Tuesday, November 14, 2023





Mooncake Event had started, but it also show the bad economy of the server. A lot of players are trying hard to sell their stuffs cheap but still nobody really buy them, it had been very quiet since Halloween Event even though there are a lot of new players joining. Some players even start going to less populated Pandora server and there are rumor that they are going to merge the server, some got bored and start doing weird stuffs to keep the game interesting.


Beamer try to get my help to get a Shiva Pet for Valence, I wanted to just give him the pet directly but he prefer to learn about it. As he didn't know a lot of stuffs, I had to show him that he need two collar to complete the pet quest. He also need to get the Curse Book from Tairan NPC, I also give him Premium Bless Skill Book for the AOE. As he doesn't have much stuffs, I give him the same Newbie Package which I give Mad Spring and Avatar so that he can pass it to Valance.

Manage to get another Rune of Fire for my Pet Leveling Toon, not sure if I am going to level it to 185 so that it can wear the Peacock Wing. Since the Pet Shop Business is good, I might consider making another Pet Leveling Toon to cope with the supply and demand issue. Not sure why Pet Business had always been good, don't really see much new players join. Maybe it is because they recently updated the Guide and a lot of old players suddenly realise that they do not have some pet for buff.

They going to have another new patch soon, it will make the Extreme Juno Card able to trade for useful stuffs. I wonder why I am unable to get Spade for 2 to J, it will be an issue when they start the new content. The remaining rune which I get doesn't really make much different after I reform it, even though the Weapon Attack had been increase from 20% to 40% I didn't see much different while killing Boss.

I am also in progress of getting Phoenix Wing for all class, still not sure if I am going to use Rainbow Wing with Legendary 5 x Accessory or use Phoenix Wing with Gift of Star. At least I start getting Godly Crafted Weapon whenever I see them cheap, once everything are in place I will start leveling them one by one to Level 185. After I had done all that, the only thing left will be Reborn. Still can't decide if I should take the pain to level from start or just use the Reborn Skip, six time for the permanent buff is really a crazy and expensive progress.

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