Sunday, October 2, 2016

Top Ten Signs That You Are Addicted to Pokemon Go

1. You start throwing Balls at stray dogs and cats.

2. You compare the Combat Point (CP) of your Pet with your friends and relatives Pets.

3. You start using Incense to attract Bugs instead of repel them.

4. You feed Berries to stray dogs and cats.

5. You spinning every Sign Post you see along the way.

6. You bring your Pet to Gym to Battle with other people.

7. You trade stray dogs and cats to your university Professor for Candy.

8. You bring Egg along for your morning jog and evening walk to Hatch it.

9. You take out your Phone every time you hear Nearby bushes Rustling.

10. You start collecting Dust in your house and feed it with Candy to your Pet to Power Up them.

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