Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Speedy Gonzales:




Been using two of my Raid Boss Hunter for Easter Quest to try out the Bunny Pet, never really play much as Speedy Toes and Anaqsunamun from Too High Gaming Guild had decided to join the other server. I was busy helping them with a lot of stuffs over there, but still hope they doesn't quit like what Ghost did. I still think it is better to remain and enjoy the best of both side.


I was surprise to see Anaqsunamun asking about Skill Point on World Chat, she is the only other player I know from my country. I teleport back town and found Speedy Toes at Skill Master Area, pass him two Summer Pet to help them with their leveling while I try to finish up my farming of Troll Mucus at Four Realms.

They had join a day before the New Patch, but still get to enjoy the Easter Event for a while. Since they are going to build their Too High Gaming Guild here, I decided to pass them most of my stuffs. Speedy Toes had been very helpful to Newbie back on Horizon Server, I trust that he will help a lot of Newbie here. I was surprised that CanniBuz also decided to join the server, he told me his wife Kanna Gypsy is busy with her study now and will join later. 

Very disappointed with the New Patch as they decided to remove Pet AOE, I think I will be less active here as it is too much effort to farm for stuff now. Don't think I will be leveling to Level 220, as at Level 185 is able to perform most of the function I need. I hope they will bring back Pet AOE in the near future as it really help Newbie a lot, for now we just have to rely on Legendary Pet as they got high attack.

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