Monday, April 1, 2024



Manage to get my Holy Bless Toon to Level 150, decided to do an expansion since I got some 30 Days Character Expansion cheap. Told Hans Solo that I need the Level 120 Jump Box, he had to level to Level 50 for the Merchant Profession so that he can trade it back to me. He had not been playing for months, his parent brought him a console so that he will not social so much in game. Kind of thought his family is Amish because of the conservative thinking, but it is still depend on their choice to live their life.

My plan is to use expansion on all my 6 accounts, and since I do not have any Level 100 toon on 2 accounts I will use the Level 120 Jump Box on it so that I will be able to create Phoenix Toon and Night Shadow. I will be making a Level 164 Toon for Pet Leveling in Tairan, most likely it will be Ex Ranger. I will also be making another Level 146 Toon for Mondshine, hopefully it will be able to get Heaven Stone Grade 5 better than Tairan.

A Level 137 Toon for Floriam Cave would be good for Skill Book, even though Tairan also drop the same but the level of gear drop is different. It can also be use for Travia Valley, can farm for Phoenix Ticket. Another Level 121 Toon for Bloodymir and Streiana, the same reason for the different level gear drop. I will skip Lust Trum and Tomb mainly because I get lost easy in Lust Trum and the mob Stone in Tomb.

Already using my Haste Toon for Egeha although it still taking some damage after I upgrade the Armor Set to +30. Not sure if I would want to make a Level 97 Toon for Grand Gold Dragon as I will have to upgrade the Armor Set to +30 too. The same goes for Level 65 Toon for Dratan and Temple of Forgetfulness as I already got a Level 75 Toon for that. But the 97 Toon will be Assassin and Level 65 Toon will be Royal Knight due to their Elemental Advantage.

I will most likely using Planet to name them if it is available, I can always make minor change if the name is already taken. Saturn for Titan, Jupiter for Sorcerer, Neptune for Knight, Uranus for Mage, Pluto for Rogue and Gaia for Healer. Might be using Niburu and Anunnaki too if it is available.


Been very busy making 15 Level 175 Toon and 3 Level 140 Toon, and also a Level 165 and Level 157 Toon. It is mainly because I got a few 7 Days Character Expansion and a lot of Jump Potion. It is not an easy task as it will use up a lot of my resources, I am short of Chaos Tourmaline for 7 Toon and PVE Accessory for 8 Toon. 

Basically is to try out the skill for different class, it will also help to farm stuff more efficiently with Daily Quest. I had to level up my Elementalist from Level 168 to Level 175 in order to use the Jump Potion. The details of different toon are as follows:

Level 175 Cleric Green Jade

Level 175 Assassin Tiger Lily

Level 175 Wizard Niburu

Level 140 Night Shadow Omega Dark

Level 175 Specialist Light Alpha

Level 175 Temple Knight Hydro Static

Level 175 War Master Saturn

Level 157 Royal Knight Hydro Dynamic

Level 175 Elementalist The Fifth Element

Level 175 Ranger Pluto Venus

Level 175 Witch Uranus Venus

Level 140 Archer Venus Luna

Level 175 Arch Wizard Anunnaki

Level 175 Night Shadow Cloud Atlas

Level 175 Royal Knight Neptune

Level 165 Ex Ranger Venus Mercury

Level 175 High Lander Red Fire

Level 175 Arch Witch Black Vodoo

Level 175 Archer Green Dragon

Level 140 Arch Wizard Imagine Dragon

Took me about 5 Days to complete all the Level 175 Toon with 3 Toon per day, will be working on the 3 Level 140 Toon, Level 157 Toon and Level 165 Toon after I had complete with the Level 175 Toon. I will be using them mainly at month end when they reset the Battle Pass on the 28th, usually just doing the Tairan Daily Quest will be able to get the third Gold Box. Together with the Level 200 and Level 185 Toon, I can complete 26 Tairan Daily and Battle Pass in about 4 to 5 Days.

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