Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Survival Guide for Newbies

You know you are a Newbie when:

You equip Weapon and Armour same Level as you.

You keep running around in the river trying to find your way out.

You assign Intelligent to your Titan and Knight Status or Strength to your Sorcerer and Mage Status.

You did not learn any Passive Skill.

You only save one location on your Scroll of Memorization.

You keep wondering how other gets their Glowing Weapon and Fairy Armour.

You use Heaven Stone to upgrade your Weapon from the start.

You keep picking up drops yourself even you have a pet.

You pet keep dying because of starvation.

You wait five days for your pet to revive.

You keep trying to harvest for Herb and Stone without using Tool Aids.

You buy Blood Seal Gems from other player for more than 1,000 Golds.

You sold the extra accessory to the Trader.

You keep exceeding your weight limit or run out of space to keep your stuffs.

You scarified your Level 31 Pet for Pet Parts.

Weapon and Armour:

Always buy and equip Weapons four Level higher than you and Armors five Level higher than you. Try to upgrade your Weapon and Armour to +3 from Level 10 onwards, you can transmute same Level Weapon or Armour into Smelting Stone with Transmuter. Weapon will give you two Smelting Stones instead of one as compare to Armour, and Pants and Boot are cheaper than Shirt and Helmet. Only upgrade Weapon and Armour to +4 if it is Level 29 or more as you can change the Class of it with Collector Ryl.

Skills and Status:

Always learn Passive Skill to Level Four first. Always join Party, you get the most Experience Point and Skill Point in Party. Always fight monsters which is same Level as you, it give you the most Skill Point. 1100 for regular monster, 3300 for Velpist Temple and 5500 for Prokion Temple. It would be best to put all Status Point on Strength for Titan and Knight, Dexterity for Healer and Rogue and Intelligent for Sorcerer and Mage. The reassign of Status Point can be done when changing to Dual Class at Level 31 depending on the Skill Requirement at Level 32 and 38, it can also be reassigned after that with Crean after Dual Class.


Get a Guardian before you achieve Level 11, you will get a Level 21 Event Weapon with attack power of Level 29 Weapon if you achieve Level 20 in ten days. You can become a Guardian when you achieve Level 20, and you will get ten Reputation Points for every Apprentice who complete their Training under you in ten days.

Blood Seals:

Buy Blood Seal Gems from Merchant Geres to unlock the Blood Seal Ability of Weapons and Armors when you are Level 10. Five Blood Seal for Weapon and Three Blood Seal for Armour. +4 Strength for Glove, +2 Constitution for Shirt and Pant, +4 Dexterity for Boot and +4 Intelligent for Helmet are consider good. You will not get any Blood Seal if you are fighting monsters five Level lower than you. Your Pet will not get any Experience if you are fighting monsters six Level lower than you.


Buy Combination Box from Merchant Geres to combine three bad Accessories into one new Accessory. Any accessory with at least two of the followings are consider good, +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity or +4 Intelligent if with additional +2 Constitution it will be even better. Strength and Dexterity for Titan, Knight, Healer and Rogue, Intelligent and Dexterity for Sorcerer and Mage and Constitution for all Class


Always harvest 27 Green Herb Leafs and Quality Stone with Tool Aids, and only do the Pet Quest after you got enough Green Herb Leafs and Quality Stone. Always assign a Function Key for Pet Item Pick Up. It will be better to Mount Horse at Level 37 as you can get Level 10 Horse Buff, it is also better to Mount Dragon at Level 33 for Level 9 Dragon Breath. You can assign a Function Key for Pet Village Return once you got a Mount.

PS: Give him a fish and feed him for a day, teach him to fish and he would not starve for life.

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