buff is increase to 60 mins.

There had been a trend on most server, players are trying to buy stuffs at half the market price or less and trying to sell stuffs at twice the market price or more. They always broadcast at Trade Channel thinking that they are offering a good deal but end up being ignore by most players, so they are having a very hard time finding the stuffs they need.

If they really need the stuffs they will have to buy it from Trading Agent at a higher price, while Trading Agent is suppose to be cheaper as it allow price comparison. So in the end most players are wasting their time setting up shop in Merchant Mode and end up selling not much stuffs as there are not much gold left on the server.

Had seen Spam Bot few week ago, but even them also think it is not really worth the effort as the server are dead. Now it is only down to the few regular players and the community had shrink to half or a quarter of what it use to be since the migration. At the rate it is going, we might not have another Anniversary Event next year.


Manage to get 300K of Pre Release Token and the new patch is not ready, hopefully it will be able to trade for better stuffs as compare to the previous event. A lot of new players had joined, and had been helping them since there are not much to do. Most of them doesn't know about Premium Character benefit, Four Realms Quest, Extreme Juno Rune and P2 Pet, I try to help as much as I can and there are a lot of other players who are helpful.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

AFK Journey

SS Tier
Reinier*** Support Hypogean
Thoran*** Tank Graveborn

S Tier
Dionel** Marksman Celestial
Scarlita** Warrior Celestial
Granny Dahnie** Tank Wilder
Temesia** Tank Lightbearer
Rowan** Support Lightbearer
Odie** Marksman Mauler
Koko** Support Mauler

A Tier
Hewynn* Support Wilder
Shakir* Rogue Mualer
Vala* Rogue Lightbearer
Cecia*Marksman Graveborn
Carolina* Mage Graveborn
Bryon* Marksman Wilder
Eironn* Rogue Wilder
Smokey and Meerky* Support Mauler
Cassadee* Mage Lightbearer
Rhys* Marksman Mauler
Parisa* Mage Wilder
Seth Rogue Mauler
Korin* Warrior Lightbearer
Viperian* Mage Graveborn
Marilee* Marksman Lightbearer


Promo Code:

AFKJourneyJoshDub100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyrug200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyJianhao200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyLGIO200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyDE100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyMSA200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneySqueezie200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyZanny100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyPG0100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourney88100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyCarbot200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyTGT200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyViva200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyCMK100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyNOGLA200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyVG200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold
AFKJourneyArt327 Diamonds, 16,000 gold
AFKJN2024188 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyPAX400 Diamonds, 40,000 gold
AFKJourneyCreator200 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyTT88 Diamonds, 16,000 gold
AFKJourneyAlpharad100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyHI100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneySpecialEDD100 Diamonds, 18,000 gold
AFKJourneyPRESTON200 Diamonds, 20,000 gold

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Piece of Cake:



They start Anniversary Festival, instead of the usual mob dropping Ingredient for Cake and Candle they drop Piece of Cake. The Giant Cake is replaced by a Cake Girl NPC and it is able to trade Piece of Cake for rewards as follows:

100 for AGR (500M)

5 for Strong Med (25M)

3 for Medium Med (15M)

30 for Socket Reset (150M)

15 for HS5 (75M)

10 for Affinity Seed (50M)

15 for Candle (75M)

From the amount of Piece of Cake require for the reward, it show that the value for it is about 5M each. A lot of players are not happy with the rewards as a few of them seem repeated from Christmas event. But I still consider it to be a good move as any event is still better than no event at all, at least they are making an effort to create new event which are different from the usual and the rewards are better compare to those old event.

 What I still doesn't like about it is the way they keep boosting about how much improvement they had made and how many bug they had fixed. But whenever something went wrong, they will find a lot of excuse to avoid responsibility. So far I still did not see any effort put into the management, most of the event are not properly plan and tested before they execute it.

They still care more about they own family time and treat it like a regular job, but as compare to other game publisher they either had some staff to resolve the issue at odd hour or dedicate the responsibility to Game Sage which will be spending more time in game to help other player. Their inability to trust Game Sage and want to be in control of most stuff had been causing a lot of agony to both party, Game Sage had become a role where most player can do to just give suggestion to improve the game.

 The drop rate for the Piece of Cake is low, and the buff for 100 Cake is not that good. A lot of player had decided to give a pass for this event and we had seen the server becoming less and less populated. Those player who use to gain advantage and having status will soon be playing all by themself soon enough if the game is unable to attract more new player to join.


Nothing much had been going on, been farming for Easter Egg and Pre Patch Token as usual. Notice that Monkey D Luffy had join, give him a Shiva Pet. It is good to see that good player like him and Legolas are enjoying the improve version of the game, hopefully the same improvement will be able to other server in time to come.

Monday, April 1, 2024



Manage to get my Holy Bless Toon to Level 150, decided to do an expansion since I got some 30 Days Character Expansion cheap. Told Hans Solo that I need the Level 120 Jump Box, he had to level to Level 50 for the Merchant Profession so that he can trade it back to me. He had not been playing for months, his parent brought him a console so that he will not social so much in game. Kind of thought his family is Amish because of the conservative thinking, but it is still depend on their choice to live their life.

My plan is to use expansion on all my 6 accounts, and since I do not have any Level 100 toon on 2 accounts I will use the Level 120 Jump Box on it so that I will be able to create Phoenix Toon and Night Shadow. I will be making a Level 164 Toon for Pet Leveling in Tairan, most likely it will be Ex Ranger. I will also be making another Level 146 Toon for Mondshine, hopefully it will be able to get Heaven Stone Grade 5 better than Tairan.

A Level 137 Toon for Floriam Cave would be good for Skill Book, even though Tairan also drop the same but the level of gear drop is different. It can also be use for Travia Valley, can farm for Phoenix Ticket. Another Level 121 Toon for Bloodymir and Streiana, the same reason for the different level gear drop. I will skip Lust Trum and Tomb mainly because I get lost easy in Lust Trum and the mob Stone in Tomb.

Already using my Haste Toon for Egeha although it still taking some damage after I upgrade the Armor Set to +30. Not sure if I would want to make a Level 97 Toon for Grand Gold Dragon as I will have to upgrade the Armor Set to +30 too. The same goes for Level 65 Toon for Dratan and Temple of Forgetfulness as I already got a Level 75 Toon for that. But the 97 Toon will be Assassin and Level 65 Toon will be Royal Knight due to their Elemental Advantage.

I will most likely using Planet to name them if it is available, I can always make minor change if the name is already taken. Saturn for Titan, Jupiter for Sorcerer, Neptune for Knight, Uranus for Mage, Pluto for Rogue and Gaia for Healer. Might be using Niburu and Anunnaki too if it is available.


Been very busy making 15 Level 175 Toon and 3 Level 140 Toon, and also a Level 165 and Level 157 Toon. It is mainly because I got a few 7 Days Character Expansion and a lot of Jump Potion. It is not an easy task as it will use up a lot of my resources, I am short of Chaos Tourmaline for 7 Toon and PVE Accessory for 8 Toon. 

Basically is to try out the skill for different class, it will also help to farm stuff more efficiently with Daily Quest. I had to level up my Elementalist from Level 168 to Level 175 in order to use the Jump Potion. The details of different toon are as follows:

Level 175 Cleric Green Jade

Level 175 Assassin Tiger Lily

Level 175 Wizard Niburu

Level 140 Night Shadow Omega Dark

Level 175 Specialist Light Alpha

Level 175 Temple Knight Hydro Static

Level 175 War Master Saturn

Level 157 Royal Knight Hydro Dynamic

Level 175 Elementalist The Fifth Element

Level 175 Ranger Pluto Venus

Level 175 Witch Uranus Venus

Level 140 Archer Venus Luna

Level 175 Arch Wizard Anunnaki

Level 175 Night Shadow Cloud Atlas

Level 175 Royal Knight Neptune

Level 165 Ex Ranger Venus Mercury

Level 175 High Lander Red Fire

Level 175 Arch Witch Black Vodoo

Level 175 Archer Green Dragon

Level 140 Arch Wizard Imagine Dragon

Took me about 5 Days to complete all the Level 175 Toon with 3 Toon per day, will be working on the 3 Level 140 Toon, Level 157 Toon and Level 165 Toon after I had complete with the Level 175 Toon. I will be using them mainly at month end when they reset the Battle Pass on the 28th, usually just doing the Tairan Daily Quest will be able to get the third Gold Box. Together with the Level 200 and Level 185 Toon, I can complete 26 Tairan Daily and Battle Pass in about 4 to 5 Days.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

New Server:


Finally got both Elephant to Level 60, my Holy Bless Toon also reach Level 147. Going to try leveling another Lizard and Polar Bear while I get my Holy Bless Toon to Level 150, hopefully will be able to achieve that before the Anniversary Event end. Very disappointed that there are no Cake for this Anniversary Event, I foresee the Easter Event is going to start next week.


Able to farm about 5K to 10K of Pre Patch Token daily, seem like I will be able to get about 200K Token as compare to the previous year 50K Token. Able to complete the Easter Weekly Quest in just 2 to 3 days, the repeated Orange Easter Egg instead of Purple Egg had been so since last year. It is like the Red Bull Quest which require Keleino Feather on two different quest which doesn't make sense to kill twice as many Undead Boss as compare to other Realm Boss.

Although we can exchange Keleino Feather with Realm Magic Ball, but it would require us to kill 7 more Realm Master on top of the 42 we need for it. I think the Keleino Feather should be Vampire Blood instead as it doesn't seem to have any use for other quest, at least those stuff require for Daily Quest are untradable. Met a few Newbie during these period, I give them Shiva Pet to help them with farming of event items. 


New server had start, it let you start direct at Level 180 and have x20 SP x30 Drop x 15 Pet XP. Everything seem good until I try it out and found that it decided to IP Block my country, after using VPN to log on I found that the mobs for the quest are also Level 180 and take long time to kill. The choice of pet are also limited to the usual one, and doesn't really interest me much.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Easter Event:


Pet Exp Event as expected, manage to level my Holy Bless Toon to Level 145 and Elephant to Level 60. Switch to my Haste Toon for the Drop Event, hopefully can get some Speed Boot or Cool Down Helmet.


Finally found the Care Package at Frost Core after long time, it is good that the Gilese Affinity Shop sell the Entry Ticket for Gilese and Frost Core at 10M, it help me to save a lot with the 490M discount. There is a Titan name Killian Mbappette going around killing players, I am not sure what is the point of doing that, maybe he just want to boost his PVP Ranking. He had kill me serveral times at Channel 3 at Tairan Center while I am trying to complete my Daily Quest, he finally got bored and give up after a while.

Easter Event had started, there is also a Level 220 Patch coming. This time the Easter Egg give better rewards, but still not my favorite event like the Summer Event and Christmas Event as Halloween Event still give the best rewards. Not sure if I would want to level up any more as I can already do most of the stuffs at Level 185, it will be a very slow and hard journey with similar encounter like Mushroom Land.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Taking It Easy:


This week events are 500% XP and SP and 1000% Jewel, I thought it will be a good time to level my Holy Bless toon. Manage to gain 5 to 6 level with Vald Entry and Vald Quest, had to grind the remaining 4 level at Travia Valley before I can do the Mond Entry Quest. Able to go Tairan after complete the Mond Entry Quest, and it seem better to level pet there as I am able to get some drop this time.

Manage to meld some Elemental Jewel to the 3 Weapon which I upgrade last week, not sure if I will ever get to use them. I might be playing low level most of the time as I don't really like the slow pace of high level, now all my high level toons are use for pet leveling or farming for gears. It is still more efficient to farm with low level toons during most of the events.


Back to farming Troll Mucus after completing 2 chapter of Travia Valley Pictorial Book, seem like doing Four Realms still better in term of rewards compare to Pictorial Book. Chat with GS Til Death while I was farming there, get a lot of insight on Night Shadow Class. Cringee also chat a bit when he met me there, I give him all the Animal Heart as he is trying to get some Runes.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Anniversary Event:


Anniversary Event had started, they had 300% Drop Rate, 200% Gold Drop, 250% Upgrade and GM Buff. They promise more to come as the date get near, so we expect  800% Jewel and the collection of Ingredient for Candle and Cake. Hopefully they will have a Laca Ball for the Ingredient later after the Anniversary Event ended, not sure if they are able to surprise us with better event as there are still a lot of disappointment with the schedule of the event so far.

There had been a lot of delay and postpone for the event due to technical difficulty as they had claimed, but it seem like they don't really care much about the game from the tell tale sign so far until now. They did improve the game by fixing a few bug, but they care more about their own rest time more than ensuring the proper running of most events.

There seem to be someone using the same name as me, but he is using Hydros with a S behind as the name Hydro had been taken by my Knight Phoenix Toon. I also have another Rogue Phoenix Toon named Nitro, not sure if it was Avatar or Zed but imitation is the greatest compliment. Even my Merchant Shop Farm Mart also encounter copy right issue too last year, but they could not duplicate my personality of my toon or the price of my shop as it will cost them to lose a lot.

Had been playing with my Haste Toon Acid Burn since the start of the Anniversary Event, manage to get it from Level 76 to Level 87 but have not been able to get any Cool Down Helmet or Speed Boot so far. It was having much difficulty killing Goldie and had a tough time surviving getting mob, after upgraded the armor set to +30 it only improve the situation by a bit.

As I still need to use some potion to boost my attack and defense to survive getting mob or killing Raid Boss, I guess I will be playing more on my other two Raid Boss Hunter for Balrog and Skippy more in the future. The Raid Boss Hunter for Kami is not perfect as the highest level mob for Dratan is still about 5 Level different lower than the Raid Boss, maybe I will try to make another toon at Level 65 but I hope the Level 75 to Level 77 armor set which I also got it to +30 will be good for Temple of Forgetfulness.

Manage to upgrade the weapon for most of my farming toon to make it more over power, the only thing left for me to upgrade will be the Level 95 to Level 97 armor set which I might be using it for Egeha Raid Boss Hunter. Have to fuse some Element Jewel to the Level 69, 149 and 157 Weapon which I got it to +30, hopefully I will  be able to get some Element Jewel before the Jewel Event start. 


Cheeh had join the server recently, I had give him the Newbie Package. As he had already play for few days, a lot of stuff which I give him will not help much. Been taking it easy and start farming for my Pictorial Book stuffs again, as the Tomb one really took long time I decided to do the Travia Valley one instead. The Travia Valley one will also take long time but at least it stack and would not take up inventory space, each Chapter took me about few days and I expect to complete it by few weeks.

They had start a New Season for Battle Pass, I had not explore much about it as I only know they give New Electric Blue and Fire Red Costume. As I only manage to complete it few times and reset it during Halloween Event when the Pumpkin give a lot of Battle Pass Booster, I guess I will have to wait for the next Halloween Event before I can explore it further.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Brave Heart:


Server had been very quiet for the past week, guess Valentine Event is not as interesting as the year end event. There had been more and more argument about the Market Price for stuffs, guess most players doesn't understand the concept of what go around come around. Most of them still expect other to sell them stuffs at cheap price and even expect other to buy their stuffs at expensive price.

A lot of players got not much patient to play this game, they expect to get stuffs they need instantly when they ask for it in chat. They also expect other to buy their stuffs within few mins when they offer to sell them in chat. Most of them doesn't even have the patient to slowly farm for stuffs or do quest, they just want to level fast and get all the stuffs they need whenever they need it.

Give Avatar all the remaining Elemental Jewel since I would not need it after I use the 185 Jump Box, I just keep the stuffs require for my Cleric to get to Level 150 for Holy Bless Skill. I am playing with my Raid Boss Hunter for Balrog and Skippy mostly during event and farm for Pictorial Book stuffs when there is Drop Event.


Peacock Wing had been Nerf, now it give about 200% Pet Exp instead of 600%. The Online Time Point Shop also cost 25K for Pet Collar Box instead of 6.5K, Item Drop Booster and Gold Booster price at Cash NPC also increase back to 5M from 3.5M. Seem to have a lot of Crash and Disconnection when moving around town or trying to access NPC. Guess the Offline Merchant Mode had increase the load on the server as a lot of players just setup shop for Online Time Token and Cash Rewards instead of actually selling stuffs.

I had skip most shop which have only random numbers or alphabet or offline as their shop name, the Daily Reward on the Website was also removed. But the Vote for Cash had reduce from 8 hours to 6 hours, so still be able to get enough Cash to buy the stuffs we need. Some change are good while some change are bad, I hope it will still change for the better in the future so that more players can actually enjoy the game.

Joining this server is a lucky choice, I can see a lot of improvement as compare to the official server. It is like the admin had played the official server and doesn't really like some of the stuffs and decided to create a more perfect version of it, but it could have given more freedom to the players instead of forcing them to level with just quest in the Four Realms. It should also not set a level limit for map or dungeon, players should be able to choose the path for leveling as they like.

Help Best Start Ever and Byloustyle FRA from France with the Boss in Four Realms for the Quest, give them the Newbie Package which I was planning to give Desispero. Guess Desispero got all the help he need from other players and already reach Level 190 before I had the chance to give him the Newbie Package. But if he ever need anything to help with his leveling I will try my best to give him what he need.

Dagger Dancer had been trying to make his toon stronger, I had give him 5K of Animal Heart and Garnet Paragon Shard to help him get the Rune of Destruction for Hit Rate. He told me he already had 2 Gift of Universe and in progress of getting other Rune from Extreme Juno. He had join Xannon Guild and he should be able to help other Newbie now, the community will grow bigger as more players are willing to help each other.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Happy Valentine:


Valentine Event had started, mob drop Small, Medium and Large Chocolate. They had improve the rewards for the event, we are getting Lucky Scroll, Moonstone Box, Power and Berserk Potion instead of Large and Small Attack and Defense Potion. The remaining rewards of Exp and Effort Scroll remain the same and randomly get Extreme Stone once in a while.

It take 9 Large Chocolate to get 80 points, and the process of wrapping it and putting them into box is a tedious process. Hopefully they will make a Laca Ball for left over Chocolate after the event, and most likely the rewards will be much better than the actual event. I will turn in all the Large Chocolate and keep the Small and medium one for Laca Ball just in case.


Give Cringee two Gift of Universe Accessory which I got recently from Immortal Boss, I told him it was because Sushi had give me 100 Booster. Manage to get three Accessory for all my 7 Different Class Toons, only left Rune and Jewel for the Night Shadow and War Master to complete the setup.

They had introduce a new Offline Merchant Mode, we are able to sell stuffs without the game client running. It came at a perfect timing, I can sell a lot of my stuffs without keeping the PC on during the Chinese New year period. It also allow us to gain Cash, Online Time Point and Token, I have been doing Immortal Boss for the past two weeks due to busy preparing for the Chinese New Year.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Level Up:



They had remove the level limit for some map recently, so I thought it will be a good time to level up some of my alternate at Misty Crayon. I start with Royal Knight and Ex Ranger first, then move on to Specialist and Night Shadow. I later go on with Arch Wizard and Archer, lastly is the Warmaster.

There are a lot of different when I level different toon, The Royal Knight, Ex Ranger and Arch Wizard were very fast using only 1 Superior Platinum Blessed Iris 400% and about 5K to 6K Super Exp Booster 600% as they have Premium Character which boost the Exp by 200% more.

The Specialist, Night Shadow and Archer took longer using about 3 Superior Platinum Blessed Iris and about 15K to 17K Super Exp Booster. The Longest had to be Warmaster which took 7 Superior Platinum Blessed Iris and about 47K Super Exp Booster even when I use Premium Character halfway. I realized that it is mainly because the 200% Exp Event over the weekend had ended, but it is still faster than doing Mushroom Land which might took a few days.

Spend a few Trillions to get the Level 200 PVE Set for all seven toons, each piece cost about 50B to 100B with some rare case as cheap as 30B or as expensive as 150B to 200B. Usually it is the Weapon and Wing that cost more, and seem like Mage part are harder to find as it is more popular. I was lucky enough to get most Night Shadow part already upgrade to +28, after much effort I only left Knight Weapon and Mage Shirt pending.

I also have to max some of the status point to 2.5K or 10K to learn the Level 2 skill, I had the skill book for Mage and Rogue, just need to find the rest over time. As they had temporary disable 2 sub server, most of the map become very crowded. I had stop doing Tairan Daily and stop farming for Animal Heart and Troll Mucus, decided to switch to farming Taming Point at Summer Map as not many player actually know about it.