Friday, November 25, 2022

Speedy Gonzales:


 A lot of happening recently, mainly due to the holiday season I think. A young player name Vinai add me to her friend list, mainly because she is curious about the Bad Boy song which put on Channel Chat. She say her father always like to sing it, so she is guessing I should belong to the same age group.

She break her Witch Staff during the Upgrade Event, she took the risk of 80% Success Rate. She is considering buying the Reset Card from Item Mall just to change the Class to Wizard because she only got Weapon for Wizard. I feel that it is a bit too extreme as it will be easier to just find a Weapon for Witch, so I ask her to wait while I try to get help from some of my friends.

I was unable to find Long Shot on the other server, so I try to get Colombo mimi to help. But I am not sure why she didn't approach Colombo mimi for help but decided to make a new Healer instead. Guess she decided to just use her Witch as Alternate for Haste Buff, and her Healer should be using for Cleric Holy Bless later too.

What worry me most is that she wanted to complete her Skill Point Farming fast and also Level Up Fast, she manage to complete her Skill Point Farming in just 2 days and Level Up to Level 120 in just 3 days. She had been staying awake and addicted to the game without any sleep, this will affect her health condition a lot. I had help her with getting her Merchant Profession with the Certificate of Guardianship which I got from Moonstone, I also give it to The God Slayer as he also need it for his Merchant Profession.

To my surprise The God Slayer is actually Blood mage which I had help long time back during the first Fall Event, I am glad that he did not really quit the game. But his style of playing is weird to me as usual as he still want to Level Up fast, he still doesn't want to get the benefit of the Guardian System and join Guild for Experience Lock and do Skill Point Farming.

What even puzzle me more is that he doesn't even bother to upgrade his gear and prefer to use +4 gears he got from Elite Monsters drop. But the good thing is he finally start to explore about Jewel and focus more on his Skills, he also mange to Level Up fast and became higher than the Old Apollo Mars in just a few days. He refuse to do Extreme Cube to get the Buffs and also refuse to get Windy Buff from other players, so although both he and Cleri is similar in some ways but they are also totally different in two extreme opposite ways.

Spam Bot seem to be very active these days, I manage to find the previous Spam Bot still at Till the last Treant when I Recall another Spam Bot to the same location. So they kind of spamming each other and also keeping each other company at the same time. Kind of funny to see that, but still had to thank TuckerT for discovering the method 12 years ago. Now it had become a tradition for me to do Operation Tele Tubbies in memory of an old friend.

Game Master did a Pet Hide and Seek Event, I manage to be the second one to find his pet. It is a location which I use to like when I need some quiet time, it use to be a Drake location but had become a Dimension Gate after the Map Update. Manage to win a Goalden Ticket from the event, I try to give it away but nobody actually want it.

As I am not staying in America or Europe, I didn't think they will send the prize overseas even if I manage to win it. As I had already had a lot of Keyboard and Mouse, it will be better to give to those who really need it. Krystael Dagger assure me that the prize will be send to any countries as the event is open to all, so I just had to stay up late for the 2nd December Twitch Live Stream again for the Lucky Draw.

Since I already had a Goalden Ticket, I thought I might as well participate in the Screen Shot Contest. I also participate in the Take a Hike Day and Shuffle Event, think I mange to win 2 Grade 8 Heaven Stone from the Shuffle Event as only Sly and me actually participate in it. I think Sly mange to figure out the second location after he saw my post for the Screen Shot Event, I also manage to figure out the fifth location after I saw his post for the Shuffle Event.

If I really did win the 2 Grade 8 Heaven Stone, I will give it to Sly as I got not much use for it. I had been giving all my Item Drop Booster to Mother Nature as she told me she need it, this is also a way to thank her for all the Windy Buff she gave which help in my drop farming. Now I just had to find out what Elvis need to return the favor of his Windy Buff, but that will be a bit difficult as he seem to had everything he need.

After the Mooncake Event, the 16th Anniversary Event start. What surprise me is that the Mooncake Event never actually end and is running together with the 16th Anniversary Event together. We had to collect Sugar, Flour, Egg and Cocoa, 25 of any Ingredient Type will be able to get Candle which give 100 Skill Cool Down and 40% Attack Speed for 2 Minutes.  5 of each Ingredient Type and 1000 Golds will get Chocolate Cake which give 50% Experience and Skill Point for 5 Minutes.

Guess Candle are much better than Chocolate Cake as Chocolate Cake is just the same as Stripe during the 4th of July Event. I think both the Mooncake and Anniversary Event are better than the Fall Event as Mooncake is selling from 25M to 50M and I think Candle will be selling at 100M to 150M. I can get about 100 Mooncake per day and 50 Candle per day, so I will be able to make around 2.5B per day and 5B per day just by selling Mooncake and Candle. Fall Event only get about 1B per day with Boosters while Insect Collection Event get about 3B per day with Chaos Smelting Stone.

Long Shot is worry about the Server Merge again, this time there are some players who also heard about it too. He is going to lose some of his toons again, and he is not happy about that. He also told me that got one Level 178 Sorcerer is going to challenge the Merac Castle Siege, so we might lose the Castle Ownership next week. Actually I don't really bother about it that much as there is nothing we can do about it, but he seem to be too much involve in the game and see it as a competition. I hope he and the others will be able to enjoy the game like me as a casual past time, it is just a game after all.

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