Saturday, September 30, 2023

Halloween Event:








They had decided to remove Cube Buff for the recent patch, a lot of players had been very upset about it. It had make Leveling more difficult, and a lot of players decided to just sit around for attendance and not going to do anything until they bring the Cube Buff back. It is not really all bad new, at least they did update the Item Mall with new stuffs even though some of the pricing doesn't really make sense. 

The Fall Event had also started, I was actually planning to farm some Boosters to help with the server economy until I encounter IP Block. It was not for a very long period, but since the Halloween Event is going to start on other server I decided to give this event a pass. Since there are no more Cube Buff, the Game Master Buff doesn't really appeal anybody much.


Halloween Event had started, as expected the rewards are much better. I had save up all the Halloween Candy from the Tier Spender Rewards just to prepare for this event, manage to complete 4 Daily Quest with just 10% of the Candy. The remaining of the Quest would require me to collect Empty Basket and Pumpkin, as it require killing of same level mobs it will be a good time for me to do Extreme Juno for the Rune.

I might also consider doing the Red Bull Quest for the Wing after I had finish with the Rune from Extreme Juno Quest, then it will be Frost Core, Gliese and Maze. Manage to get 6 Costume Box from the Daily Quest, 3 for Night Shadow, 2 for Rogue and 1 for Mage, decided to dress up a few of my toon to match the Halloween Event. Hopefully I will be able to get Knight, Healer, Sorcerer and Titan one to complete the whole collection, with the amount of candy I had left I should be able to complete Daily Quest for another 18 more days without any effort.  

Manage to see Beamer join the server, I give him the same stuffs which I gave Mad Spring before to help him. He had been very grateful for all the help I gave him, but it is really nothing much as there are always abundance of stuffs on this server. They will understand after playing for some time and they will do the same for other new players in the future when they got enough stuffs.

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