Thursday, November 23, 2023

Four Realms:




Other than log on for Attendance, never really do much. The server seem dead with not much activity, Avatar seem very upset about it. He had found happiness, but he still choose misery. Guess he is either a Sadist or he got too much stuffs that he didn't want to let go. I was wondering why he is still trying to tell other that he is poor and keep getting stuffs for free, it is not normal for someone who would rather go hungry without food and still want to spend money on game.


Finally manage to level up ten toon from Level 166 to 185, I was expecting it to be completed in about five days with two toon per day but I complete it within three days with about three to four toon per day. Out of the ten toon, there are seven which is setup for testing of different class. Royal Knight Alpha Light, Ex Ranger Hype Shadow, Wizard Acid Burn, Specialist Fire Wind, War Master Omega Darkness, Night Shadow Dark Omega and Archer Luna Venus.

It will allow me to switch between dual class easily as I don't have to worry about the gear other than the weapon. The Royal Knight and Ex Ranger are setup for killing boss with their perk max out, I will try it out when I find time after I had get the Phoenix Wing for Archer and Night Shadow. Switch Assassin Mercury Venus to Ex Assassin to try out the different, it is also setup as Pet Leveler like Royal Knight Blue Water. Actually they are able to wear Peacock Wing at Level 175, but since it is easy to get it to Level 185 I might as well do it.


Not sure what to do with Royal Knight Apollo Mars, but Royal Knight Crash Override is level up from Level 70 to Level 140 to replace Mercury Venus for Floraim Cave as it is faster to level pet at Tairan Center instead of Temple of Forgetfulness. Elementalist Earth Sea is level up to Level 168 just for the Level 4 Windy Hand, the rest of the farming toon remain the same.

The Four Realms had become easier after the recent patch, the mobs doesn't really hurt much and the number of mobs to kill for completing the quest had been reduced. It can be completed in about two hours with Superior Platinum Blessed Iris, but if using Platinum Blessed Iris it will reach Level 173 and have to wait for the Daily Quest the next day. The experience and level gain are as below:

Level 166

1st Quest 5% (Collect 10 Vampire Blood and Poison Berries)

2nd Quest 20% (Collect 10 Well Water and Orge Scrap)

Abondon Juno Realm:

3rd Quest 38% (Talk to Abondon Juno NPC)

4th Quest 73% (Kill 30 Abondon Juno Swordman)

Level 167

5th Quest 11% (Kill 30 Realm Undead Knight)

6th Quest 49% (Kill Banshee Ghost Boss)

7th Quest 83% (Collect 30 Well Water)

Level 168

8th Quest 18% (Talk to Abondon Juno NPC)

Orge Realms: 

9th Quest 55% (Talk to Orge NPC)

Level 169

10th Quest 50% (Collect 30 Orge Scrap)

11th Quest 86% (Kill 30 Abomination Troll)

Level 170

12th Quest 9% (Kill 30 Orc Hai)

13th Quest 46% (Kill 30 Tolkien)

14th Quest 81% (Kill 30 Abomination Troll, 30 Orc Hai and Troll Elf King Boss)

Level 171

15th Quest 19% (Collect 100 Orge Scrap)

16th Quest 57% (Talk to Orge NPC)

Undead Realm:

Level 172

17th Quest 3% (Talk to Undead NPC)

18th Quest 37% (Collect 30 Vampire Blood)

19th Quest 73% (Kill 30 Vampire)

Level 173

20th Quest 10% (Kill 30 Bat)

21st Quest 48% (Kill 30 Keleino)

22nd Quest 87% (Kill 30 Lycan)

Level 174

23rd Quest 27% (Kill Undead Spirit Boss)

24th Quest 67% (Kill 30 Vampire, 30 Keleino and 30 Lycan)

Level 175

25th Quest 79% (Talk to Undead NPC)

Forest Realm:

Level 178

26th Quest 87% (Talk to Forest NPC)

Level 179

27th Quest 54% (Collect 30 Poison Berries)

Level 181

28th Quest 23% (Kill Mother Earth and get 30 Leaf)

Level 182

29th Quest 71% (Kill Treant and get 30 Bark)

Level 183

30th Quest 76% (Kill Fae and get 30 Light)

Level 184

31st Quest 48% (Kill Forest Protector Saphira Boss)

Level 185

32nd Quest 0% (Talk to Forest NPC)


You will get one Perk Point Scroll every Quest from 21st Quest onward and get a total of 13 of it. Biggest jump in level is with 26th Quest which jump 3 level and the next one at 28th Quest which jump 2 level. From Level 175 onward you will jump at least a level per quest, so it is only the start which is slower.


Notice a few players who are sore loser, they will get very upset if they did not win any event or did not get any drop from boss mobs. One of them is VII from Universal Enemy, he is unhappy that he got stuck and I manage to win the Race Event Bonus Round. I am not really that much into winning as I always wait till the third round or no player participate so that the Game Sage or Game Master will not feel bad.


The other one is Naveli from Xannon, he was AFK and I got the Boss before him. He was unable to get any drop and he decided to PK and kill me instead, he must be thinking that I have Kill Steal his Boss but if he hit it first without AFK he should be able to pick up the drop. 


This had happen to another player named Party who had been getting recall for every Boss I had spawn, he must have been very bored and decided to disrupt my farming when he did not get the drop even after he spend time killing it. He give up after a while as he must have realise that instead of wasting his time to disrupt my farming he could have go and find something else better to do.

Same as Ankou and all his Alternate in Uncrowned King Guild, he will log three toon and use Pet AOE to farm at Tairan daily at Channel 2 around afternoon server time. It is easy when you disable the pickup and just let the pet spam AOE, but with three toon farming together it will have no more space for other player to farm. I am not sure if he is using three different PC to play, but I think it is against the rule to use more than one toon.

He is also AFK most of the time and harass other players when they try to farm at the same spot with him. I hope he will get banned soon as he is not a good player and might be using hack to speed up his kill. He did try to spawn Boss to kill me once but was not successful, it was later when he kill the Boss within a few hit that make me suspect that he is using hack.

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