Thursday, September 29, 2022

Rainy Season:

 Manage to get a Ring Accessory from Keron Mage Affinity, it will be a nice accessory like the Flower Earring from Burbank Farm Affinity but too bad it is non tradable too. 

 The Rain Drop Event had come to and end, I think the next event should be back to Element of Iris again. But this time it should still be Rain but only a different type. Didn't know that it can be trade for rewards at the Domain Merchant, have been using it as normal potion all the while. 

 I was lucky that I still got about 50 Rain Water and 350 Rain Drop on both toons from the last event, guess my plan to save stuffs for future uses did turn out to be an advantage after all. This event I did not collect that much Rain as I am playing at higher level, so it is still better to farm for stuffs at low level during most event. 

 Even without event, I also using low level toons to farm stuffs for high level toon, it will make the leveling process so much easier as you will really need a lot of potions, minerals and scrolls if you do not have good gears or accessory. 

 Manage to get Long Shot to help me with the Death Knight Quest, I had try with Level 3 Ignition but fail as it manage to one hit kill me. I was planning to try Level 5 Ignition when Long Shot offer to help, actually he also didn't do much other than tanking the damage but I manage to kill it and complete the quest with Level 3 Ignition instead of 5. 

 Guess High HP did help a lot at higher level, I now understand why so many players are crazy about Coral Jewel, they usually melt it with accessory which can be use for other toon later. Black Pearl for increase Attack and White Pearl for increase Hit Rate are also the popular jewel which a lot of players are looking for. 

 Made an agreement with Long Shot that if one day I decided to quit the new server and stay in the old server for good, we will trade our stuffs from both server with each other as he is more keen to stay in new server. He claim that I will not be able to hold all his stuffs as his storage is full, I guess he had under estimated me as I had 6 different accounts with 19 toons including the two old one which I just recover back. 

 One of the old account actually got 5 toons because of server merge, and I still got 6 more slot to create new toons to make it a total of 25. He only have 2 accounts with 7 toons so far from what I observe, so I am very sure I will be able to have enough storage space for all his stuffs as there are some stuffs which are non tradable too. 

 Had been chatting with ZeDan on Discord Chat while I am playing on new server, he had taught me a lot of stuffs. This had affect my future to a certain extend, in order to get the most buffs I will need to create Elementalist for Windy Hand, Specialist for Windy Step and Cleric for Holy Bless on 3 different accounts which I seldom use so that the other 3 accounts which i often use will be able to enjoy the advantage. 

 Templar Knight also had the Highest HP and Defense with Reflection Skill which is valuable in Castle Siege, Ex Ranger are the best for PVP. Wizard Chaos Nova Skill is what most players fear most as it can hit 10 targets, but I will not be playing that as Mage is slow like Titan. I still prefer Royal Knight and Assassin better as they can kill fast with dual weapon, they also doesn't need so much complication skills as they have higher hit rate and evasion.

 Also found out that Blue Gears are better than Purple Gears as they can be trade into other class with Collector Ryl, but I will still upgrade the Erebus Gears as most of my toons are Knight. Also found out that Sin Killer and Owl Affinity Shop sell good stuffs which can be resell at higher price to make fast money, and I can still do Affinity at higher level as it still give the same point.

 But I will still try to do it at lower level as I really enjoy drop farming over leveling, that is why I always value stuffs which improve drop rate over any XP or SP stuffs. Also found out that it will be more advisable for me to at least play both server daily for at least 30 minutes for the Attendance Rewards, so I might be using one account to AFK in Merchant Mode while playing on the other account.

 Heard that Businessman had been harassing low level players for Wooden Key at Sasquatch site with his Titan named Ceausescu, guess they are getting desperate as the World Cup Festival is coming near. Light Bringer Guild had request their high level players to stay there to protect their low level players.

 Have create another 2 Guild named Dragon Hunter and Demon Slayer at the old server, all my Level 50 and above toons will be hunting Grand Red Dragon while all my Level 30 and above toons will hunt Grand Balrog. All the remaining low level toons will remain in First Knight Guild until they reach the require level for transfer.

 Still stick to the original plan of making 2 high level toons in two different account, one will be Royal Knight Apollo Mars and the other will be Assassin Mercury Venus. I will be playing Royal Knight most of the time, the Assassin is just create for my wife in case she decided to play again when the Halloween Event start.

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