Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Glitch in The Matrix:


Seem like the new map texture is overlay over the old map texture, I was able to see some structure wall under the Drake Nest when my game client start giving problem. Last time we also use to drop below the floor of Merac Jail when we enter, but I am not sure if we would travel back in time if we drop from new map to old map.

They had extended the Anniversary Event for another week, more cake farming for all players. I was surprised that a lot of players didn't know that we are able to save the location of Lust Trum Level 8 on Memory Scroll, I also discover it by chance when I was exploring with my Specialist Fire Wind before the migration.

Now most of the players just follow a linear path in game and keep repeating the same stuff over and over again, they lack the curiosity to explore and discover new stuffs. It is not like the old days where one player bring up a doubt in the forum and the remaining of the players communities will start to try out different type of game play and then provide the communities with vast amount of details information which will benefit all.


Everything seem to go on as usual, notice a new Training Game Sage named Mine Lyric just join the team. I manage to met him at Four Realms when he accept the Boss Recall when I spawn the Realm Champion, a lot of players, Game Sage and Game Master had done so over the weeks.

He start telling me that I am not allow to use pet to kill mob, I start to raise doubt about it. I explain to him that I am not doing it AFK, I still have to open Easter Egg to prevent my inventory from getting full. I also have to activate my buffs every few minutes, I even have to response to Boss Spawn every once in a while.

Last time we have to answer math question, and most Game Sage and Game Master will initiate a Chat, a Party Request or a Trade Request to see if the player is AFK. The Game is design this way with Pet AI and Boss Spawn, so if it is not allow they should have completely remove it long time back. This show that he does not really understand the game design at all, so I ask him to consult other Game Sage or Game Master before jumping into conclusion.

He seem like he is unable to reason with me, so he decided to spawn a lot of Realm Champion on me. It is not really an issue for me as the Stun is able to be remove by Curse Removal Scroll and I got a lot of it. It will really be an issue for most players if it was Decendor of the Devil or Poseidon as they got Stone which cannot be remove by Curse Removal Scroll.

After watching me manage to kill all the Boss he spawn, he decided to leave me alone.  There are also Care Package at Juno and Merac so I just teleport back to town to get it, a player named Last game also need help locating the Orge Supervisor in Four Realms so I check my note and give him the Co Ordinate.

I kind of lose the mood for farming and decided to switch toon for Immortal Boss, not sure what is the final outcome of his discussion with other Game Sage and Game Master. But I hope they would be fair enough to accept my explanation about the game design and the function of the game mechanics, it is the only thing that make this game unique and enjoyable as compare to other game.

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