Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Easter Event:


Pet Exp Event as expected, manage to level my Holy Bless Toon to Level 145 and Elephant to Level 60. Switch to my Haste Toon for the Drop Event, hopefully can get some Speed Boot or Cool Down Helmet.


Finally found the Care Package at Frost Core after long time, it is good that the Gilese Affinity Shop sell the Entry Ticket for Gilese and Frost Core at 10M, it help me to save a lot with the 490M discount. There is a Titan name Killian Mbappette going around killing players, I am not sure what is the point of doing that, maybe he just want to boost his PVP Ranking. He had kill me serveral times at Channel 3 at Tairan Center while I am trying to complete my Daily Quest, he finally got bored and give up after a while.

Easter Event had started, there is also a Level 220 Patch coming. This time the Easter Egg give better rewards, but still not my favorite event like the Summer Event and Christmas Event as Halloween Event still give the best rewards. Not sure if I would want to level up any more as I can already do most of the stuffs at Level 185, it will be a very slow and hard journey with similar encounter like Mushroom Land.

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