Thursday, May 2, 2024

Egg Hunt:


Anniversary Event had ended, Easter Event had start. From the Quest Reward everything seem to be the same but only increase the quantity, didn't really see any special Laca Ball for the Bunny Pet. As the 300% Exp Event is going on for another 4 more days, might as well level up the remaining Mage to Level 25 and Knight to Level 29 as backup.

Found a weird thing, a new player named Zekkan had setup Merchant Mode exactly like Zed. Although he is not in Onwards Guild but in Too High Gaming Guild instead, but the similar setup seem suspicious to me. He might have make a bad reputation over the months and decided to change a new identity, a very obvious sign is all his old Merchant Toons cannot be found.

He had told me he ran out of Stone of Wise for Buff, think he is expecting me to give him another stack of stone. But as I did not really sell much stuffs since Christmas, I don't really have the amount of gold to sponsor him. He should be able to buy it himself with so many stuffs he had manage to farm during the Halloween and Christmas Event, and I didn't really see him buff other players much as compare to Avatar, Mother Nature and Elvis.

The amount of stuffs he farm during the event exceed the maximum amount which is possible for god, the only other players which I see able to farm that much are Rick and Blessed. They might be using a lot of stuffs to boost their speed and drop rate, or they might be using hack or multiple device. Fawkes is still unable to prevent hack until now and it had cause serious lag on the server, usually most player will reduce the Graphic Setting to the lowest and remove the BG FX to reduce lag they encounter in certain map like Ebony Mine.

But with the discovery I found last week where the old map texture are still hiding under the new map texture, it kind of contribute to the issue too. Not sure when they are going to improve or fix that, but we do encounter a lot of disconnection recently whenever we AFK for long period of time. It had affected a lot of players trying to sell their stuff in Merchant Mode, and it will further affect the economy of the game greatly.


Training Game Sage Mine Lyric had start a new type of Hide and Seek where it let the players choose the hiding spot and win rewards if no player is able to find within 15 mins. It is quiet an innovation, and I had never see such improvement since Til Death Item Bingo although it is kind of complicated. Other Game Sage also did try another type of Race Event where there are different Game Sage or Game Master station at different location to disclose the next location to the players when they reach them.

New patch will be schedule around 10th to 15th of May, other than the Level 220 Level Limit and new Weapon and Armor Set with new map as expected there seem to be more. From the sneak peak posted by Goofy, there seem to be new pet. There are also a post about him able to split into multiple character, not sure if it is a new skill available for all players or just a function only available to the Management Staffs.

I think I am able to farm more than 500K of Token, it had far exceeded the 30K which I farm during the last patch. I hope it will be able to trade for better stuffs as compare to last year, if not I will just give them away if there are nothing interesting for me. I also don't think I will be leveling my toons to Level 220 as I feel that Level 185 is already sufficient for more stuffs. Might make using of the chance to get Level 200 Set if it is available as Starter Quest like the Level 185 Set during the last patch.

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