Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Party:



 The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Most players expect the event to be better as the Christmas is getting closer, but they decided to end the Advert Laca Ball early at the recent maintenance instead of the 24th Dec Christmas Eve. At least we got 800% Jewel Event, but the Upgrade Event still at 200% instead of the 250% which we expected.

Zed had been trying to low ball and offer lower than the usual market price to buy stuffs, he had also been trying to sell his stuffs at a higher price. He had piss off a lot of players and most of them decided to ignore him, he had not been able to get most of the stuff he needed for the Jewel and Upgrade Event. Both he and Avatar had also lost interest on giving Windy Buff even though I had give them a lot of Stone of Wise, guess they realized that it is very troublesome for other to be busy with their own stuff and suddenly players are keep asking for buff almost every few minutes.

Avatar had not been able to get Heaven Stone Grade 5 for the Upgrade Event, I give him 90 of it together with 6 Heaven Stone Grade 7 to help a bit. He only manage to get his gear to +25, he should have farm more and stock up on stuffs for the event if he had not been lazy. Zed had been very hardworking farming a lot of stuffs, but he never really contribute much to the community and only use it for his own leveling. Not sure why both of them need so many toon at high level, it is just a waste of precious resources.

I had give a lot of stuff to Avatar and Mother Nature, the most recent one are 500 World Cup Festival Box when I heard they going to craft Gold Bar to get the Golden Key from Laca Ball. They do get a lot of stuffs from Fox Tail and Hide later, but they just spend all of their gold for other stuffs when they manage to sell it. It is a vicious cycle of selling and buying which keep bring them back to the point when they become poor with not much gold.


Manage to Jewel most my gear and Upgrade some of them to +30, but will not be using them in near future. Still using both my Raid Boss Killer more for farming, it is more efficient to spawn Raid Boss while farming. Using them will save me the trouble of switching toon for the kill, but I will still have to hunt Fox and Zombie to replenish the stuff I use for Laca Ball after the Christmas Event is over.


Finally manage to farm enough fragment for the Party Invitation, they had increase the drop rate for it few days after the event start. Not many players actually had the chance to participate in this event, think only about 30 to 40 players manage to get the Party Invitation.

As expected the event start with Hide and Seek few hour before the party start, then it continue with Monster Spawn. All the players who participate in the Christmas Party Event were given the Santa Claus Costume, Christmas Title and Santa Claus Pet. The Christmas Party is just another Monster Spawn Event, never really get much stuff as other players are able to kill faster than me.

Found out that the Immortal Boss at Juno is different from Dratan, it does not have a level limit of Level 166 and it give random item at every 250 hits. It is able to get the Gift of Universe Accessory if lucky, but it doesn't help much for leveling. It is good that pet are allow again in Juno, and I can use any of my high level toon for it.


Still farming for another 7K of Christmas Token, need 20K of it for the Rodolph Pet. The Santa Claus Pet was not that impressive, it is just like the usual Legendary Pet with higher Attack. Hopefully the Rodolph Pet will be able to give better buff, but 5% doesn't really matter that much. Saw some Halloween Pet too, but not sure how they got it and what kind of buff they give. Guess just have to wait till the Halloween Event next year to figure it out.

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