Thursday, May 9, 2024

Rabbit Foot:


They have a new patch, other than putting Bunny Leash in the Item Mall for 500 Fawkes Gems they also improve the rewards for Easter Egg. The change in rewards are as follows:

10K Gold to 1M Gold

100K Gold to 5M Gold

Potion of Haste to Super Haste Potion

Large Defense Potion to Lucky Dodge Potion

Large Attack Potion to Lucky Hit Rate Potion

Heaven Stone Grade 1 to Heaven Stone Grade 3

Candy to Chocolate

Item Drop, Skill Point and Experience Booster increase from 1 to 10

Large Experience Potion to Experience Box

The Power Potion, Medium Medicine and HP and MP Steal Potion seem to remain the same, not sure about Golden Magnifying Glass and Chaos Ball as I have never got any of it yet until now.

The Bunny need Level 20 to learn Level 1 Buff, Level 50 to learn Level 2 Buff, Level 100 to learn Level 3 Buff and Level 165 to learn Level 4 Buff. According to herowe it increase the drop rate by about 4 times. There seem to be a mixed reaction towards the Bunny Pet, some think it is not worth it as it only use once a year but some think it is still worth it as the rewards for the Easter Egg had improved.


Manage to level another 30 Horse to Level 130, it is easy while doing Immortal Boss in Juno. Last time I am worry about its starvation which will affect the leveling, but seem like it doesn't really get hungry that fast. Pet business seem to be bad since they introduce the Pet Package in Item Mall, I had switch to another better business by selling Skill Book.

The Offline Merchant Mode also prove to be very useful, I am using alternate character which I use for Immortal Boss in Dratan instead of my usual Main. I am able to leave it for long period of time and do my usual stuffs, only check on it once in a while or if it get disconnect when server crash. It really save me a lot of time when I do not have to keep setting up shop every night when I go to sleep, and other players will always know where to buy the stuffs they need after seeing the same shop selling the same stuff after some period of time.

P.S.: Chaos Ball seem to remain the same, but Golden Magnifying Glass had been change to Advance Grade Reformer.

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