Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly:


Give my Level 57 Horse to Elvis as he will be giving more buff than me, the next one will be ready in about 3 to 4 weeks. Some players will always do what is best for the majority, they truly understand that it is just a game. I had receive a lot of help from them since I started back before the migration, now is the time to repay their kindness.

Not all players really show appreciation, some of them are selfish and only think for themselves.  They care too much about their gain and loss, treat other players like an idiot and try to take advantage of others. Slowly they build a bad reputation and most players start to ignore them, they will not be able to get much help or even get the stuffs they need.

A new player named MiMi keep whining that blue mob doesn't drop event item, when I ask her why is that so a lot of other players start to give their opinions. Some say only getting Rain Drop from blue mob but not Insect other than last Insect Collection Event, but I told them I had been getting Insect from blue mob since Gamigo time and Fawkes had not make any changes since then.

I also point out that blue mob also drop a lot of other stuffs like Token and Moonstone Box, and it still give Ignition as long as it is within 6 Level different. I go on to elaborate that green mob doesn't drop Treasure Map or Iris Element and doesn't give Blood Seal when they are 5 Level different, but it will still give when it is 4 Level different.

The reason that MiMi doesn't get XPB most likely is because the event clearly stated it is for Level 1 to 35 and it is only Proycon Temple, MiMi is already Level 63 and some other players still think this event also include Velpist Temple too like the Gold Booster. Assume = Ass U and Me, it is like the blind leading the blind when they don't even bother to read the fine print or really try it out themselves.

Most of them just think they got a lot of experience after playing for few years, or think they know everything when they refer to the info provided in the Weebly site. I guess a lot of them are going to hate me for telling the truth and publicly shaming them, but I wouldn't bother much about them as they don't really contribute much to the community.

Another player named Big Natty Crits had been destroying all the remaining Dratan Flower even after it had manage to spawn the Elemental Boss, I am not sure it is just targeting me or all the pet leveler but I just had to shift my location to Merac. I also don't understand what is the point of keeping the Elemental Boss since they had already remove the Elemental Jewel, a lot of changes they make just doesn't make any sense to me.

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