Thursday, March 23, 2023

Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice:




It is the Final Count Down, just a few days before the Official Game is back. I decided to start selling my stuffs cheap, maybe will be able to become a Multi Trillionaire in few days. There is a player named Lorena who keep claiming she is new and begging for free stuffs, but a lot of players start to realize it is a Cry Wolf Story after some time. A lot of players had already give her a lots of stuffs but she claim she doesn't remember it, so now a lot of players start to ignore her completely.

It kind of remind me of my Pinoy 3rd Engineer, always Happy Go Lucky and spending all his money. I had help him get $50 by giving him a receipt for buying DVDs for Xmas, but he spend it away on girl on the next call in Mexico. He later told me that he saw a very nice camera and wanted to buy it before he went home, but I am not going to lend him the money for it as I know I will never get it back. I told him that he should not have expectation if he is unable to afford it, but my words will just blown away by the wind.

It is like I had an apple and I always give it to a friend, then one day I feel that somebody else need it more than him. But he will keep thinking that the apple actually belong to him, he will never appreciate the kindness and will start to turn against me the moment I stop giving him the apple. They got a lot of pride in them, if you praise them they will be very nice toward you. But the moment you start to tell them about their mistakes, they will become your worst enemy.

This game is already easy, you can get all the stuffs you need just by doing quest. Even for other games you will still be able to survive if you work hard and farm stuffs to sell, so doesn't matter whether which game you play you will never go far if you just sit around and beg for free stuffs. For that matters I had decided to write a simple guide for newbie to follow so that they can enjoy the game, it might be a bit different from the official guide on Discord as you doesn't really get to enjoy much of what the game got to offer.

When you start the game you will already get a good amount of gold of about 5M, you also get a newbie Title which give good boost and a Newbie Box with +20 Gears and three good accessory. There are also some potions and boosters which will help you along the way but I prefer to save it for later. You go to the Quest Manager to accept the Newbie Quests which will give you all the stuffs you need all the way until Level 165.

The first quest you can complete is to kill Fox and Sasquatch, I will recommend to wait until you are Level 31 and get the next +20 Gear Set before you try to kill the Level 185 Newbie Hunter at the center of the map at Burbank Mill. Although I am able to do it at Level 16 with Level 5 Ignition, but it I did fail when I try it at Level 7 as I am unable to cause much damage.


After completing the first quest, you will get a Premium Character Package, as it only last for 30 days I would recommend to use it when you are ready to do Tomb. Usually I would prefer to farm for some Pictorial Book stuffs, will hunt in Juno until Level 20 and go to Dratan until Level 31. I will do Merac until Level 53 and then go to Dratan again until Level 57, you will get another +20 Set at Level 42. 


Getting a P2 Pet with 70K Status will be a good choice, if not any other pets with 7K or 5K Status would be good enough too. You can get Protection and Counter Strike Target Arrow from Pet Merchant to let the Pet AI help with combat, can consider Item Search too if you want it to pick up stuffs.

After getting the next +20 Set at Level 57, you can consider doing Temple of Forgetfulness to Level Pet and SP Farm. The next map to do is Egeha when you reach Level 70, it will be good to use some booster to farm gold from Level 88 Cursed Weaver and you will get your +20 Set at Level 87. You can now consider using the Premium Character Package and do Tomb to complete your next quest.

Set Auto Pick Up to Other as those weapon and armor drops can't sell for gold at NPC, it will pick up key and token but you will still have to pick up some other stuffs like Moonstone Box, Heaven Stone or those really good stuffs from God Hand. You can level up to Level 110 at the Tomb, the next recommendation to Level 145 will be Floriam Cave over Trival Crayon as you can complete the next quest and farm gold from Lilit. You will get your +20 Set at Level 121, don't have to worry about the Durability of the Gears as it doesn't really affect in this game. You can use Golden Magnifying Glass to get the Hidden Seals which will help a bit.

You will be able to use the Exp Tonic with Estella to gain about 12 Levels, but the Tonic will only work from Level 50 to Level 150. There is a better Tonic which work from Level 150 to Level 160, you can choose to use  it for easy leveling or just enjoy the process of farming for more stuffs. With Platinum Blessed Iris and Exp Booster it will not take much time to level up, using the Tonic will level up within few minutes but killing mobs will only take about 2 days.

From Level 145 onward you can choose between Tairan and Misty Crayon, there is a quest to complete at Tairan at the Middle of the map but you need to get your +20 Set at Level 157 before you can survive Middle Tairan. Chaser at Misty Crayon will be easier and faster as compare to Seeker and Rawhead at Tairan, just complete the quest to get the Level 165 Set and spend the rest of the time on Misty Crayon until you reach Level 165.

Now you get the Level 165 Set, you just have to upgrade it to +16 using Rune and Protection and +28 using Master Stone. You can get some Jewel to meld on to it for more boost, but I would recommend getting a Phoenix Ticket which is cheaper and more efficient. You can farm for AOE Skill Book with Skill Master at Tomb, they will drop Legendary Scroll which give 7 Sockets and also +10 Status Point. You can max out the Status Point to 2.5K, you can also start killing Level 200 Raid Boss in Juno and Dratan.

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