Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Mission Impossible:



Try to level a Ex Ranger and see how far I can go, took about 7 hours and manage to reach Level 103. It was not easy as I do not have any good accessory or buff to support it, but overall it still turn out well. The procedure will be as follows:

Get to Level 9 by and start SP farming on Sassy with LSP and SPB for an hour or two, you should get about 10K of SP by the time you finished the 1K SPB. Then continue to level to Level 20 and go to Procyon Temple until you get the Level 31 Set, you can use LSP if you want. Make sure you choose your dual class, learn all the passive skill and learn the highest damage active skill.

You can now go to Temple of Forgetfulness using LI, XPB, Cool Down, HP and MP Steal until you get Level 60 Set. After that you can go Tomb until you reach Level 100 or more, but it will be advisable to learn more passive skill and the highest damage active skill and also relog to refresh your Elizabeth Buff. The trick is just to keep spamming skill as you have Skill Cool Down and MP Steal, the HP Steal and fast leveling with LI and XPB will ensure you survive the higher level mob.


I decided to try out the same on Royal Knight after 6ix 9ine say it is trying to level a knight for Phoenix, the good thing is that I got good accessory and GM Buff to provide good support. But the result turn out to be a surprise as I only manage to reach Level 95 as Sphinx Commander seem too difficult for me, but overall it is still satisfactory as I only did it in 4 hours as I did not SP Farm on Sassy.

The lack of Invisible Skill and Range Attack also a major contribution to the failure as getting pass Anubis Archer became difficult, so certain class still got better advantage in this area and would be a better choice for it. Have try using Wizard using AOE Skill but found that the defense is too weak to tank when getting mobbed by too many mob, the situation is still manageable in Temple of Forgetfulness but it became worst in Tomb.


They have start a Daily Log In Reward System, all the stuffs are character bound and having issue of opening in bulk. They have make mob in Mushroom Land to drop Level 200 Gear, it is a move to make it easy for newbie like the three Gift of Star Accessory, Superior PBI and Title Status Boost. But a lot of players seem to lose interest in it as there are not much events or new contents, the main reason that contribute to that is mainly because they Nerf a lot of things and doesn't really allow players the freedom of choice.

Actually it will came to the same result sooner or later, I will try my best to explain the theory. If they make it too easy, a lot of players will complete fast and find it boring. If they make it too hard, a lot of players will start complaining about it and quit. They have to strike a perfect balance between the two extreme and by doing that they become not much different as compare to official server.

They had increase Drop Rate and XP to make it easy for players to get stuffs and level, but they also have to increase the amount of mob require to kill for quest or amount of item require to collect for pictorial book. The only advantage they had so far are free cash for players and improved user interface like Buff, Auto Laca Ball and Moonstone, but all these are going to change soon when the official server start to do the same in near future.

The greatest advantage the official server had is the wide variety of events, and they are trying their best to improve on the rewards to make it more enjoyable for players. They also did not try to make players follow a fixed path for leveling and offer players a wide variety of option to choose their own path.

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