Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to play Pokemon Go on PC

 First you will need to download Bluestacks App Player

The Location Setting is on the Left Menu, just click on the Location Icon and the below screen will appear.

You can click on the Cross Hair Icon at Top Right Corner to set your actual location or you can click the + Icon at Bottom Right Corner to Zoom In and Drag the Map around to select the exact location you want. Just click once on the Mouse at the point you wanted to set the Location, but Home Location is highly recommended for easy Rare Pokemon Sniping Operation which I will explain later.

Once the Location is set, you can click on the Pokemon Go Icon to activate the Game. At the start, it is highly recommended to create a Pokemon Trainer Club Account as you can log in from your Mobile Phone later without affecting your Google Account which is link to your Phone.

Now that you are set to start, just create your customize avatar and proceed with the Game as usual. At the Starter Pokemon Screen you can walk away from the three Starter Pokemon and get a Pikachu if you let it re spawn about five time. Just walk with WASD Key as per normal for most FPS Game, Shift Key is not recommended as the speed is too fast and it will not help to hatch the egg.

To effective catch the Pokemon you will need to Turn Off the AR Camera at the Top Right Corner, it is very common for the Game to Crash or Hang when you try to do that. Fortunately there is a simple solution to it describe below.

You will need to run Regedit and select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >  SOFTWARE > Bluestacks > Guest > Android > Config > Camera

Right Click on Camera and select Modify to change the Value Data from 1 to 0. With this modification, you will be able to turn off the AR Camera easily without any problem.

It is highly recommended to manually level up to Level 6 as you will be given an additional Incubator to hatch your egg.

Try to play around your home area until Level 10, but from Level 6 to Level 10 you can get your PC to automatic catch Pokemon and spin Pokestop with Redox Pokemon Go Bot.

You will need to make a few changes to the Setting before you start, please refer to below picture for details.

First select Ptc for Login Type and enter your Username and Password.

Use the Mouse Scroll Wheel to Zoom In and set your start location by dragging the Map and move the Red Cross Hair to your home location. You can select other popular location if you do not have much Pokestop at your home location, but you must take note of the time and distance you need to travel from the other location to your home location if you want to log in with your phone. If not just make sure the location is same as the one you set for Bluestacks App Player, I will explain Sniping of Rare Pokemon below as the process is a bit complicated.

The remaining of the settings are not that important to me as I prefer to leave it on the default value, but a very important setting you must change is the Travel Speed. Default Value for Travel Speed is 50 Km per Hour, it is highly recommended to reduce it to 10 Km per Hour as the factor of egg hatching and the new Pokemon Buddy System come into play.

Once all the setting are set, you can click save and close the program. Restart the Redox Bot to verify that the new location that you had set is now register in the program. Now you are ready to start the Bot by clicking the Menu at Top Left Corner, you can see the Yellow Marker indication your current location, the Blue Marker indicating all the Pokestop near your location. The Blue Marker will turn Grey when the Pokestop is spin and you can view from the log what are the items receive from the Pokestop. When any Pokemon spawn nearby a Red Marker will appear, you can see the CP and IV of the Pokemon from the log too.

You can click Refresh at the Bottom to see the latest list of Pokemon in your inventory, you can arrange by Name, CP or IV by clicking on the individual tab. You can also Transfer, Power Up and Evolve any Pokemon on the list too, but it is highly recommended to do it with Bluestacks App Player as you can see the Skill Set before you decide whether the Pokemon is worth to keep.

At Level 10 you will receive another Incubator to hatch your egg, now you can set your home location to popular spot with more Pokestop and Pokemon Spawn. As usual you must take note of the time and distance you need to travel from the other location to your home location if you want to log in with your phone or Bluestacks App Player, an half hour or one hour break to settle other stuff while you wait for the cool down is still recommended to prevent any Soft Ban to the Account.

You can now activate Incense at the popular location by Bluestacks App Player and switch to Redox Bot and let your PC do all the work for you. You will need to switch back to Bluestacks App Player again when you get Incubator at Level 15 and 20. By Level 21 you should have about 60 Pokemon ready for evolution, you can use a Lucky Egg for Double Experience while you evolve the Pokemon which should easily let you jump a Level to 22.

Always remember your last known location as you want to avoid Soft Ban which doesn't allow you to Spin any Pokestop and let Pokemon run away on first catch. To effective Snipe a Rare Pokemon require a certain set of skill, you can do it with Bluestacks App Player easily or you can use Redox Pokemon Bot with some difficulty. Now that you are Level 22, it is time to do some sniping of Rare Pokemon. I will first explain the easier Bluestacks Method as it will not have much side effect, I am using SG Poke Map to locate Rare Pokemon as it allow me to set filter to see only the Pokemon I wanted.

As you can see from the picture the operation is very simple like both the Bluestacks and Redox, you can Zoom In and Out with the Zoom Control Icon at Top Left Corner or you can just use the Mouse Scroll Wheel. Once you know the location of the Rare Pokemon, click on the Pokemon to see how much time left before it disappear.

Now you need to set your location on Bluestacks to match the Rare Pokemon exact location, when you saw the Pokemon just click it and set your location back to your home or last known location. You will be catching the Pokemon at your last known location as the server side will not notice you actually teleport to a new location if you did not catch any Pokemon or spin any Pokestop there.

At any time you suspect that you are getting Soft Ban when the Pokemon escape at first catch, you can spin any Pokestop at your last known location to see if you are still getting any items. Now that you have understand the concept of Sniping, I will go on to explain a more complicate method when Bluestacks was first blocked during the 0.39 update to Pokemon Go.

I realize that although Bluestacks is not working, Redox seem to continue to function normally without any issues. I have to switch from Bluestacks to Mobile Phone and I can only use Redox around my home area if I doesn't want to wait for the cool down traveling time. To snipe a Rare Pokemon with Redox you will need a lot of patient and waiting time as traveling between location usually take about half an hour or an hour depending on the distance between the two location.

The concept is same as Bluestacks but you will not be able to get the exact location as Redox is very much dependent on the Pokestop Location. Some time you will not be able to snipe the Rare Pokemon if the location does not have any Pokestop or the Pokestop is in the wrong direction. You start Redox at the Rare Pokemon spawn location and observe if the plotted path is able to guide it to the actual spawn location when it plotted out on all the nearby Pokestop in that area. Once you had catch any Pokemon or spin any Pokestop in that area, you will have to wait for certain period after you have stop the program before you can start again in a new location.

Now that you have learn all the trick for Playing Pokemon Go on PC, it is time to set out and enjoy the fruit of your labor. It is highly recommended to alternate between Redox, Bluestacks and Mobile Phone to prevent the server from detect a constant set of pattern and get permanent ban on the account. You can always easily create a new account and get to Level 25 with Rare Pokemon even if you get ban.

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