Friday, April 28, 2023

Epic Party:



Been collecting insect for the past one week, manage to get 132 Chaos Smelting Stone. god manage to get 156 Chaos Smelting Stone, I got a 12 Chaos Smelting Stone head start but he had over took me from day 3 onward and had been ahead of me by 30 more ever since. My farming rate drop from the 30 per day to 21 and later 12 as compare to the previous event, one of the main reason is the new Treasure Chest Location are really hard to find and hard to reach.

A lot of players had been looking forward to the Epic Party which Fawkes had been promising for a month ago, but it is a disappointment as it is not as Epic as the one we use to have before the Server Migration. They are having 400% Experience and Skill Point, 200% Drop Rate and 200% Pet Experience for 4 days from Friday 28th Apr to Monday 1st May, they will be having 200% Upgrade and 400% Jewel Event on Friday and Monday from 1300 hrs to 1600 hrs.

There will be Artifact Event on Sat and Sun and Game Master Buff at 1200 hrs, a lot of players are very excited about it but I am only glad that they extend the Insect Collection Event by another week. I hope they will be having Fall Event soon as there are high demand for Booster, and hopefully they will have better Upgrade and Jewel Event in the near future.

As the timing of the event is Europe Time, is will mostly happen during my sleep hours. And since the Jewel Event is only good for Level 5 Jewel, my Element Jewel will have to wait. I also not planning on doing any upgrade of my gear as it is not worth the effort, instead I give some Grade 5 Heaven Stone to Avatar to help him with his Weapon as he does not have much gold.

Lego also looking for Heaven Stone Grade 5, the price had raise from 150M to 240M in just a day after the announcement for Upgrade Event is confirmed. I actually offer to sell him the Heaven Stone at the same 120M which I brought from him before the Server Migration but he insist he should pay 150M instead. He is very grateful for all the help I offer and ask if there are any way he would be able to repay my kindness, I told him to let me know whenever he is selling his Heaven Stone so that I will be able to restock it for the next upgrade event.

I had start buying Skill Book and Monster Combo Accessory as they are cheap, Skill Book price drop from 200M to about 50M and Monster Combo Accessory drop from 1B to 3B to about 200M to 500M. I only buy those with HP Steal, and now I got so many of them until even my Farming Toon are also wearing it. I also brought those without HP Steal and price about 50M to try the combination, but so far it doesn't really turn out well with any good seal.


Foxy brought all my Rune Ore, I suddenly became very rich overnight. I decided to buy some good Accessory which will help in killing monster, mange to complete my first quest at the Four Realm and gain some Experience. I had been killing Experience Boss and Easter Bunny and Chicken for the pass one month to gain three level, now I can slowly level my toon to Level 185 when I find the time after the Insect Collection Event.

Also manage to sold a lot of pet too, I can still level Horse and Drake Away From Keyboard but I still need to find time to Level Panda and Ichi for Sales again. Sold a lot of Pet Experience Potion during the 200% Pet Experience Event over the Weekend, I manage to save the better stuffs for my own use and sell those which I don't really need. I had become a Multi Trillionaire within a few days, but it is still nothing as compare to being a Multi Billionaire on the Official Server.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Happiness is a Journey:


A lot of unhappiness among the players after the migration of the server, some is having issue creating account, some is having issue installing the game, some is having issue with lost toons, lost pets and lost items. The stability of the server is also a major issue which had affect a lot of players on the first few weeks, and what add on to the unhappiness is the increase in price of the stuffs which is affected by the server merge and item mall pricing.

They had forgotten about their love for the game, they had forgotten what they enjoy most about the game. They keep holding on to the past and keep saying how Skill Point Farming is so much easier and how the price of stuffs had been cheaper. They do not have the patient to wait for the publisher to fix the issues, they do not have the heart to help new players to enjoy the game.

Only a few players still trying their best to help new players, and I am always there to support them in any way I can. Beamer had been trying to get Horse Mount for new players, and since I don't really need that many Horse Mount I give him a few for free to repay his kindness which he had shown me earlier. Elvis and Mother Nature still giving Windy Buffs whenever they can, but they seem to be busy and doesn't really log on to game very often.

Krystael Dagger had been teaching others with her knowledge and experience of the game, and I had give some Lucky Scroll and Tool Aid to Avatar to help with his farming and crafting. Avatar had decided to change his name to The Ancient One, and he had been buying Gems so that he will be able to earn gold fast. As he is the only one getting stuffs from the Item Mall, he became the popular guy like what Diesel use to be.

It is not about how rich you are, how high level you are or how many good stuffs you have. I had been able to achieve a lot when I play Aphelion Server, but that doesn't really make me happy at all. I still enjoy playing Low Level where I don't really need to spend much and still able to farm a lot of stuffs to help other. It is only a Chicken and Egg thing, no point bothering about which actually came first as it will never have a conclusion.


The economy of the game is also a double side effect, if some players start selling their stuffs at high price they will also have to buy stuffs from other players at higher price too. The only solution is to get more new players to farm for more stuffs so that the supply and demand will achieve a balance. The Social Economy can actually be explain with a Mining Towns Example, and a lot of people will be surprise that it is actually applicable to many other area in real life other than the game.

There are two Mining Town, one decided to invest the money to develop the town building school, pub, medical facility. The people who work there are happy and see a better future, so they decided to bring their family to live with them. In short time the town boom and develop into a big city as there are more people to contribute and share the resources.

The other town is the opposite where is remain as a run down town with no facility, the people there does not have a sense of belonging and start to leave after they serve their purpose there. From the above example we can see that whether a game thrive or end mainly depend on the population of the players and how the publisher handle the issues. It will be a win win situation if people had a sense of belonging and decide to contribute to help build a strong community which make everything better over time.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

New Beginning, Easter Event:



It had been about two weeks since the server start, the first week had been chaos with a lot of missing toons, missing pets, missing stuffs and missing golds.  I was not affected by the missing toons or missing pets, but I am affected by the missing stuffs and everybody is affected by the missing golds. To my surprise they decided to merge the server despite the fact that they promise to keep everything as it is before the migration, it is kind of good for me as I don't have to split my time between both servers and suddenly got a lot of stuffs from other server which I am unable to sell.

I spend the first week organizing my toons and stuffs, and finally able to start enjoying the game when they start the Easter Event on the second week. As it take 24 hours to completely delete my old toons to free up the slot before I can create new toons, and most of the toons I am going to delete are the repeated ones from the other server. The server lag, time out error and constant disconnection had made the whole progress more difficult as by the time I manage to log on to my toon the other toon will have disconnected.

Finally mange to figure out that those non popular channel like 1, 4 and 6 are much easier to get in as compare to those popular channel like 2, 3 and 5. Guess all my farming toons will be getting Blue Name by the time I complete their setup by the end of the Easter Event. The Trading Agent is back and it had been a great help in selling stuffs due to the server stability issues, they had resolve the missing toons, missing pets, missing stuffs and missing golds issues but they remove the Ace of Diamond instead.

Before I even got my golds and stuffs back, I already manage to sell some of the stuffs and got back about the same amount of  golds. I even give away a lot of stuffs too, to help and repay the kindness which others had shown me. I give three horse mount to Beamer as I realise I don't really need that many of it, I give all my Moonstone to Mother Nature as she really like the play with the slot machine. I give Avatar a lot of Lucky Scroll and Tool Aids which should be able to last him a few months.


The private server had start the Easter Event a few days early than the original server, the rewards for the quest are much better as usual when compare with the original server. They also organize a lot of events over the weekends in an effort to attract more players to stay with them, and there are also a lot of new players joining within that few days. A few of them seem to be the Alternates of Lorena as they continue to beg for free stuffs, even though the way they do it are slightly different but you can easily notice as the motive are the same.

The first one was named DylaN, he is using the same method of waiting at store keeper and asking others to give him stuffs which others doesn't want anymore. When I expose his real identity he keep denying and later change another toon with different name and try different method. The other one is LEVI which claim he is unable to kill Newbie Hunter at Level 21 and request for my help. Then later switch to THANOS which claim he need a Pet for pick up, I gave him a Two Head Canine which is very good like the Chameleon and  Golden Carriage which I gave Lorena before.

Just a day later I saw him trying to sell it at almost twice the market price, then another toon named BaltoN appear and keep wanting to buy all kind of stuffs but only offer ten percent of the market price. He keep claiming that he is new and don't have much golds, but all the stuffs he want are very premium and good stuffs which I myself cannot even afford. Some players actually took pity on him and start giving him a lot of stuffs for free, I can also do the same but it will not really help him or do him any good.

There are no poor players, only the lazy one. If they can't even farm stuffs to sell, they are just going to be a beggar all their life. They always claim they don't have so much time to play, but they still wasting most of their time standing around doing nothing. If they had so much difficulty playing such an easy game, they might as well quit and make life better for everybody. Even if they manage to get a lot of free stuffs and sell it to become rich, they will never go far both in game or in life as they do not have the knowledge and experience.