Saturday, December 16, 2023

How the Grinch Stole Christmas:



They had start to Nerf the Laca Ball, a lot of players are unhappy about it. They had replace Lvl 5 Jewel to Platinum Tool Aid and Platinum Rune of Protection to Golden Magnifying Glass x 5. There are option for Panda Box, Heaven Stone Grade 5 x 2, Gold Booster x 3, Lvl 3 Jewel and Moonstone Box x 3 or Ascadia Treasure Box, Socket Reset Card, Pink Drake Egg, Blue Pan Flute and Moonstone Box x 3. But the first option still better as it give useful stuff and the top prize is not random.

Element of Iris prize had been change from Party Potion to Exp Scroll and Fire Cracker, Exp Scroll is still useful but the Fire Cracker is totally useless. Hopefully they will make Laca Ball for Fire Cracker next week, if not most player would just trash it. This week only have Horse Blood and Dragon Heart for AGR, Succubus Pet, Snowman, Lucky Scroll and Effort Scroll. Those who complete Burbank Affinity will have advantage for this but still not really worth the effort.

Usually the event should be getting better as the days become closer towards Christmas, but from the current situation it had become great disappointment. This clearly show that they do not really understand the game, they should have put Production Material which drop from mobs instead of item which can be crafted or get from Affinity Shop. Hopefully they will listen to player suggestion and improve on it.


They also screw up the event big time, player only able to get about 25 to 50 Party Invitation per day. How is it possible to complete 25K of it before Christmas? It will take about 3 years to get so much unless they reduce the amount needed or increase the drop rate for it. The Boss for the event also very hard to find and kill, Rudolph is very tiny and hard to see from other normal mob while Santa always disappear when it get hit and can't really stun it.

A lot of Pet Collar also doesn't work, so it kind of repeat the same mistake for Easter and Summer Event. A lot of player are frustrated with it and less and less players are really interested in the event anymore. The Legendary Pet are suppose to have higher status and buff, but I am still skeptical about it as the Summer Pet doesn't really impress me.

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