Wednesday, November 1, 2023




Halloween Event is coming to an end, got bored and decided to do the Party Invitation Quest to get the Pumpkin Pet. Found two quest scroll cheap at 290M and 350M, all the other had been listed at a very high price of 3B to 5B. It is just a normal pet and the quest scroll will be useless after the event end, since Avatar doesn't want the pet I decided to give it to Hans Solo. Manage to get a Wolfrik Pet too, transfer it to my Holy Bless toon since it is the only one that require to level up now.


Manage to get about 3 to 5 years supply of Halloween Costume, decided to hold a Costume Party for my toons. Knight Tier 2 and 3 are Joker and Jail, Titan Tier 3 is Hulk, Healer Tier 3 is Cat Woman, Mage and Sorcerer Tier 3 is Pirate, Night Shadow Tier 3 is Skeleton, Rogue Tier 3 is Doll. Manage to get the third Rune after some farming, now other than Pet XP and Attack I got Damage Monster too.

Not sure if I would want to continue to farm for more rune, the other for Weapon Attack, Hit Rate, Evasion and HP doesn't seem to worth the effort. Maybe just to get another Pet XP one for Pet Leveling so that I can use it for other toon to level up Horse and Drake, also planning to level up a few toon to Level 185. Main reason is because Four Realms is easy now and they had the 185 Set, it will be good for pet leveling too with Peacock Wing.

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