Saturday, January 10, 2009

From Level 51 to Level 52

Level 51:
Hunt Salamander Ruin in Merac until achieve Level 52.

PS: Manage to get a Rage Of Demon Rare Accessory from the Eagle, sold it at 60,000,000 Golds and make a good profit out of it.

Brought Level 55 to 57 +12 Armour Set at 210,000,000 Golds and 57 +12 Shield at 50,000,000 Golds. Lend the 55 +10 to 57 +10 Armour Set to Grey Ghost, I also lend Twisted Soul (Demon) new Level 37 Mage named Doo Mage the Level 40 +4 to 42 +4 Set. Psycho Night and Queen Star (Psycho Night Wife) had join Grey Ghost Level 10 Reapers of Destiny Guild.

Met Silent Daughter again, she is playing the Level 78 Assassin Snake Rules which was given to her when Snake quit. She had manage to get Snake Rules to Level 90 now, and she had work very hard to get Reapers Of Destiny Guild to Level 10.

Manage to setup a Website for First Knight Guild at Wet Paint Website, it will make the Guild more impressive.

Level 52:
Open my Status and assign three Status Points to my Strength Status.
Equip the Level 57 +12 Shield, Helmet and Boot which I have brought earlier.

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