Saturday, May 25, 2024

Strawberry Generation:


They are stupid enough to start Element of Iris Event before they end the Easter Event, this had make the shortage of Inventory Space even worst. And the schedule maintenance also didn't happen, and they had decided to extend the Easter Event for another week. The Element of Iris Event also repeat the same Element we had last time, this go to show that they don't really care or put much effort on the planning of the events.

A few incident had happened during the past week, I would say it had cause a bit of drama for the almost dead server. Moza Lito had been crying for Windy Buff and doesn't seem to get any due to a lot of Buffer had been going on vacation or busy with other stuffs in their life. I also had not been active much other than doing some farming to make use of the Bunny while the event last.

She claim that Sly will PK all the Buffer if nobody buff her, and end up she got PK by Sly and blame me for it. She never understand the real reason that had led to her getting PK, it was her big mouth which offended most of the players and she push the blame to someone who doesn't even had a clue or even in anyway related to the whole incident.

It is very common that a lot of newbie start to get over their head after they had reach certain level, I remember hearing that god PK a player name Trill due to his arrogant. This is also what happen to Diesel Boy before when he thought he owned the whole server just because he became very rich by selling Iris Cash.

A lot of newbie keep asking for stuffs which they cannot afford, like +30 Weapon or Premium Stuffs from Item Mall. They keep saying they just start playing and don't have much gold, but why they still desire expensive stuffs when they could not afford it? I remember we use to make the best of what is available to us and live with +10 or +15 Weapon and using those item which drop commonly from normal mob.

We had been through a lot of hardship to achieve what we had today and all these newbie just come and demand all the best item and complain about how difficult it is for them to play without those stuffs or buffs. All these newbie will not last long and will quit easily when they encounter bottleneck and start giving up when nobody is willing to help them anymore.


Never really play much since they remove the AOE Pet, been mostly helping Speedy and CanniBuz on their leveling at Four Realm Quest. Was surprise that Lady Wolf also decided to try out this server, but notice that Zekkan only play for a while and decided to go back to Horizon. The worst is that they had reduce the Experience for Floriam Cave and remove the Monster Combo to prevent players from using an alternative method for leveling, now it had become a linear path which is set by them with no freedom of choice.

Met a new player named Try Hard, he had remind me of Cleri and Blood Mage. He kept trying to level fast and would not rest until he reach maximum level, I told him to take it easy as he do not have all the stuffs he need and it will take a lot of time to get those stuffs. I try to support him in anyway I can as I don't really use much of the stuffs I had, he was very grateful for all the help I had offer.

Speedy ask me on how to get the Wedding Ring, I told him that he can try to get the Fragment from Good Moonstone or Laca Ball using Royal Aphelion Token. He found out that he could also get the Wedding Ring from Laca Ball using the Expedition Token too, but I told him it is much harder to get as it will take a lot of luck. Since he is going to play here for long, he should be able to get at least 4 per month from the Cash he get from Voting and staying online.

As he and Anaqsunamun had a lot of Alternate, it will still take about six months to a year for all their Alternate to get married. I had see a lot of familiar name pop up on the Guardian System, it is an indication of mass migration from Horizon to here. The Website also indicate an increase in number of active players over the week, I guess it is a good sign that the community is growing.

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