Saturday, September 30, 2023

Halloween Event:








They had decided to remove Cube Buff for the recent patch, a lot of players had been very upset about it. It had make Leveling more difficult, and a lot of players decided to just sit around for attendance and not going to do anything until they bring the Cube Buff back. It is not really all bad new, at least they did update the Item Mall with new stuffs even though some of the pricing doesn't really make sense. 

The Fall Event had also started, I was actually planning to farm some Boosters to help with the server economy until I encounter IP Block. It was not for a very long period, but since the Halloween Event is going to start on other server I decided to give this event a pass. Since there are no more Cube Buff, the Game Master Buff doesn't really appeal anybody much.


Halloween Event had started, as expected the rewards are much better. I had save up all the Halloween Candy from the Tier Spender Rewards just to prepare for this event, manage to complete 4 Daily Quest with just 10% of the Candy. The remaining of the Quest would require me to collect Empty Basket and Pumpkin, as it require killing of same level mobs it will be a good time for me to do Extreme Juno for the Rune.

I might also consider doing the Red Bull Quest for the Wing after I had finish with the Rune from Extreme Juno Quest, then it will be Frost Core, Gliese and Maze. Manage to get 6 Costume Box from the Daily Quest, 3 for Night Shadow, 2 for Rogue and 1 for Mage, decided to dress up a few of my toon to match the Halloween Event. Hopefully I will be able to get Knight, Healer, Sorcerer and Titan one to complete the whole collection, with the amount of candy I had left I should be able to complete Daily Quest for another 18 more days without any effort.  

Manage to see Beamer join the server, I give him the same stuffs which I gave Mad Spring before to help him. He had been very grateful for all the help I gave him, but it is really nothing much as there are always abundance of stuffs on this server. They will understand after playing for some time and they will do the same for other new players in the future when they got enough stuffs.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Till Death Do Us Part:



Rain Drop Event had ended, manage to get 2 Heaven Stone Grade 12 and 3 Legendary Iris. Give the 3 Legendary Iris to my Apprentice Hans Solo as he will need it for his Vald Quest later, he had not been playing much as his parent only allow him to play on weekend now after one night he play late and cannot wake up the next day morning.

New patch had introduce new rewards for the Attendance System, the new rewards that replace Ace of Diamond are as follows:

  • Day 30 - Gold Token x10
  • Day 60 - Pet Fairy Ticket (7d)
  • Day 90 - Skill Point Booster x50
  • Day 120 - Key for additional bag 1
  • Day 150 - Key for additional bag 2
  • Day 180 - 90Lv Jump Potion
  • Day 250 - 5 Legendary Skill Pill
  • Day 300 - Item Drop Booster x50
  • Day 350 - Warehouse Storage Card
  • Day 400 - Memory Scroll Expansion Card x1
  • Day 500 - Experience Booster x50
  • Day 600 - Gold Token x15
  • Day 700 - Snow Leopard Leash
  • Day 800 - Advance-Grade Reform Potion x15
  • Day 900 - Legendary Scroll x5
  • Day 1000 - Jewel Pocket Grade 25 x15
  • Day 1200 - EXP Pet CD Remover x10
  • Day 1400 - 120Lv Jump Potion
  • Day 1600 - Legendary Iris x5
  • Day 2000 - Jump Potion Lvl. 185

The rest of the rewards for Attendance Token and Title remain the same from the previous time, they also allow Merchant Profession above the limit of Level 55 now. Most players are able to make their Night Shadow and Phoenix to become Merchant, if not there are a lot of stuffs they are unable to trade. The rewards from the Attendance System also make sure players are able to get some premium stuff like the Phoenix Quest, at least we are able to expect more improvement in time to come.



Been farming for Coin of Master the whole weekend, manage to get another 45K of Coin of Master which bring my total number to 95K. Also manage to farm about 55K of Token over the 4 Days as they start the event on Friday and end it on Monday, I will be spending another few days to clear the Token. During the process I had help two Newbies named Nightmare and Nekone, give them a good P2 Pet which will help them in their quest.


I join the Hide and Seek event and mange to get a Platinum Event Ticket, it give a Master of all Event Title which give good Status Boost and cool Artifact Wing. Guess it is because I am the only one who manage to find the Game Sage Til Death at Mondshine during Round 3 and the 2nd Player to find him again during Bonus Round. 


This Game Sage had a habit of hiding high up in the mountain at very hard to reach place, most of the time players will be getting stuck at the slope and unable to reach his location. It is the most challenging Hide and Seek event I had ever participate, and it kind of improve my skill of mountain climbing in game over the months. 


It is a good way to explore the map and discover new things through all these events, if not most players only spend their time in Juno, Tomb, Floriam Cave, Misty Crayon, Tairan, Four Realms, Maze and Extreme Juno. Egeha had become popular after they introduce the new patch to make it Level 200, Frost Core had also become popular when the mobs drop new skill book. Dratan, Merac, Streiana, Bloodymir and Mondshine remains empty with nobody to explore unless there are events there.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Rainy Season:




MadSpring had decided to try this server, he manage to join my guild. I give him a lot of stuffs which I think he will need, mainly are Shiva Pet with AOE, Blue Cube, Ignition Lvl 4, 14D Buff, Phoenix Ticket, Reforge Catalyst, Platinum Reformer, Chaos Tourmaline, Legendary Scroll, AOE Skill Book. He manage to get a lot of drops and ran out of storage space, so I give him Warehouse Storage Expansion and all the Extra Bag Keys to help him with it.

He manage to get to Level 155 in just a day, and I see him become Level 162 on the next day. Guess he manage to finish all the starter quests and get his Level 165 Set, now the hard part will come when he reach Level 165 and had to do the Four Realms. I never really complete the Red Bull Quest for Phoenix Wing, also never did Extreme Juno, Frost Core Ruin, Maze or Gilise. I will try to complete those with their Affinity when I find the time.


Rain Drop Event had started, to my surprise they give better rewards as follows:

1x Advanced Grade Reformer 25%
1x Heaven Stone 5 17%
5x Red Lucky Pouch 14%
5x Candle 14%
1x Attack Speed Booster 11%
1x Legendary Iris 11%
1x Heaven Stone 12 8%

I manage to get Heaven Stone Grade 12 by Luck, so far haven't got any Heaven Stone Grade 5 or Legendary Scroll yet. Hannah told me she need Elephant, I give mine to her since I had never really use it since migration.

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly:




When I went back to farm some World Cup Festival Box, the event had ended. Check with Estella to see if I won any prize for the Spain Flag but get nothing. While continue with my Pictorial Book Farming, I also try using my new Farming Toons. But the result doesn't turn out to be expected, higher level mobs had a very bad drop rate. Make some adjustment as some high level mobs doesn't drop the production material as stated at Weebly Site, like I got 36 Tail from Silver Fox but can't seem to get any Hide. Even Clever Fox only drop Hide after getting 24 Tail, so lower level mobs are much better for farming production material. But at least they are ready for the coming Halloween Event, but I am not sure if I will be using them as the other server Halloween Event might be much better.


There are banning of 50 account on Orisis Server due to duping of items, and a lot of stuffs had been removed. It had cause a shortage of stuffs on the server and the price of stuffs sky rocket to a crazy level. A lot of players start to quit and come over to Horizon Server as the economy is more stable as compare to other servers. The lack of events also bring some unhappiness to the players, most of the time there are not much active players. I just kill Raid Boss as usual to get more Tool Aid for god and also trying to stock up more Lucky Scroll for the coming Christmas Event.


Although Horizon Server is having XP, SP and Drop Rate Event during the Weekend, the Aphelion Server had much better event with mobs dropping Coin of Master again. So I decided to spend the weekend at Aphelion for the better events, I also going to try the new Battle Pass System that come with the new patch. To my surprise I manage to farm 60K of Token in a day due the a glitch in the Battle Pass System which give Premium Rewards instead of Free Rewards, 40K of the Token come from the bug until they patch it on Sunday Night.

Other than the Token I also manage to get a lot of good stuffs from the Battle Pass System, 20K of other Token and 10K of Moonstone Box and Chaos Ball. It will took me a few days to clear them all, and I will have more stuffs to sell after that. At least there will never be any shortage of stuffs on this server, and I had seen quite a few common stuffs selling cheaper due to the new patch. Really impress by the effort that the staffs put in to design the improvement, guess it will slowly pull more players from other server in time to come.