Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Knight Christmas Party!

First Knight Christmas Party

Juno Transformation Party

Dratan Transformation Party

Rein Deer Stampede

Date: 25th December 2008 (Thursday)

Time: 1900 Hrs PDT

Location: Sarrissa 4 Fountain (Where the First Knight Twin Dragon Shop is)


Christmas Decoration - Each players would be able to trade one Christmas Decoration for a Candy (600 HP and MP recovery). First come first serve, while stock last (1000 Candies to give away).

Christmas Transformation - Player who can do four transformations will get a Blessed Iris (200% Experience Point for 3 Hours). Juno (Level 20 and above) Dire Wolf, Jaguar, Sasquatch and Drake. Dratan (Level 30 and above) Harpy, Dark Goddess, Goblin and Sand Golem. First come first serve, while stock last (100 Blessed Iris to give away).

Start collecting your Christmas Decoration and Transformation Scroll now!

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