Knight Gang Outfit
Healer Gang Outfit
Level 45:
Hunt Gnoll Soldier at Merac until achieve Level 45.
PS: Manage to get the Guild to Level 9 very fast, with help from Tucker T, Grouchy and socrates as they are using Platinum Blessed Iris with they Experience Point locked. So as they are hunting high Level monsters in Egeha, the Guild Point kind of sky rocket. It was happening so fast that I was unable to keep up with the Upgrading and Expansion of the Guild. By the time I achieve Level 46, the Guild is already expanded with 91 member slots.
I got 200 Aeria Point from Aeria Games as Christmas Gift, I decided to use them and send Gang Outfit to my Guild Advisor and members who had contribute a lot to the Guild. It will be good for the coming Christmas Party which I am planning for the Guild as we have many different Class with many different Gang Outfit.
Tucker T and me started an Operation Tele Tubby, we invite the Spam Bot in town to party with us and use Party Recall to Teleport them to some location far away from town. We have been able to maintain the peace in town during the past few day, but some of the Spam Bot kind of got smarter and refuse to party with us.
Level 46:
Open my Status and assign three Status Points to my Strength Status.
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