Wednesday, March 27, 2024

New Server:


Finally got both Elephant to Level 60, my Holy Bless Toon also reach Level 147. Going to try leveling another Lizard and Polar Bear while I get my Holy Bless Toon to Level 150, hopefully will be able to achieve that before the Anniversary Event end. Very disappointed that there are no Cake for this Anniversary Event, I foresee the Easter Event is going to start next week.


Able to farm about 5K to 10K of Pre Patch Token daily, seem like I will be able to get about 200K Token as compare to the previous year 50K Token. Able to complete the Easter Weekly Quest in just 2 to 3 days, the repeated Orange Easter Egg instead of Purple Egg had been so since last year. It is like the Red Bull Quest which require Keleino Feather on two different quest which doesn't make sense to kill twice as many Undead Boss as compare to other Realm Boss.

Although we can exchange Keleino Feather with Realm Magic Ball, but it would require us to kill 7 more Realm Master on top of the 42 we need for it. I think the Keleino Feather should be Vampire Blood instead as it doesn't seem to have any use for other quest, at least those stuff require for Daily Quest are untradable. Met a few Newbie during these period, I give them Shiva Pet to help them with farming of event items. 


New server had start, it let you start direct at Level 180 and have x20 SP x30 Drop x 15 Pet XP. Everything seem good until I try it out and found that it decided to IP Block my country, after using VPN to log on I found that the mobs for the quest are also Level 180 and take long time to kill. The choice of pet are also limited to the usual one, and doesn't really interest me much.

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