Sunday, August 21, 2022

Free Stuffs:

While I was farming for Jaguar Transformation Scroll, a High Level Mage came over and try to spawn Grand Balrog. She didn't know that I had already kill it with my Royal Knight Apollo Mars about an hour ago. The spawning of the Raid Boss had been change to about 3 hours recently, it had cause a lot of players to miss it as they still thought it is every 2 hours.

She try for about 10 to 15 mins and then decided to give up, before she left she give me one of the P2 Pet Scrachi. Guess she prefer her Ichi better, so she is more of a Squirrel Person instead of a Cat Person. Can't really blame her much, Ichi really look cuter as compare to Scrachi.

I am not really into P2 Pet as it require a lot of gold to maintain, you need to spend a lot on the Food and it require to purchase some stuffs for it to perform its basic function. I brought a 1 day Arrow for it to pick up stuffs, not really willing to buy the weapon and armour as the level is too low to cause any significant damage to the mobs at this level.

I thought I might repay her kindness by helping her spawn Grand Balrog, but it will take another 2 hours to do so and she doesn't really had the patient to wait for it. I also saw LudwigVH sitting at the Store Keeper Bianca often, guess a lot of players are hunting Grand Balrog and met with disappointment.

As I continue to farm for Transformation Scroll, another high level player got drunk and offer to give away his Pet Colour Crystal. As he got Black and White Colour Crystal which I needed for my Dragon in the future, it kind of save me the trouble to use Average Moonstone on Laca Ball to get it.

I found out later that it is not tradable after I receive it, but that is not really an issue as I can still transfer the pet to change the colour later. There are really a lot of nice people at this server, always giving out free stuffs to low level players to make their gaming experience much better.

 Recently start to do some Jewel Fusion at Server T, I would not do it at Server E because it is hard to sell it and I had not much use for it. Went around and check the pricing on a few shop and manage to compile a general price list for it.

Level 1 3M to 6M (50M to 100M)
Level 2 10M to 20M to (100M to 200M)
Level 3 30M to 60M (250M to 500M)
Level 4 100M to 200M (500M to 1B)
Level 5 200M to 400M (1B to 2B)
Level 6 300M to 600m (3B to 6B)
Level 7 400M to 800M (4B to 8B)
Level 13 500M to 1B (5B to 10B)
Level 14 1B to 2B (10B to 20B)
Level 15 1.5B to 3B (16B to 30B)
Level 16 2.5B to 5B (25B to 50B)
Level 17 3.5B to 7B (35B to 70B)
Level 18 5B to 10B (50B to 100B)

The price in bracket are for Chaos Jewel as they are rare and in higher demand, their price is about 10x of the normal one. Those higher level jewel are usually got from jewel bag, level 15 is the most common. Those lower level are usually got from fusion, level 5 are the most common.

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