Friday, November 18, 2022

Social Experiment:


Had been busy farming for Boosters during the Fall Event, they had extend the event by another week as usual. Had been doing a Social Experiment during the event by selling the Boosters at a higher price, it is still a reasonable price with Experience Boosters at 18M, Skill Point Boosters and Item Drop Boosters at 15M.

Diesel doesn't understand why I am selling my Boosters at higher price while other players are selling at lower price just beside me, he was very surprise when I still manage to sell all my Boosters in the end even though the price is higher. It is very hard for me to explain the theory behind the whole experiment, but at least I manage to teach him how to sell his stuffs at a more reasonable price.

It is a sales tactic that most of the retail business use in real life, they will put similar products at different pricing side by side and it will help them sell the cheaper product faster. So what I am doing is actually helping those players beside me sell their stuffs faster, and since there is a demand for Boosters and not enough supply of it most players would not mind the slight price different and still buy my Boosters.

A few smart players who buy stuffs regularly from me will still ask me to lower the price for them, so they are the one that really understand the theory behind my Social Experiment. Overall I still make more gold as compare to previous event even I didn't really farm as much Boosters compare to previous event. I am more focus on preparing for the Advent Laca Ball in December and farming for Pictorial Book items, never knew there are a lot of items which are overlook by me as I do not have much information about it.

Found out that the following items are use for Advent Laca Ball: Fireworks, Pan Flute, Drake Egg, Sasquatch Fur (Sasquatch 12, Red Godey 22), Treant Fruit (Little Treant 15, Aged Treant 19, Treant 26), Horn Beast Eye (Horn Beast 16, Great Horn Beast 24), Rusted Shield (Corpse Ranger 16), Ghoul Poison (Ghoul 17), Drake Scale (Drake 18), Bandages (Mummy 19, Corpse Sergeant 25), Harpy Tear (Harpy 20), Orc Ornament (Orc Fighter 25, Orc Sergeant 29), Raw Wood (Treant 26), Soft Sand (Sand Golem 28), Salamander Tail (Salamander 31), Goblin Ear (Goblin Scout 37), Grass of Juno, Stones of Egeha, Rain of Strayna, Snow of Bloodymir.

There might be more items for the Advent Laca Ball as I had heard players saying Myst Eye and Thick Liquid from Poison Myst 39, I will update on the list after I actually participate in the event next month. At the present moment I just keep farming for those items I need for Pictorial Book and hope that they are also the same items for Advent Laca Ball. I had trash all the Fireworks as it is not useful at all and sold all the Pan Flute and Drake Egg, but I still got those Elements of Iris on a few toons.

Mooncake Event had started after the Fall Event end, we are able to collect Flour, Lotus Seed and Egg to make Moon Cake with Lorrine. 10 Mooncake Trade for a Full Mooncake and Full Mooncake Trade for the Following Prizes with Domain Merchant Landy:

10,000 Gold

50,000 Gold

200,000 Gold

500,000 Gold

2 Heaven Stones

Mooncake give 20% Attack Speed and Movement Speed Buff for 5 Minutes, so since the prizes are not attractive enough most players would prefer to use the Mooncake for the Speed Buff instead of trading them for prizes.


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